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Cut or Uncut, That is the Question?

I agree that there are things that as parents we need to decide for our children without their input. However, I was thankful that Bill did NOT want to circumcise our boys, because I was opposed to the procedure. I didn't want to have to argue with him. During our conversations about circumcision, he revealed his feelings and concerns about his own procedure, which only cemented my feelings that we made the right decision for both of our boys. I can't oppose a parent's decision to circumcise their son. It's a personal decision. It's not something that should be legislated. However, I believe our society needs to better educate parents. All routine procedures should be questioned. We had to remind our staff in hospital, repeatedly, that we had requested NOT to have our sons circumcised.

Good onya babes. Your boys will feel much better for it. BTW how old are they now ?

Now you see how a blanket statement can be wrong and offensive? I apologize.

I have come to appreciate what a learned person you are, and I don't honestly believe that , you don't know anything. Obviously you know a lot. I was just making a blanket response without having all the facts. I don't know what your experience was really all about. How old were those infants being mutilated? What were they using to do the procedure with? Garden shears? I don't know, I was not an eye witness.

I do know this. I have witnessed many circumcisions of newborns. And, I stick lancets and needles in newborns for a living. They cry all the way up to the heavens when we are working on them. But it is not out of pain. Anyone who knows and works with newborns knows that they cry because they do not like being held in the positions we hold them to work on them. Newborns want to just swaddle and be warm. Also, the blade that is used is so sharp, you could slice a finger off and not feel it till afterwards. And finally, that is not to say that there aren't butchers out there that call themselves surgeons, who probably do inflict pain and do mutilate individuals. I am sorry for those folks.
Circumcisions are performed on babies within 2 or 3 days of birth because of the lack of sensory development. Those done later in life? I caN't speak for those, but I have had adult friends who have elected to be cut, and they all report that you don't feel a thing. Of course you don't feel it, you have to be put to sleep to haves it done.

I think cut is prettier and cleaner, but that is just my bias, based on my experience. Would I choose to be circumcised now, as an adult? Hell no! But then I would not do a tummy tuck, or face lift, or any type of cosmetic surgery either!
I really want to add my thoughts to this thread. I think that in the US, it is probably more comfortable for men to be 'like' each other when exposed. However, over many years, I have tried to make a point , one way or another, of bringing the conversation of circumcision up with the men I have been with. I have found that most wish that they had at least had the option of making a choice. But, for many it seems to be a very uncomfortable subject. This applies especially to those who have had less than a nicely performed cut. Some I have met were butchered and they will sometimes compare their appearance to those who had the procedure done by someone who really knew how to do it properly. I feel that "to be like Dad" is a very lame excuse and that routine circumcision is thoughtless by parents who simply go with the flow. Most US doctors today were circumcised and find it pretty profitable to invest only a few minutes for a few hundred bucks. I once had a conversation with a doctor who (after a few drinks) admitted to applying pressure to parents simply because it was a quick and easy way to make a couple hundred dollars. However, there are legitimate reasons, even though quite rare, where it is necessary to perform the surgery. I do, however, fully support the idea if it is part of one's religion. I remember while growing up, the first thing that came to mind when I met a guy was..is he cut or not. Learning the truth was always an exciting moment for me regardless of their status. As I got older, I began to simply assume that everyone I met had been snipped and that finding a natural penis was, indeed, a rare find. Personally, I wish that it was not as common as it has been. The rate in the US got as high as the mid 90 percentile bracket. Recent studies now put it in the mid 50s. Some of this change has to do with cultural changes, insurance coverage or changes in attitudes. I believe that the US is the only country in the world that has such a high rate of circumcision for non-religious reasons. AS for preference, I like the natural look. Another thing I find interesting is that we are a nation consumed with appearances and go to great lengths to rid ourselves of scars or other things we feel distract from our appearance. Yet, all you have to do is look at this or any adult site and you see some pretty ugly scars that are there for life. Hopefully this somewhat routine procedure will become less and less common. It is one that has been going on for much of recorded time but not routinely in the US until WWII when the US military began cutting recruits. I had a older friend who was told the day of his Navy physical that he would be circumcised upon enlistment in spite of the fact that he had never experienced any problems with his uncut status. By the time I joined the military, views had changed greatly. But by then, it had become part of our culture. There are some very interesting statistics if you search the web regarding circumcision around the world. I respect individual preferences and know that this debate will continue for a long time. However, circumcision done simply because "everyone does it" is, in my view, wrong.
While I have to admit bias in this debate, I absolutely oppose circumcision forced on our infant boys, but possibly not for the same reasons many of you have. If proper hygene is done, then there are not really any benefits to circumcission. Also, there can be complications. Now I know that these are probably the exception and not the rule, but why take the chance. I suffered complications as a result of infant circumcission and had to spend some money and a lot of time doing foreskin reconstruction to correct for painful, tight erections. I don't have that problem now that I have done the restoration, but it wasn't necessary for them to do this to me in the first place. Unless it is medically necessary for whatever reason, don't risk it. It just isn't worth the risk of complications.
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Thanks for your input, Phantom. I'm sorry you were one of the botched ones.
I noticed in JLIPPS4U personal sex encounter stories that he prefers cut cocks. I'd like to know whether other forumites have a preference? I am of an age that men in the generation before me (USA) are mostly uncut and men my age are mostly cut. Medicaid hasn't paid for circumcisions for many years so anyone younger who grew up dependent on county/state/fed assistance for healthcare is uncut, unless their parents came up with the loot to pay for it or there was a medically necessary reason to do it. ( I know this from working for social services for upteen years and being a social worker with children.) Also, there has been a move on for a while now not to circumcise since it isn't medically necessary and can be considered genital mutilation.

I worked in a medical clinic doing counseling back in the late 80's early 90's. My office was next door to the room that they used to circumcise male infants. They screamed bloody murder so anyone who says it doesn't cause some kind of pain and trauma is full of beans.

I have screwed at least 150 men, according to the best of my memory, and only two of them, born in the USA, were uncut. These were men in my age group. I was born in 1955. I have only been with a few foreign born men (Brazil, Columbia and India) and they were all uncircumcised.

I think it is interesting that we have become accustomed to seeing mostly cut boys in the USA but the group that will now start being the prime age for Broke Straight Boys, if they grew up with Broke Straight Parents, are going to be showing up more and more uncut.

My most fun story around this is placing two little boys in the home of a gay couple for foster care leading to adoption in my job as a child welfare social worker. Both of the little boys were uncircumcised. One of the gay parents called me up in a panic after giving the first bath to the 3 and 4 year old boys because he and his partner were both circumcised and didn't know what to do with the care and cleansing of the uncircumcised teeny weenies of the two little boys! Maybe it's not that funny, I guess you had to be there, but I got a big kick out of it at the time having two gay men asking me, a female, what to do with the little boys' penis care. I had the public health nurse go out to instruct them after putting in my two cents worth. One of those kids graduated high school this year so that was many moons ago.

I think we can expect to see more uncut boys like Long John Silver here. If they grew up poor and can't get a job at Burger King, they'll be finding out about places like Broke Straight Boys SO- do you like your cocks naked or clothed or does it matter?

I think if I were a guy I would want to have all the parts that I came into the world with. I remember my dad telling me that a friend of his who had a second marriage in past middle age allowed himself to be circumcised because his new wife wanted her cock served up naked. I remember at the time thinking that I couldn't imagine parting with my foreskin after having it for 60+ years. How about you uncut guys. Can you imagine an adult circumcision for cosmetic reasons? Yikes!

All you men not born in the USA who were allowed to keep what God gave you, how do you feel about plucked cock when you encounter it?

Very interesting topic of discussion Ive stumbled upon. If I had an opinion, I think id cast my vote for uncut. Theres something unique and exotic about it. Its the way the body was designed and i feel it adds character. I dont think however, there is going to be a large uprise in circumcisions. I feel society has become accustomed to the current practice and wont execute the change
Once an individual has had their foreskin amputated there's not a lot I can do so I keep quiet. A person is not defined by any physical attribute.

But circumcision is mutilation and circumcising an infant is child abuse. As there is no credible research to support any claims, so any "scientist" or "doctor" claiming "medical benefits" for the procedure is incompetent. There are a multitude of countries attempting to criminalise the procedure. So far they have failed and the reason is religious and NOT medical.

Although I could certainly be wrong, but I thought there was some partial medical reasoning behind it in regards to potential hygene complications. I know the primary thing behind it is religious ... but I think the religious aspect has some medical roots in its conception
I have mentioned this before but I did not have my boys circumcised at birth as is standard in this country. There is no medical evidence to support having this procedure in today's world. My hope is that they enjoy healthy, satisfying sex lives. I am aware that while choosing not to circumcise is becoming more common, that my boys will still be in a minority here. I have female friends who circumcised their kids so their boys looked like dad. And further, because they think uncut men are icky. We have a long way to go, stigma-wise. I hope my boys are embraced for their natural state, and don't suffer from outdated stigma.
I have mentioned this before but I did not have my boys circumcised at birth as is standard in this country. There is no medical evidence to support having this procedure in today's world. My hope is that they enjoy healthy, satisfying sex lives. I am aware that while choosing not to circumcise is becoming more common, that my boys will still be in a minority here. I have female friends who circumcised their kids so their boys looked like dad. And further, because they think uncut men are icky. We have a long way to go, stigma-wise. I hope my boys are embraced for their natural state, and don't suffer from outdated stigma.

Because uncut men are still a minority in the country the boys are still bound to encounter the odd stares now and then in locker room settings and so on. Hopefully potential sexual partners will not recoil out of shock or lack of understanding of basic human biology. Even for me as a child I didn't know why uncut men's penises looked so strange. I didn't know what was "wrong" with them when I was a kid. I must admit that for most of my life I thought that uncircumcised penises were quite ugly. Also if I can't see the head of the penis at all, I just don't find it as aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Sadly enough, it's only been in middle adulthood that I have come to appreciate uncut men as attractive. But now I do! :)

I had a couple really bad experiences with uncut men when I lived in Europe as a college student. Mainly this was because if the hygiene wasn't good, the penis would smell absolutely horrible. At worst it can take your breath away and leave you gagging and nauseated.

While this kind of conversation would best be left to your husband...I hope he has or will talk to them of the importance of retracting the foreskin in the shower and cleaning underneath. Also many uncut men tend to go the lazy route and not retract the foreskin when they urinate. So one can only imagine that if they are leaving droplets of urine trapped under there, along with perspiration and normal daily body odor, and then not cleaning it properly underneath in the shower....not nice.

If the man's hygiene is good then his partners will be much happier, their sex lives more enjoyable and the emotional relationship overall can only benefit from a mutually satisfying sex life.

For those who think I'm hating on uncut men or that I think cut men have a monopoly on hygiene and always smell like roses down there....NOT!! haha
I prefer UNCUT men! I wish I had that extra bit of skin to play with! I am considering Foreskin Restoration to make up for what was taken away from me before I had a chance to say NO, NO, NO, Please don't do that to me!
I have mentioned this before but I did not have my boys circumcised at birth as is standard in this country. There is no medical evidence to support having this procedure in today's world. My hope is that they enjoy healthy, satisfying sex lives. I am aware that while choosing not to circumcise is becoming more common, that my boys will still be in a minority here. I have female friends who circumcised their kids so their boys looked like dad. And further, because they think uncut men are icky. We have a long way to go, stigma-wise. I hope my boys are embraced for their natural state, and don't suffer from outdated stigma.

What a good and sensible mother you are xx
[h=3]Cut or Uncut, That is the Question?[/h]Most boys are not given the choice. That's sad.
One can say that about christening ?

That is so true of so many things. As parents, we can only hope that the choices we make for our kids are ones they would make for themselves. Religion, politics and health care are areas where a parent's decisions can make or break a kid. Do no harm. Always keep an open mind, and listen to what they have to say. Kids are smart and know what feels right for themselves and what doesn't. If we don't respect them, we can't expect them to respect us.
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