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Contradiction on events LOGAN


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
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I wanted to make you aware that there is a bit of a contradiction in Logans story.

Logans 1st time - April 29th 09
Logans 3 way - July 25th 09 (Logan, CJ and Shane) Logan when asked if he would bottom says no. Camera man refers because of his first time bottoming, and Logan says yes.

Logan 1st time bottoming -August 19th 09 (In this scene Logan bottoms for the first time. Check out this scene with Tyler and CJ and see how Logan takes it for the first time.)

Okay here's why i am writing you. basically the dates and actions per the conversation in the video make some confusion. If logans 1st time Bottoming was on Aug 19th then he should have not said on july 25th that he was not gonna be a bottom cause of his first time had been enough for the time being.
so if anything maybe the person posting the videos got the dates wrong and i just thought i would let you guys know.

anyways love the site. i dont know if i can use the forum when i dont have anytime left so if not i'll be back.

Mario A
I think that I can clear this up right away because I have watched CSI like a million times so I will bring my flashlight and (equipment) and I will study Logans cock inside and out and upon making a descison based upon all available Scientific evidence than I will upon that completion make a full report to the members of the Forum. I will also check is anal cavity for any kind of visual marks that can prove that he may have had anal intercourse at any other setting than the one in July of 2009 (of course this is like almost December so I may have to actually enter the anus itself)..this is not easy and I will have to study Logans ass pretty hard. I will upon that further investigation offer irrefutable evidence about something...Yet to be determined.

Dr. Casper
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I think that I can clear this up right away because I have watched CSI like a million times so I will bring my flashlight and (equipment) and I will study Logans cock inside and out and upon making a descison based upon all available Scientific evidence than I will upon that completion make a full report to the members of the Forum.

Dr. Casper

Dear Doctor,

There's been some confusion about my penis on this forum as well. It's been called (by me) a "humongous wank tool", but at the same time someone else said it only looks biggish because, although very very tall for my height, at just a little over 5'7" I'm shorter than you Doctor, and as backdrop to a stiffy, such a size S physique is apt to show a normal sized erection off as outsized in contrast.

I'd really love to get some of this cleared up however (before it's too late), and wonder if it would be convenient for you to bring your flashlight and your credentials over here? Please?

Doctor, please check Dick Forensics album for reference material. I can also supply you with flight information from Will Rogers World OKC to Son Sant Joan PMI.
I am fairly sure that indeed your cock is by far the largest cock ever seen by the eyes of man and the only reason its not consider one of the seven wonders of the world is because they already had seven and in your pure humbleness to others you do not wish to embarass them with the nasty little penis envy that comes up so often when you are in full frontal view. However you did ask for my Medical opinion so I will indeed have to do some extensive investigation in this case. I will require all of my "tools" and equipment but, I've learned that sometimes the "feel" of it can reveal much more. You have nothing to fear as I am a trained professional and there is many resourses I can use to conduct a "feel" study. I may indeed even have to use the very sensisitive nerve endings in my cock to detect possible annomalies that will need to be undressed ( I mean addressed). I will however not need the forensic Cock album, I will just compare it to my own (My cock is Perfect in every way) Get the flight information ready because this problem is not going to go away until you enjoy the full "release" of your nut sacks in wave after waver after wave of only the purest form of exstacy.
Dr. Casper
Welcome to the site and forum. It is very easy to confuse what models have done what and what they haven't. I will look into the dates and stories and get them sorted. Keep in mind we deal with hundreds of models so errors do happen.


Mark I think this is another example of continuity which was mentioned on another thread. Apologies if you answered but I'm about 4 days behind because of computer problems. :mad:
I am fairly sure that indeed your cock is by far the largest cock ever seen by the eyes of man and the only reason its not consider one of the seven wonders of the world is because they already had seven and in your pure humbleness to others you do not wish to embarass them with the nasty little penis envy that comes up so often when you are in full frontal view. However you did ask for my Medical opinion so I will indeed have to do some extensive investigation in this case. I will require all of my "tools" and equipment but, I've learned that sometimes the "feel" of it can reveal much more. You have nothing to fear as I am a trained professional and there is many resourses I can use to conduct a "feel" study. I may indeed even have to use the very sensisitive nerve endings in my cock to detect possible annomalies that will need to be undressed ( I mean addressed). I will however not need the forensic Cock album, I will just compare it to my own (My cock is Perfect in every way) Get the flight information ready because this problem is not going to go away until you enjoy the full "release" of your nut sacks in wave after waver after wave of only the purest form of exstacy.
Dr. Casper

Flight is booked. They made me pay for two seats when I described your tool. Unfortunately that didn't leave enough for a return ticket. You'll be fine here however until we can arrange a double fare back to Will Rogers, maybe sometime in the Spring.

Or early Summer.
Never whether the story is congruent or not - its a fantasy for horny guys who enjoy watching straight guys do gay sex. For pete's sake, like someone high up said, "This is not 60 minutes..."