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Dakota and brody

In one of his tweets Brody said that people from his personal life had been stalking him, probably with homophobic remarks. Perhaps that accounts somewhat for his defensiveness in the interview.

i understand your point. But I wonder if the people in his personal life bought into the site to watch. And if it bothers him and he really doesn't like it. Like he say's.
Why keep doing it? Money and small amount of fame outweigh the bad? Then don't bitch about it.
It is his choice.

I've said this time and time again - If you have any fear of stalkers or homophobia then don't go showing yourself online. Whether it be doing porn or stuff like F4F or Chaturbate One pics or vids of you go online, basically you are screwed.
I've said this time and time again - If you have any fear of stalkers or homophobia then don't go showing yourself online. Whether it be doing porn or stuff like F4F or Chaturbate One pics or vids of you go online, basically you are screwed.

I so agree with this view, but as we know "Money" is the drive to hopefully get thru there scenes without getting caught, "its not a matter of if they find out" "Its a matter when the find out" Alexander K, 26 June 2014

I continually get frustrated with some of the guys reaffirming and declaring there sexuality and then when you go to there social media (to drum up fan support) they are there in all there glory, (one wonders how the models minds work) in one mind they don't wont to be doing porn and in another they are egging it on.

all I can confirm that I respect the choices these guys have made, but there is a consequence to every action. I believe that if they know themselves so well, they will rise above any controversy as the only one they need to justify themselves too, is themselves.
I so agree with this view, but as we know "Money" is the drive to hopefully get thru there scenes without getting caught, "its not a matter of if they find out" "Its a matter when the find out" Alexander K, 26 June 2014

I continually get frustrated with some of the guys reaffirming and declaring there sexuality and then when you go to there social media (to drum up fan support) they are there in all there glory, (one wonders how the models minds work) in one mind they don't wont to be doing porn and in another they are egging it on.

all I can confirm that I respect the choices these guys have made, but there is a consequence to every action. I believe that if they know themselves so well, they will rise above any controversy as the only one they need to justify themselves too, is themselves.

Good post. I too get pissed off with the repetitive chorus of for example, i'm Tyler White and I'm broke and straight and shove my dick in my gfs ass... before each scene. Today's scene was a typical example of the verbosity and there is no need for all this before each scene.
Good post. I too get pissed off with the repetitive chorus of for example, i'm Tyler White and I'm broke and straight and shove my dick in my gfs ass... before each scene. Today's scene was a typical example of the verbosity and there is no need for all this before each scene.

Well Jon,

I have a slightly different take on that. I tend to like a little more interview (or post interview) than you do. You do realize though that you are taking a thread off topic by discussing the Tyler/Abram scene here, right? :001_tongue: lol At least the interviews have evolved beyond the simple and boring, "My name is X, doing a scene with model Z, doing positions A, B or C. My scene partner (who I've known for all of 3 hours, lol) seems like a really good/nice/cool/chill guy." After sitting through the awkwardness and redundancy of that, anything substantive the models give us beyond that point is like manna from heaven. For me at least. haha
Good post. I too get pissed off with the repetitive chorus of for example, i'm Tyler White and I'm broke and straight and shove my dick in my gfs ass... before each scene. Today's scene was a typical example of the verbosity and there is no need for all this before each scene.


I agree with you 100 per cent on this, Jon. I DO enjoy the BTS interviews when a great interviewer like Sha, does them - as they delve a little more deeply into how the model feels, in a somewhat more realistic fashion. Hey, I don't mind it at all either, if a model exclaims that he is freaked out by what he is about to do. . . if that's the way he feels - or, even if he is acting, convincingly!

However, as I think you have pointed out on a couple of occasions, I too am finding these long interview-sequences prior to the "action" in the videos to be pretty much a distraction. Based on the photo sequence which came along with this set, I would have appreciated more a simple, clean, lead-up to the scene, in which the guys sat out in the garden (or on the patio) whatever it was. . . and relaxed and warmed up and got into the scene? I think it would have been far sexier.

Again, I like and appreciate the BTS interviews, and I think it is fascinating to hear the models discourse in those interviews about what they like, and don't like, about doing the scenes. And their lives in general. But as for these long, intercut, pre-scene interviews, I mostly just skip them. I find them to be (to quote my dear Mr. K.): sort of a 'buzzkill'.

Quote Originally Posted by joninliverton View Post

I too get pissed off with the repetitive chorus of for example, i'm Tyler White and I'm broke and straight and shove my dick in my gfs ass... before each scene. Today's scene was a typical example of the verbosity and there is no need for all this before each scene.

You couldn't be more right. I could give a crap less about all this "mea culpa." I didn't sign up for a biography and I certainly have no interest in a model's personal sex life. The just need to get on with what they came to do. (and incidentally Tampa, I am really curious as to what you could possibly find interesting about the boring interviews).
Joninliverton;157030]When Brody first appeared on this site I thought we had found a gud un as they say. After 2 or 3 scenes he has been coached to become just another Broke Straight Boys model who is told what to say to try and convince us that he is a Broke Straight Boys This sucks, as does the stupid start of these current scenes where for 5 mins we are subject to guys repeating what they have already scripted in their last scenes.

As for the scene - I never got that far..

JON: Not to worry. All you missed is a very boring and unnecessary speech.
You couldn't be more right. I could give a crap less about all this "mea culpa." I didn't sign up for a biography and I certainly have no interest in a model's personal sex life. The just need to get on with what they came to do. (and incidentally Tampa, I am really curious as to what you could possibly find interesting about the boring interviews).

Well AG I'm agreeing with you that the latest interview style has been rather boring. As at least one other person has said, they can be awkward and almost painful at times to watch the models' level of discomfort in speaking to the camera. The interviews that I've liked the most in the past have been those where the models talked about their hobbies, interests or the latest news in their real lives. (All of it being somewhat sanitized for the privacy concerns of public consumption of course.) New cars, moving to a new apartment, city, or state, family issues, girlfriend updates, stories about how their friends and loved ones are digesting the news of them doing video work on the site... In short, things that humanize them and make them relatable as real people.