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Current Member Concerns


Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
In the past few days a couple of concerns regarding "missing content" or "the sexuality of the models" have been brought up..... In regards to these concerns I feel it is wonderful that you avidly desire to know the "real" models and see some of the "edited" content.

To the "sexuality" concern........ It is as has been stated numerous times in the past a "FANTASY PORN SITE". The models may be gay, straight, bi, or somewhere inbetween, but does it really lessen the enjoyment of the episodes? Its like this.... A diehard pro wrestling fan of say WWE enjoys watching smackdown and raw..... he knows that there are some "fake" aspects to the shows, however, he still watches them.... In a way that is how it is here...... We "know" that some of the models are not what we would consider "straight" but we still enjoy the "illusion" of it all.....

To the "edited" concern......... I agree that there are some things that we don't get to see in the episodes that I for one would love to see. If the management team posted ads that show content that we haven't or potentially will not see, I do not feel it was done intentially. There is a lot involved with running any type of site like this or any business site period.... I am certain that the management team is doing the best that they can to provide us with the best possible content that they can provide...... They do work on THREE sites that they literally give away the content for..... Between the Broke Straight Boys membership and the 5 extra sites we receive, we are getting 100's of hours of enjoyment each month....... If they have to "cut" some things out, then they have every right to do so......

Voicing your concerns is apreciated and I am certain the management team has read your comments on the matter, but it is not needed to "beat a dead horse"...... They are aware of our desire to see more of the behind the scene action and some of the edited/blooper material..... I believe Mark said he would see what he could do on the matter.......

Ultimately this is a porn site meant for our enjoyment and to fixate those of us who desire to see "staight guys" doing stuff with each other... just that... nothing more, nothing less.....
This reminds me of a movie where they had to dig to get to the center of the earth. I read reviews for that movie, and some people were like "it's not possible to dig a hole to the center of the earth with that HUGE machine, because physics doesn't allow it... blah blah blah talking about all kinds of stuff i couldn't not understand. And i was like, could you shut the fuck up! I don't care about all that, it's just a movie and i'm excited to see them go to the center of the earth whichever way they decide to use.

I think it's the same with porn website "portraying" straight guys. I see in review sites people saying stuff like "straight my ass"... I wish i could just punch them lol Who cares if they're straight, bi, gay... it's the fantasy of it that makes me get off. If a model is being portrayed as a straight dude, then for me he's straight even if deep inside i know he's bi/gay.

We always read what you guys say/want. But as you know, we can't satisfy everybody all the time. Things will come in due time, just be patient :)
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You know I agree It is a porn site I come here to blow off steam The guys are usually hot and not the brushed up look of pro porn which leaves me cold. I have liked some of the guys and some I have not. I watch the guys I like and i take a pass on the guys I don't It is entertainment, if you are entertained then that is great and they are doing their jobs. I have also really enjoyed getting to know many members of the forum. In general, they are a compassionate group of people that I would not object to calling them friends
Its like this.... A diehard pro wrestling fan of say WWE enjoys watching smackdown and raw..... he knows that there are some "fake" aspects to the shows, however, he still watches them.... In a way that is how it is here...... We "know" that some of the models are not what we would consider "straight" but we still enjoy the "illusion" of it all.....

To the "edited" concern......... I agree that there are some things that we don't get to see in the episodes that I for one would love to see. If the management team posted ads that show content that we haven't or potentially will not see, I do not feel it was done intentially. ....... If they have to "cut" some things out, then they have every right to do so......

Ultimately this is a porn site meant for our enjoyment and to fixate those of us who desire to see "staight guys" doing stuff with each other... just that... nothing more, nothing less.....
Gremlin, you make a lot of sense. The question of the model's sexuality is a bit more valid to me, as the premise of the site is to show Broke "Straight" Boys. But as you mention, much like the WWE, we do need to "suspend our disbelief", to be able to enjoy both pro wrestling, and "straight" guys getting fucked on camera. I am not a pro wrestling fan, so I can't really comment on the authenticity of their product, but here, as a paying customer, I do appreciate when the model's at least act like the roles they are playing.

But in regard to all the endless comments lately on management "conspiring" to not show us the "lost scenes", or still shots appearing in advertising, that have been "edited out" of the videos, I am truly sick of reading the endless criticisms. I have heard of instances where major motion picture studios, movie posters include stills that were edited out of the film. It is not a conspiracy or a lack of truth in advertising. It is just part of the process of producing videos, and management has no reason to "trick us" or "deceive us". We are their paying customers, and they are in business to make us happy, and to keep subscribing to their product.

It was refreshing to read your post today, but I am sure that the "conspiracy theorists" will continue to rant, but I do appreciate your post.

The truth of it all we are UFO's...thats right...we are here to take over the planet and make Broke Straight Boys your ruler/leader of the world. You can't resist Broke Straight Boys, your drawn to it...you can't help but watch this type of entertainment...to seal the deal our UFO leader (who will remain nameless, until all the world is in our power and we have taken control) installed this very addicting "forum"...you think its a "forum" but it just hypnotizes you to so we can take deeper control of your mind....Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys............eat, sleep, drink...Broke Straight Boys....
And Peace Reigned In The Kingdom

The truth of it all we are UFO's...thats right...we are here to take over the planet and make Broke Straight Boys your ruler/leader of the world. You can't resist Broke Straight Boys, your drawn to it...you can't help but watch this type of entertainment...to seal the deal our UFO leader (who will remain nameless, until all the world is in our power and we have taken control) installed this very addicting "forum"...you think its a "forum" but it just hypnotizes you to so we can take deeper control of your mind....Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys............eat, sleep, drink...Broke Straight Boys....

Allright Dave, thank you for your take and humor on this whole shiteree (sp) Boy, when I stirred the pot, it seems I slopped shit on everybody. Sorry about that folks! Why don't I just put this on the back burner and let it calm down for a while, seems like a good idea to me. Again, thanks for the latitude.

BTW, the Forum is addictive, veeeery addictive. :001_smile:
yes the forum is very addictive!!!
The truth of it all we are UFO's...thats right...we are here to take over the planet and make Broke Straight Boys your ruler/leader of the world. You can't resist Broke Straight Boys, your drawn to it...you can't help but watch this type of entertainment...to seal the deal our UFO leader (who will remain nameless, until all the world is in our power and we have taken control) installed this very addicting "forum"...you think its a "forum" but it just hypnotizes you to so we can take deeper control of your mind....Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys............eat, sleep, drink...Broke Straight Boys....

It's actually not at all like you guys are saying it is. This hasn't anything to do with the Mystery surrounding how Blu produces it's product. If anything you guys tell us more than we need to know at the same time as telling us less. You have been doing porn for some time now, "are respected in the industry" and are more aware than we are about how much more human and humane you guys are than other studios, isn't that true? That's stuff that is ok to know, but there's other stuff that's probably more interesting to us and which guys like noggin and others ask about a lot. The "fraudulent" ads are a case in point. There are at least three of your all time fave models in that ad, including my personal once and for all iconic total favorite bi-hottie pseudo Welshman in a kilt. A small part of why they're in the ad, I would guess (duh) is that the guys from the Broke Straight Boys Broke Straight Boys Broke Straight Boys Broke Straight Boys Broke Straight Boys "Forum" have been gushing pathetically about Tyler, CJ and Austin for months. So it's fair to theorize that the clients spoke and the ad went out. I didn't see Nathan in it for example :lol:

I don't give a fuck who's "straight". I don't even care too much who claims he is since I like the gay guys just as much. I'm fascinated by how good or bad they are at answering the questions in the intro and whether their dicks are at least as stiff as mine. As the first man here to apply the phrase "willing suspension of disbelief" in defense of Broke Straight Boys, I can tell you that my belief is thoroughly suspended every time I get Piks out of my jeans to enjoy a new episode. But once I saw that ad, wiv ma boi Ty in it, doin' stuff he didn't actually do in the episode, I wanted to see the missing scene. No stress, no rancor, no conspiracy theories, just shoddy advertising, nothing more than that, no big deal. I'm here, I'm fine, I like you guys over at Blu and eagerly give Amber in "support" my dues every month. I would just absolutely love to have seen that scene, period. "No problem," as Dave always says to the Straighties.

noggin has apologized for combining poo and a 40x40 inch window fan. He's a wily son of a bitch, just chortling, giggling and Laughing Out Loud right now. He's finally got this discovery out in the open, where he feels it should be.

Put the missing scenes in the soon to be released outtakes and bloopers vid and that will be the end of it. Give noggin credit for being right about this and tell him to fuck off for being a nuisance.

I'm gonna post my contribution now to the thread about Unusual Places You've Had Sex. Deffo don't miss it. I've been tryin' to decide all day whether to post it or not. Scorpio, you have to post yours too. Do it or we will develop a theory, a very involved one, including clues in French scratched onto a camp fag's buttocks with a bitten fingernail, as to why you aren't telling :lol:
The truth of it all we are UFO's...thats right...we are here to take over the planet and make Broke Straight Boys your ruler/leader of the world. You can't resist Broke Straight Boys, your drawn to it...you can't help but watch this type of entertainment...to seal the deal our UFO leader (who will remain nameless, until all the world is in our power and we have taken control) installed this very addicting "forum"...you think its a "forum" but it just hypnotizes you to so we can take deeper control of your mind....Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys............eat, sleep, drink...Broke Straight Boys....

I knew it!! My tin foil hat has done zip to keep me off this forum!!

Eating and drinking Broke Straight Boys is one thing. I am a little afraid of sleeping though!!

Resistance is futile!!
You know I agree It is a porn site I come here to blow off steam The guys are usually hot and not the brushed up look of pro porn which leaves me cold. I have liked some of the guys and some I have not. I watch the guys I like and i take a pass on the guys I don't It is entertainment, if you are entertained then that is great and they are doing their jobs. I have also really enjoyed getting to know many members of the forum. In general, they are a compassionate group of people that I would not object to calling them friends
I feel the same way, Lester.

My pocket pal always tells me who is hot and who is not. He hasn't lied to me yet.
more porn is good for us all.

1. Why edit out scenes at all? We have plenty of time to watch a 45 minute film just as easily as a 25 minute one. If I am going to watch two hours of porn tonight it does not matter to me if I see 3 films or 5. Is there a reason not to show all of it? Could be that some of the stuff that was cut out might be very sexy or very funny. I too have seen other Broke Straight Boys stills on the web that were not in the episode, not really a big deal. But hell, lets watch more porn, the more the merrier. :lol:

2. The "fantasy" thing does not hold water. Nowhere on the site does it say that this is "fantasy." These models get in front of the camera and swear they are straight. Hell, if you are gay just say so. Its not like we are going to stop watching. If you type "Broke Straight Boys" and do an internet search, it more often that not shows up on a porn review site or a referral site as being "reality" porn. So, let it be real. If they are truly straight, that is fine. If they are gay then that is fine too. I love all dicks and balls. :sneaky2:
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In the past few days a couple of concerns regarding "missing content" or "the sexuality of the models" have been brought up..... In regards to these concerns I feel it is wonderful that you avidly desire to know the "real" models and see some of the "edited" content.

To the "sexuality" concern........ It is as has been stated numerous times in the past a "FANTASY PORN SITE". The models may be gay, straight, bi, or somewhere inbetween, but does it really lessen the enjoyment of the episodes? Its like this.... A diehard pro wrestling fan of say WWE enjoys watching smackdown and raw..... he knows that there are some "fake" aspects to the shows, however, he still watches them.... In a way that is how it is here...... We "know" that some of the models are not what we would consider "straight" but we still enjoy the "illusion" of it all.....

To the "edited" concern......... I agree that there are some things that we don't get to see in the episodes that I for one would love to see. If the management team posted ads that show content that we haven't or potentially will not see, I do not feel it was done intentially. There is a lot involved with running any type of site like this or any business site period.... I am certain that the management team is doing the best that they can to provide us with the best possible content that they can provide...... They do work on THREE sites that they literally give away the content for..... Between the Broke Straight Boys membership and the 5 extra sites we receive, we are getting 100's of hours of enjoyment each month....... If they have to "cut" some things out, then they have every right to do so......

Voicing your concerns is apreciated and I am certain the management team has read your comments on the matter, but it is not needed to "beat a dead horse"...... They are aware of our desire to see more of the behind the scene action and some of the edited/blooper material..... I believe Mark said he would see what he could do on the matter.......

Ultimately this is a porn site meant for our enjoyment and to fixate those of us who desire to see "staight guys" doing stuff with each other... just that... nothing more, nothing less.....

I totally agree enough said... No need for my further comment. :thumbup:
You know I agree It is a porn site I come here to blow off steam The guys are usually hot and not the brushed up look of pro porn which leaves me cold. I have liked some of the guys and some I have not. I watch the guys I like and i take a pass on the guys I don't It is entertainment, if you are entertained then that is great and they are doing their jobs. I have also really enjoyed getting to know many members of the forum. In general, they are a compassionate group of people that I would not object to calling them friends

The truth of it all we are UFO's...thats right...we are here to take over the planet and make Broke Straight Boys your ruler/leader of the world. You can't resist Broke Straight Boys, your drawn to it...you can't help but watch this type of entertainment...to seal the deal our UFO leader (who will remain nameless, until all the world is in our power and we have taken control) installed this very addicting "forum"...you think its a "forum" but it just hypnotizes you to so we can take deeper control of your mind....Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys, Broke Straight Boys............eat, sleep, drink...Broke Straight Boys....

Lead Us, Lead us oh great one, Lead us to the promised place!.....:w00t:
Ultimately this is a porn site meant for our enjoyment and to fixate those of us who desire to see "staight guys" doing stuff with each other... just that... nothing more, nothing less.....

Well put Gremlin as always! The only thing I would add is, I in no way believe it is in anyway deception brought on by the producer or director. "I'm straight" must be the most said lie in the world. I can not tell you how many times I have heard some one say it but end up with a dick in their mouth before the night was over. Short of giving each model a lie detector test your never going to get the right answer. Also as for editing, each person has their own taste. If I were to edit it, I would love the outcome but you might not. A person with a foot fetish would most likely edit up something that I would not like. It's a business offering a product for sale the best they can do. Face it do you stand in McDonalds bitching why their burgers taste different then Burger King? Broke Straight Boys is one of the best web sites I have ever seen with NO Pop ups or junk cluttering your screen and dam good content at a very honest price. If you can make a better site well there's lots of room on the web, other wise have a nice day.
Well put Gremlin as always! The only thing I would add is, I in no way believe it is in anyway deception brought on by the producer or director. "I'm straight" must be the most said lie in the world. I can not tell you how many times I have heard some one say it but end up with a dick in their mouth before the night was over. Short of giving each model a lie detector test your never going to get the right answer. Also as for editing, each person has their own taste. If I were to edit it, I would love the outcome but you might not. A person with a foot fetish would most likely edit up something that I would not like. It's a business offering a product for sale the best they can do. Face it do you stand in McDonalds bitching why their burgers taste different then Burger King? Broke Straight Boys is one of the best web sites I have ever seen with NO Pop ups or junk cluttering your screen and dam good content at a very honest price. If you can make a better site well there's lots of room on the web, other wise have a nice day.

You go Denny!!! :thumbup:
You go Denny!!! :thumbup:

The porn is for watching and the forum is for bitching, otherwise what's the point! :lol::lol::lol:

You guys just kill me. I love it when something like this happens. Remember how boring it was for days at the beginning of January when rswaim got banned? It was like everyone looked around and was going "...somebody SAY something..."

All during my teaching career I've told my best pupils that Subversive is Good, that as professional designers, into creativity as a role in life, to go along with the flow is disastrous. I've maybe listened too much to my own advice, but I absolutely know that no one improves his act by having praise dumped on him. He might feel great every time he repeats the act, knowing how good he is at his routine, but that gets boring fairly quickly.

In the same vein, bitching can get really boring too. Some of the threads have provided non-subversive fun. We're doing My Story, 10 Random Facts, My True Age, Guys I Want to see Naked, Most Unusual Place I've had Sex, and several more. But be careful guys to guard against deterioration in the quality of the themes. I'll post on anything, any old thread is lovely to me, but: My Favorite Color, My Pet Peeve, Would You Hug the Guy Who Posted Just Before You? and Word Association could be pretty tragic.

By the way, it's Jade Green, like your eyes.
Lester, you're the guy who posted just before me, and I'm damned if I won't give you a really loving hug. Rest your chin on my shoulder honey...