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Cut or Uncut, That is the Question?


Well-known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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I noticed in JLIPPS4U personal sex encounter stories that he prefers cut cocks. I'd like to know whether other forumites have a preference? I am of an age that men in the generation before me (USA) are mostly uncut and men my age are mostly cut. Medicaid hasn't paid for circumcisions for many years so anyone younger who grew up dependent on county/state/fed assistance for healthcare is uncut, unless their parents came up with the loot to pay for it or there was a medically necessary reason to do it. ( I know this from working for social services for upteen years and being a social worker with children.) Also, there has been a move on for a while now not to circumcise since it isn't medically necessary and can be considered genital mutilation.

I worked in a medical clinic doing counseling back in the late 80's early 90's. My office was next door to the room that they used to circumcise male infants. They screamed bloody murder so anyone who says it doesn't cause some kind of pain and trauma is full of beans.

I have screwed at least 150 men, according to the best of my memory, and only two of them, born in the USA, were uncut. These were men in my age group. I was born in 1955. I have only been with a few foreign born men (Brazil, Columbia and India) and they were all uncircumcised.

I think it is interesting that we have become accustomed to seeing mostly cut boys in the USA but the group that will now start being the prime age for Broke Straight Boys, if they grew up with Broke Straight Parents, are going to be showing up more and more uncut.

My most fun story around this is placing two little boys in the home of a gay couple for foster care leading to adoption in my job as a child welfare social worker. Both of the little boys were uncircumcised. One of the gay parents called me up in a panic after giving the first bath to the 3 and 4 year old boys because he and his partner were both circumcised and didn't know what to do with the care and cleansing of the uncircumcised teeny weenies of the two little boys! Maybe it's not that funny, I guess you had to be there, but I got a big kick out of it at the time having two gay men asking me, a female, what to do with the little boys' penis care. I had the public health nurse go out to instruct them after putting in my two cents worth. One of those kids graduated high school this year so that was many moons ago.

I think we can expect to see more uncut boys like Long John Silver here. If they grew up poor and can't get a job at Burger King, they'll be finding out about places like Broke Straight Boys SO- do you like your cocks naked or clothed or does it matter?

I think if I were a guy I would want to have all the parts that I came into the world with. I remember my dad telling me that a friend of his who had a second marriage in past middle age allowed himself to be circumcised because his new wife wanted her cock served up naked. I remember at the time thinking that I couldn't imagine parting with my foreskin after having it for 60+ years. How about you uncut guys. Can you imagine an adult circumcision for cosmetic reasons? Yikes!

All you men not born in the USA who were allowed to keep what God gave you, how do you feel about plucked cock when you encounter it?
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Once an individual has had their foreskin amputated there's not a lot I can do so I keep quiet. A person is not defined by any physical attribute.

But circumcision is mutilation and circumcising an infant is child abuse. As there is no credible research to support any claims, so any "scientist" or "doctor" claiming "medical benefits" for the procedure is incompetent. There are a multitude of countries attempting to criminalise the procedure. So far they have failed and the reason is religious and NOT medical.
Once an individual has had their foreskin amputated there's not a lot I can do so I keep quiet. A person is not defined by any physical attribute.

But circumcision is mutilation and circumcising an infant is child abuse. As there is no credible research to support any claims, so any "scientist" or "doctor" claiming "medical benefits" for the procedure is incompetent. There are a multitude of countries attempting to criminalise the procedure. So far they have failed and the reason is religious and NOT medical.

I agree with you on this. There is such a fuss about female genital mutilation and still parents wack off a part of their son's penis. Still, I'm curious, once done is done, what people think and find attractive.
I really prefer men who are uncut, it is always a special treat for me to find an uncut man. I hate it when people say it's dirty, I have never found a dirty uncut dick. A cut dick can be dirty and stinky, it's the man not the dick that decides this.

I have very strong views against infant circumcision! I do think it is mutilation. I think it is morally wrong for parents to make this decision for their children. They don't have to live with that penis it is really none of their business, same thing for piercing babies ears things like this should be left for adults to decide. Over 100 male babies die each year from circumcision. Imagine losing your new born baby because you decided to undergo an unneeded surgery? This surgery can be so traumatic to babies that some of them have seizures and even strokes which can lead to mental impairment and even death.

If death isn't enough of a deterrent there is mutilation of the glans and penis. I've read that whenever a baby is born in hospital surgical inters get all excited because they want the chance to do some cutting so often times the surgeon doing the cutting is a beginner because it's considered a simple surgery that can't be screwed up. Well you don't have to go further than this website to see examples of men with poor circumcisions. There are men on her who have jagged and sloppy scars like a butter knife was used to perform the operation then there are the guys who's cut foreskin actually healed attached to the glans, I am one of those fellows, it has not caused me an pain or discomfort but I've always been embarrassed by it and talk about difficulty cleaning. The foreskin it attached to the edge of the head or the glans and it is not attached under the ridge. It can be difficult and painful to keep that area clean. Often times when these young surgeons start cutting they miss, and slice off part of the glans, oops sorry. Then they cut the skin too tight which will result in painful erections. Some of them actually slice off the entire glans and I don't know how but sometimes they actually cut off half of the penis. How do you explain that to your child?
From what I've read and seen, most American porn starts are cut however, Europeans seem to be uncut. I am uncut and I'm proud of my foreskin. It's there for a purpose, so why chop it off LOL
Circumcision was forced on me twice: at birth and again at age 4 or 5, just before I entered elementary school. As a result of the second amputation, my glans was left 100% denuded: my foreskin and frenulum were completely amputated. Over the years my glans became keratinized as a result of constant friction with clothing, resulting in a tremenous loss of sensation. I am currently in the process of "restoring" my foreskin by stretching the skin of my penis shaft. I now have full coverage of my glans when flaccid. The keratinized cells have sloughed off and I have much more sensitivity. Of course, the thousands of fine-touch nerve endings in my amputated foreskin and frenulum can never be replaced.

I resent that I was mutilated for absolutely no good reason, hence my restoration efforts. I never would have consented to this surgery as an adult. I strongly feel that the doctors really need to leave the little boys alone!
Me and my foreskin

Most Europeans are uncut. Unless there is an urgent medical reason, nobody's foreskin should be chopped off before reaching the age of 18.

It's an irreversible operation... cut dicks have less sensitive dick heads.


Night after night my sister lay awake listening to her crying baby -just because the babies father came from Ghana, where circumcision normal is - feeling guilty.
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Circumcision was forced on me twice: at birth and again at age 4 or 5, just before I entered elementary school. As a result of the second amputation, my glans was left 100% denuded: my foreskin and frenulum were completely amputated. Over the years my glans became keratinized as a result of constant friction with clothing, resulting in a tremenous loss of sensation. I am currently in the process of "restoring" my foreskin by stretching the skin of my penis shaft. I now have full coverage of my glans when flaccid. The keratinized cells have sloughed off and I have much more sensitivity. Of course, the thousands of fine-touch nerve endings in my amputated foreskin and frenulum can never be replaced.

I resent that I was mutilated for absolutely no good reason, hence my restoration efforts. I never would have consented to this surgery as anadult. I strongly feel that the doctors really need to leave the little boys alone!

Dear Silvergate,

Thank you for sharing such traumatic material with us.

I would be surprised at anyone making a logical case for circumcision,
given current hygiene practices. However, organised religion doesn't
function logically.

I am cut and wish I weren't, and wish everyone men I met were not.
However, that is a mini-wish compared to what I want in a partner,
of the moment or a lifetime, in terms of personality and charm.

As a circumcised man, I've been pleased to find uncircumcised men
being delighted to be sucking a cock that's different from theirs. In
addition, the relative loss of sensation in the glans, I've been told,
allows us to fuck and fuck and fuck. Premature ejaculation is not
our issue!

Kisses to all cocks, everywhere, cut and uncut. Let's hope the
latest crop is allowed to grow up free of painful and unnecessary surgery.

I agree with you on this. There is such a fuss about female genital mutilation and still parents wack off a part of their son's penis. Still, I'm curious, once done is done, what people think and find attractive.
To answer your specific question Valentine, regarding what people think and find attractive, I will give my personal answer.

I believe that our environment dictates much of what we find attractive and sexy. I used to work with a very handsome young man of Italian descent, who grew up In Coney Island in Brooklyn. His family was one of the few Caucasian families still living there, as the vast majority of the population there is black and Hispanic. When he talked to me about women, he told me that he had never dated or had sex with a white girl during his entire life.

As I grew up in a white Jewish neighborhood during the 1950's and 1960's, the only cock's I had ever seen were circumcised, and when I saw pictures of uncut penises, they looked odd and unattractive to me, due to my own environmental experiences growing up.

While I certainly understand all of the reasons not to routinely circumcise male babies, just speaking from my own intrinsic feelings when encountering a penis, I am turned on by a circumcised cock, much as my former co-worker is turned on by a woman of color. I don't think of him as a "racist", nor do I consider myself to have a "prejudice" against uncut cocks. It is just that our earliest environmental influences lead us to what turns us on today.
To cut or not to cut

While I certainly understand all of the reasons not to routinely circumcise male babies, just speaking from my own intrinsic feelings when encountering a penis, I am turned on by a circumcised cock, much as my former co-worker is turned on by a woman of color. I don't think of him as a "racist", nor do I consider myself to have a "prejudice" against uncut cocks. It is just that our earliest environmental influences lead us to what turns us on today.

Given a choice Mike
... would you have chosen to get circumcised at age 18?
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Given a choice Mike
... would you have chosen to get circumcised at age 18?
No Robert for as I said being cut is what I've always known and enjoyed looking at and playing with and sucking and I am quite happy with what I have............and from what I've heard and read, it is a very painful operation for an adult. Again I am making no value judgement for anyone else, just saying what I like and desire.
I started this thread last night and I am truly astounded with the quality of the responses so far. Thank all of you for you candor. I hope to hear more responses.

Another area that doesn't get a lot of attention but is a rising movement is the intersex community. I explored that some over the summer. These documented intersex conditions which fly in the face of our notions of a binary gender model are one in 2000 births. In this country, if the gender of the child is physically mixed at birth the practice, unless the parents say no, is to "fix" the child and assign it a gender. This often is a big mess when the gender assigned is not the experienced gender of the child and adult who emerge from this "fix". The intersex community is starting to emerge and demand that these decisions be left to the individual when they are old enough to choose to remain the way they were "knitted in the womb" or whether they want surgury to align their bodies with their brains.

I have personally met a couple of people in my life with these conditions. Many of us probably have and dont' know it. One of them is a boy that I grew up with, a year younger than I,who was born with hypospadia (sic?). That is, the opening of his uretra was not at the tip of his penis but on the shaft. I knew that it had been fixed when we were kids and,in fact, in a show me mine/yours, episode I saw the results of the surguries when we were children. It was extreme disfigurement. I asked his mother about it when I saw her a few months ago. She described the procedures that went on from infant to six years old. They turned my stomach. Just horrifying. So painful. She said they never speak of it. He is married so I guess he is functional in bed but I can't imagine the torture he must have experienced as a small child.

Anyway, people who have been damaged by these procedures are starting to rise up to try and save the next generation. I think that is a good thing.
To answer your specific question Valentine, regarding what people think and find attractive, I will give my personal answer.

I believe that our environment dictates much of what we find attractive and sexy. I used to work with a very handsome young man of Italian descent, who grew up In Coney Island in Brooklyn. His family was one of the few Caucasian families still living there, as the vast majority of the population there is black and Hispanic. When he talked to me about women, he told me that he had never dated or had sex with a white girl during his entire life.

As I grew up in a white Jewish neighborhood during the 1950's and 1960's, the only cock's I had ever seen were circumcised, and when I saw pictures of uncut penises, they looked odd and unattractive to me, due to my own environmental experiences growing up.

While I certainly understand all of the reasons not to routinely circumcise male babies, just speaking from my own intrinsic feelings when encountering a penis, I am turned on by a circumcised cock, much as my former co-worker is turned on by a woman of color. I don't think of him as a "racist", nor do I consider myself to have a "prejudice" against uncut cocks. It is just that our earliest environmental influences lead us to what turns us on today.

Dear Mike,

No one could disagree with what you put here with such characteristic eloquence.

And yet, sometimes one is drawn to the exotic, what one never knew existed during
one's childhood and adolescence--as in the non-American men from the 'Uncut Countries'*
who have been pleasantly fascinated with my circumcised penis (as I am to their uncut one).

Some of us are drawn to what is homely, resonant of youth; others, to the scents
of the Bazaar and a few more leaves around the rose.**


*Can we come up with a better term or is this one perfect?
**If my prose is as purple as intended, someone-somewhere is groaning!
To answer your specific question Valentine, regarding what people think and find attractive, I will give my personal answer.

I believe that our environment dictates much of what we find attractive and sexy. I used to work with a very handsome young man of Italian descent, who grew up In Coney Island in Brooklyn. His family was one of the few Caucasian families still living there, as the vast majority of the population there is black and Hispanic. When he talked to me about women, he told me that he had never dated or had sex with a white girl during his entire life.

As I grew up in a white Jewish neighborhood during the 1950's and 1960's, the only cock's I had ever seen were circumcised, and when I saw pictures of uncut penises, they looked odd and unattractive to me, due to my own environmental experiences growing up.

While I certainly understand all of the reasons not to routinely circumcise male babies, just speaking from my own intrinsic feelings when encountering a penis, I am turned on by a circumcised cock, much as my former co-worker is turned on by a woman of color. I don't think of him as a "racist", nor do I consider myself to have a "prejudice" against uncut cocks. It is just that our earliest environmental influences lead us to what turns us on today.

Dear Mike,

No one could disagree with what you put here with such characteristic eloquence.

And yet, sometimes one is drawn to the exotic, what one never knew existed during
one's childhood and adolescence--as in the non-American men from the 'Uncut Countries'*
who have been pleasantly fascinated with my circumcised penis (as I am to their uncut one).

Some of us are drawn to what is homely, resonant of youth; others, to the scents
of the Bazaar and a few more leaves around the rose.**


*Can we come up with a better term or is this one perfect?
**If my prose is as purple as intended, someone-somewhere is groaning!

I see both sides of this. A lot of people are attracted to what they are used to, but a lot of people are attracted to opposites, so I guess it still boils down to personal taste.:confused1:

If I am being honest, I have never been with anyone that was uncut, and I don't have one, so I guess I can't really have an opinion.......I will speak as a parent though.

When my son was born, and they asked us about circumcision, I left decision up to his father. I felt he was more qualified to make it. He chose to have him circumcised. Our own personal physician did it, and our son did not scream and cry for any length of time, or at any time later. I am not saying I condone or advocate for circumcision, but with everything I have seen and heard in this world, I would never accuse a loving parent of child abuse over a medical decision they made WITH THE GUIDANCE of their physician.
Circumcision was forced on me twice: at birth and again at age 4 or 5, just before I entered elementary school. As a result of the second amputation, my glans was left 100% denuded: my foreskin and frenulum were completely amputated. Over the years my glans became keratinized as a result of constant friction with clothing, resulting in a tremenous loss of sensation. I am currently in the process of "restoring" my foreskin by stretching the skin of my penis shaft. I now have full coverage of my glans when flaccid. The keratinized cells have sloughed off and I have much more sensitivity. Of course, the thousands of fine-touch nerve endings in my amputated foreskin and frenulum can never be replaced.

I resent that I was mutilated for absolutely no good reason, hence my restoration efforts. I never would have consented to this surgery as an adult. I strongly feel that the doctors really need to leave the little boys alone!

My husband believes he was over-circumcised. As a result, his erections can become painful after even minimal stimulation. I'd be interested in hearing about the therapy you have been doing to stretch the skin.
I see both sides of this. A lot of people are attracted to what they are used to, but a lot of people are attracted to opposites, so I guess it still boils down to personal taste.:confused1:

If I am being honest, I have never been with anyone that was uncut, and I don't have one, so I guess I can't really have an opinion.......I will speak as a parent though.

When my son was born, and they asked us about circumcision, I left decision up to his father. I felt he was more qualified to make it. He chose to have him circumcised. Our own personal physician did it, and our son did not scream and cry for any length of time, or at any time later. I am not saying I condone or advocate for circumcision, but with everything I have seen and heard in this world, I would never accuse a loving parent of child abuse over a medical decision they made WITH THE GUIDANCE of their physician.

I agree that there are things that as parents we need to decide for our children without their input. However, I was thankful that Bill did NOT want to circumcise our boys, because I was opposed to the procedure. I didn't want to have to argue with him. During our conversations about circumcision, he revealed his feelings and concerns about his own procedure, which only cemented my feelings that we made the right decision for both of our boys. I can't oppose a parent's decision to circumcise their son. It's a personal decision. It's not something that should be legislated. However, I believe our society needs to better educate parents. All routine procedures should be questioned. We had to remind our staff in hospital, repeatedly, that we had requested NOT to have our sons circumcised.
Once an individual has had their foreskin amputated there's not a lot I can do so I keep quiet. A person is not defined by any physical attribute.

But circumcision is mutilation and circumcising an infant is child abuse. As there is no credible research to support any claims, so any "scientist" or "doctor" claiming "medical benefits" for the procedure is incompetent. There are a multitude of countries attempting to criminalise the procedure. So far they have failed and the reason is religious and NOT medical.

What a load of crap!
I worked in a medical clinic doing counseling back in the late 80's early 90's. My office was next door to the room that they used to circumcise male infants. They screamed bloody murder so anyone who says it doesn't cause some kind of pain and trauma is full of beans.

That statement tells me how little you know!

And yes, I do prefer 'CUT", and that is just personal taste. And growing up, I never tasted an uncut cock that WAS tasty. They were always nasty and full of cheese. YUCK!
After reading JLipps4u post immediately before this one, as this thread's mistress, I think it is time to put this thread to bed, especially since I don't know anything, according to him. All any of us know is our own experience and I know what I heard with those infants screaming. I also honor other people's experience where that didn't happen and yes, in this country, it is a decision that parents get to make in conjunction with their doctor. Thankfully, however, public funding no longer pays for it so it is not an automatic proceedure and at least poorer folks will have to think it over. I think sometimes dads want their boys to match them but in reality, how often do boys see their dads penis after a certain age of maybe showering with them to help them when they are little or teaching them to pee in the toilet.

However, I was very moved by Silvergates telling of his own genital mutilation and the problems it has caused him as well as Lovelumps husband. My own husband has the worst angry scar I have ever seen from his circumcision. I doubt there would be a foreskin if it didn't have a purpose to protect the glans and keep it sensitive. I think that if the hood of my clitoris were removed it would effect signifcant change in sensitivity with clothing rubbing on it all the time, etc. Anyway, for anyone who is circumcised what is done is done. I have read about the proceedure to replace the foreskin. With medical science being what it is who knows what is possible. Maybe someone should talk to the doctor in Colorado who does so many male to female gender reassignment surguries and she could donate the foreskins if they aren't needed in the SRS? Just a goofy thought to end with.

Regards to all, Valentine.