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Correlation between shaving pubes and STDs


BSB Addict
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
I thought I would post this given the occasional discussions about models here being landscaped in the nether regions.

Here a recent article from PBS discussing a recent study showing a correlation between shaving one's pubes and stds. Now the article and the study are careful to point out that this is very preliminary and the reason for the correlation is not established. It is always important to remember that correlation is not causation. But as one researcher pointed out he would not suggest shaving and then have a night of sexual action. Public hair is there for a reason - it traps bacterial etc that otherwise might affix itself to the skin in a very warm and moist environment where unpleasant things love to grow.

I guess there is a reason that pubic hair is where it is, just as a foreskin was intended to protect the sensitive penis head. There is an order and a reason for the way the human body was created.
There has always been a discussion that open sores in the mouth or even the slightest tear in the rectum could transmit HIV. The same could be said for shaving the pubic area. Immediately after shaving there are open micro sores that are susceptible to transmitting diseases. Shave your face and when you immediately apply an after shave, it stings and burns. It is because the protective layers of the skin have been shaved off.
One of the reasons why we shave our pubic hair is to make our cocks look bigger. Size is everything if you are a gay man.

This thread is a good reminder for us to be sensible when we are manscaping. Best to shave your bits a day or two before our next fuck.

Mikeyank is quite right, pubic hair and foreskins are there for a reason. I don't shave my bits and I have a foreskin and I love them.
Trim nicely is nice. Big bush so 60s.So NOT pretty.

What's wrong with being a natural man? Hair was put on our bodies for a reason and it should be embraced and accepted as part of our natural being.
What's wrong with being a natural man? Hair was put on our bodies for a reason and it should be embraced and accepted as part of our natural being.
No big thing Louis. Just a matter of choice.I like trimmed. I am very into a clean look.
Not shaved trimmed.I don't see many big bushes any more. But I don't think there is any thing wrong with it.I think shaved is ugly.
So it's just a matter of personal taste..That's All. xoxo
I guess there is a reason that pubic hair is where it is, just as a foreskin was intended to protect the sensitive penis head. There is an order and a reason for the way the human body was created.

Notwithstanding, but God must have thought the Covenant between Himself and Abraham and his descendants, symbolized by circumcision, more important.
Notwithstanding, but God must have thought the Covenant between Himself and Abraham and his descendants, symbolized by circumcision, more important.
Being Jewish myself Stowe, I certainly understand the religious significance but speaking purely from a "scientific" perspective, I find it fascinating how every organ and part of the body was put there for a "reason" and when the reason no longer exists, through evolution they can become vestigial. I personally "love" the circumcised penis but I also understand why the foreskin was originally a part of a man's anatomy. I do find it all fascinating!
Notwithstanding, but God must have thought the Covenant between Himself and Abraham and his descendants, symbolized by circumcision, more important.

Thank God Not all believe in that Covenant......Because natural Boys are Hot.......Love the Foreskin....And all those European Guys !!!!!!!!!!