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Dakota and brody


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
I liked the fact it was shot outside, it was a great change. Dakota is really a good versatile model. I wasn't a huge fan of Brody's before this scene, and after his pre-scene interview I for sure can't stand him!! During the scene I just wanted Dakota to fuck the "straight" out of him. We all know why your there, you stating the fact it's all about the money is cool, but the way you said it with that attitude makes you look gay as fuck!! Dakota 5, scene 5, brody 0. Best scene the last few months!!
I gave Brody a 4 - very good. He did a good job bottoming. I've come to ignore the histrionics that some of these models display - I just can't help but think that some of them doth protest too much.

As for Dakota who has been one of my top favorites ever since he arrived here - I gave him a 3 - average. I would normally give him higher because he tops so well, but this is the second scene in a row where he has suffered from pretty bad cases of JFSFDS (Johnny Forza Semi-Flaccid Dick Syndrome), which I can't recall his ever having to such a degree in the past. I don't know what's up with him, but I hope he can shake it. While it's true that with a dick his size he can get it in and fuck, there's nothing so sad as seeing a model have to squeeze his big dick at its base to force it in an asshole, and then seeing it in its semi-flaccid state trying to function in a setting calling for a rigid dick. As a result the scene only got a 3 as well.
I actually liked this scene and gave both models and the scene itself a very good rating. I still like the new, alternating one sided interview process at the beginning and I really did not mind Brody's comments. As long as a guy is not blatantly homophobic, I just smile when a guy proclaims his straightness and that he is only doing it for the money. That is the same rationalization used by hustlers who cannot come to grips with their bi or or gay side. This attitude is similar to the early days of BSB2, with Jimmy and Jamie, perhaps protesting too much, but for me it is all part of the package of guys who either are or are playing the role of a straight guy on this site. Dakota turned me on more in this scene than others, with his tender words of encouragement but his aggressive style of pounding Brody. I thought it was a hot fucking scene.

Two comments not of a sexual nature. One is that the outdoor set was beautiful, and while my eyes were somewhat distracted from the fucking, it sure was more pleasurable for my eyes to wander to the autumn leaves and the beautiful scenery of Colorado, than to be looking at bright red fake boobs, fake beer glasses and a pay telephone from the 1950's. This was an enjoyable distraction, and my other comment is that during Brody's pre-fuck monologue, I could see the cameraman in the reflection in his dark glasses, and it looked like it might have been Damian Christopher. Perhaps this was shot before the new studio was ready, and while Damian was still "filling in" for the ill Johnny Robins. And that could explain Brody's saying that this would be only his second bottoming scene.
Dakota is always good gave 4 Brody oh well a 3 and the scene a 3. I really wont comment because it wont make a difference. I agree with Mikey the scenery was beautiful. the water falls and fall leaves made you feel like you wish you were there. If Brody stays let him keep bottoming.
I actually liked this scene and gave both models and the scene itself a very good rating. I still like the new, alternating one sided interview process at the beginning and I really did not mind Brody's comments. As long as a guy is not blatantly homophobic, I just smile when a guy proclaims his straightness and that he is only doing it for the money. That is the same rationalization used by hustlers who cannot come to grips with their bi or or gay side. This attitude is similar to the early days of BSB2, with Jimmy and Jamie, perhaps protesting too much, but for me it is all part of the package of guys who either are or are playing the role of a straight guy on this site. Dakota turned me on more in this scene than others, with his tender words of encouragement but his aggressive style of pounding Brody. I thought it was a hot fucking scene.

Two comments not of a sexual nature. One is that the outdoor set was beautiful, and while my eyes were somewhat distracted from the fucking, it sure was more pleasurable for my eyes to wander to the autumn leaves and the beautiful scenery of Colorado, than to be looking at bright red fake boobs, fake beer glasses and a pay telephone from the 1950's. This was an enjoyable distraction, and my other comment is that during Brody's pre-fuck monologue, I could see the cameraman in the reflection in his dark glasses, and it looked like it might have been Damian Christopher. Perhaps this was shot before the new studio was ready, and while Damian was still "filling in" for the ill Johnny Robins. And that could explain Brody's saying that this would be only his second bottoming scene.[/QUOTE]

That reminds me Mikeyank, that so many comments made about "same models" and the scene sequence. I wonder if people sometimes forget how the models come to do filming and are there for about a weeks time. They shoot scenes and other things while there. Since the discussion about how scenes were always "in the can" seem now to be reduced in number, things that people keep mentioning like; Dakota's cap, Zak's pubes, the set itself.....these things won't change abruptly until the next time models shoot. The next group that come in for work...we'll see in various pairings, some adjustments will have been made and I'm sure....there will be some similar comments about the same guys presented, whoever they may be!

I'd like to speculate though, it being close to Christmas and all....I wonder what little surprises are in store for the viewing fans this year? Or, will the release of the long awaited Broke Straight Boys-TV show, be the Christmas present we get this year?:xmas2undecided:
One of the criteria I use to rate a scene and the models is whether or not the scene holds up for repeatable viewing. I have watched this scene 3 times since it premiered. I loved the pre-scene interview. Dakota and Brody came across honest and real to me. If their words were rehearsed or acted - it did not matter. I liked the set, camera angles, sex positions and post scene commentary. On this U.S. Thanksgiving holiday weekend, this scene was not a turkey. High 5's to models and production crew.
Dear Brody, If you don't like it, don't do it . If you do it, shut the fuck up about it. Easy
That reminds me Mikeyank, that so many comments made about "same models" and the scene sequence. I wonder if people sometimes forget how the models come to do filming and are there for about a weeks time. They shoot scenes and other things while there. Since the discussion about how scenes were always "in the can" seem now to be reduced in number, things that people keep mentioning like; Dakota's cap, Zak's pubes, the set itself.....these things won't change abruptly until the next time models shoot. The next group that come in for work...we'll see in various pairings, some adjustments will have been made and I'm sure....there will be some similar comments about the same guys presented, whoever they may be!

I'd like to speculate though, it being close to Christmas and all....I wonder what little surprises are in store for the viewing fans this year? Or, will the release of the long awaited Broke Straight Boys-TV show, be the Christmas present we get this year?:xmas2undecided:
You are so right Betu that the group of guys is there for a few days and they all do scenes together, which we see over a period of time, and that even though we first saw Zak several weeks ago, he is not going to have his pubes grown back in in his recent scene as it was all shot in the same few days. And the same goes for the new set, as much as we complain, it's not going to change what was already shot before we all reacted to it.

And I agree that as much as we'd love a special Christmas scene as we've seen in past years, the focus does seem to be on the "big announcement" next week rather than on the site. I'd be pleasantly surprised but I'm not expecting any special Christmas offering this year.


Thanks for the outdoor scene with Brody and Dakota. I really like the setting. Being in that place surely made the camera angles and lighting difficult, but watching two naked guys fucking outdoors was great! Do it again please !
Dear Brody, If you don't like it, don't do it . If you do it, shut the fuck up about it. Easy

When Brody first appeared on this site I thought we had found a gud un as they say. After 2 or 3 scenes he has been coached to become just another Broke Straight Boys model who is told what to say to try and convince us that he is a Broke Straight Boys This sucks, as does the stupid start of these current scenes where for 5 mins we are subject to guys repeating what they have already scripted in their last scenes.

As for the scene - I never got that far...
I loved that the vid was shot outside and the scenery was really beautful (almost distracting as Mike said). When KellyG wrote that terse message ("Dear Brody, If you don't like it, don't do it . If you do it, shut the fuck up about it. Easy.") I didn't like it very much, but I hadn't seen the scene yet. So Kelly I understand your statement a lot better now. I like Brody but I DO NOT want to suffer thru that crap of a speech that seemed to have no end. Brody, buddy, we already know that for a goodly amount of models this a job, a way to make some cash and that this is probably not your behavior once you return home. Yes, there are members who want to believe that all the guys at Broke Straight Boys are gay, but I think that this is just wishful thinking. So: I generally like the scene and no matter what Dakota is my man and I always look forward to seeing him top or bottom.
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I was actually pleased that the interview this time had some substance to it. We like to consider this a reality site. So we have to be prepared that if we want the models to "Keep it real", that we might not always like what they have to say. I was of mixed emotions when Brody seemed to get so angry in lecturing us about how much it sucks for straight guys to be having gay sex. Part of me cheered him on for his honesty and how passionate he got in discussing it. The other part of me kept in mind that he wasn't drafted off the street to do this, but chose of his own free will. As I say though I was happy to see an interview that didn't begin and end with just the usual banter of saying everything that was already foretold in the thumbnail teaser to the video.

I actually agree with Stowe's points that this seemed to be a rather average scene with all things considered.
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When Brody first appeared on this site I thought we had found a gud un as they say. After 2 or 3 scenes he has been coached to become just another Broke Straight Boys model who is told what to say to try and convince us that he is a Broke Straight Boys This sucks, as does the stupid start of these current scenes where for 5 mins we are subject to guys repeating what they have already scripted in their last scenes.

As for the scene - I never got that far...

Dear Brody, If you don't like it, don't do it . If you do it, shut the fuck up about it. Easy

Kelly...Just Loved your post.. jon.. I watched it. Don't need to waste your time. Brody you don't look like you are trying to sound.
Sounded silly too me....Your no Tyler.. Stop trying to be tough..Don't work....
In one of his tweets Brody said that people from his personal life had been stalking him, probably with homophobic remarks. Perhaps that accounts somewhat for his defensiveness in the interview.
In one of his tweets Brody said that people from his personal life had been stalking him, probably with homophobic remarks. Perhaps that accounts somewhat for his defensiveness in the interview.
i understand your point. But I wonder if the people in his personal life bought into the site to watch. And if it bothers him and he really doesn't like it. Like he say's.
Why keep doing it? Money and small amount of fame outweigh the bad? Then don't bitch about it.
It is his choice.
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In one of his tweets Brody said that people from his personal life had been stalking him, probably with homophobic remarks. Perhaps that accounts somewhat for his defensiveness in the interview.
I hope that all the kids who live straight lifestyles and come to work here realize that eventually everyone will know what they're doing. In his most recent scene Zak said he hopes no one that knows him will find out.............they will, they always do. That's just how it works today in the age of the internet and iphones, there is no hiding anything like this any more. It's all out there for everyone who cares to discover it.
on the whole this scene was pretty average done in a different setting. Not having to look at the 'new set' was welcome. Dakota has rimmed before, wish he would do more of it. That certainly would have been a positive 'teaching tool' and it would have been fun to see Brody experience it. Dakota can fuck no doubt about it and Brody made a great bottom. One real connection when Brody was riding him and they kissed. Brody don't let them do to you what they did to Tyler. Be yourself and go with the flow.
I hope that all the kids who live straight lifestyles and come to work here realize that eventually everyone will know what they're doing. In his most recent scene Zak said he hopes no one that knows him will find out.............they will, they always do. That's just how it works today in the age of the internet and iphones, there is no hiding anything like this any more. It's all out there for everyone who cares to discover it.

Your so right Mikeyank, thats why I sent a link of your BTS to your job!!! lol
Your so right Mikeyank, thats why I sent a link of your BTS to your job!!! lol
As I'm watching an early Duke basketball game, and I go to the board during a timeout I got a good laugh from you. I can just imagine my bosses watching me fawning over Jason & Blake and telling Jason what silky smooth skin he has, as I paw his sweaty body. Not a good thing for me at work. :blushing:
Your so right Mikeyank, thats why I sent a link of your BTS to your job!!! lol

As I'm watching an early Duke basketball game, and I go to the board during a timeout I got a good laugh from you. I can just imagine my bosses watching me fawning over Jason & Blake and telling Jason what silky smooth skin he has, as I paw his sweaty body. Not a good thing for me at work. :blushing:
Oh ....You silly Boy's.....:smiley-love021: