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Connor and Jimmy


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
I now have the biggest crush on Connor! He is just a regular guy doing porn. Nice personality, good body and could be in scene with just about anybody. This guy is a keeper!! Connor I know your on the chat board so keep up the great work and I hope to see lots of you in the future.
Oh yes Connor, you Big Redwood...nummy. I am "off Jimmy," but I would be on you in a second...yum, yum!
Well, sports fans. I have to say, Jimmy actually made that scene work. I was blown away by his willingness to play. Starting with sucking cock. It obviously wasn't easy, but he was game, didn't say anything derogatory, and did it for a decent amount of time. He did ask Connor to do things he didn't, like go deeper and lick it, but that is a small quibble. And I was very appreciative of his attempt to show some affection. Patting Connor and massaging his shoulder. He also seemed more interested in the comfort of his partner. I truly appreciate these efforts. If that was Connor's first time, it would sure fool me. But maybe he practiced on his own. Connor was okay in this one, but he could have brought more to the party. I'm giving this scene a five to honor Jimmy's effort. Way to try, Jimmy!
jimmy needs to learn to get over himself. That 'blowjob' he did was so pathetic, it was both embarassing and insulting to watch.

Jimmy, time for you to grow up and stop acting like a child.
Well, sports fans. I have to say, Jimmy actually made that scene work. I was blown away by his willingness to play. Starting with sucking cock. It obviously wasn't easy, but he was game, didn't say anything derogatory, and did it for a decent amount of time. He did ask Connor to do things he didn't, like go deeper and lick it, but that is a small quibble. And I was very appreciative of his attempt to show some affection. Patting Connor and massaging his shoulder. He also seemed more interested in the comfort of his partner. I truly appreciate these efforts. If that was Connor's first time, it would sure fool me. But maybe he practiced on his own. Connor was okay in this one, but he could have brought more to the party. I'm giving this scene a five to honor Jimmy's effort. Way to try, Jimmy!
I totally agree with your entire post, Larkster with one small exception. That is when you complemented Jimmy for not "saying anything derogatory", implying that he has in the past. From watching all of Jimmy's sex scenes, behind the scenes and reading his posts on the forum, I think that he has gotten a "bad rap" from his detractors on the forum. What some may misconstrue as derogatory is just his natural sarcastic, sense of humor. I consider him to be a very cool, caring, funny guy. From watching his previous scenes and reading posts of his partner's who have joined us in the forum, he is very well liked by his fellow models.

And yes, he did make a huge effort to show the caring, and affection that has been asked of him on the forum. I was surprised that the date of this scene was October, while all of the recent scenes have a November date, so apparently management held back on the release of this scene.

I do like Connor more and more in each of his scenes, and I also agree Larkster, that perhaps Connor had "been to the rodeo" before this scene, as he obviously enjoyed having Jimmy's big cock inside him, and was able to shoot his load while still being fucked, which has also been requested by many forumites.

I agree that this scene was well worth a five vote. As a fan of Jimmy's who does get annoyed by the continual "bashing" he receives by certain forumites, I really appreciate your keeping an open mind, and appreciating the great strives he has made to be a better performer on a gay porn site, which is certainly a large step out of his normal comfort zone.
Perhaps sarcastic is a better word than derogatory, Mikey. I'm afraid that his efforts may not be enough for most of his critics. Even the ladies are making despairing remarks. I will keep an open mind, actually I never closed it, I just thought Jimmy had made some boundaries he wouldn't cross. I see he is attempting to be flexible. But I think we both know the howling won't stop till he bottoms. And if he doesn't do that satisfactorily, they will be howling again.
I love Connor and it would be great to see him in any scene. I do prefer him as a top though especially when he kisses the guys at the end.

No chance of that with jimmy though -that would so uncool! I was wondering what sequence that scene - I got the impression it wasn't his latest - listening to the banter between the boys!
Attaboy Jimmy!

My faith in Jimmy has been restored! Jimmy showed compassion, and seemed to have fun with Conner, as Conner had fun with him. It's apparent Jimmy swallowed his pride (and another man's dick!) :001_rolleyes: Yet he still carries on the straight boy persona. Jimmy, if you are actually straight, I salute you. ... even if it is for the money you sucked cock!! I gave this a 5 because of Jimmy's willingness to "go down". I can now say "Luv ya Jimmy".
Conner, you're a hot stud, and fun to listen to and watch. I'm glad you're making appearances on Broke Straight Boys Keep up the good work, farmer boy!
UGH Jimmy AGAIN!!! He is so boring, so full of himself, so arrogant. He can make any scene dull and boring...
This is not about Jimmy eventhough the scene did involve him in a very significant way - he fucked Connor. This is about Connor and his cherry-popping ceremony! The question that should be addressed is: Did it work? Did Connor convinced us that it was his very first time or not? As for my input, my eyes were wide-open almost incredulous watching how easy Connor took that massive bohemoth into his virginal asshole. OK, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he practiced off stage to accommodate Jimmy's dick for the purpose of speeding up the time frame on the site. Continuing to watch Connor, I began to be enamored with his physic and how he was layed out on the bed, but especially how well he played with Jimmy's dick - the guy actually liked it and it's his first time! Connor comes across as a gentle soul someone who would introduce to mother. Regardless how unfulfilling the scene was, Connor was sensational. I was more into Connor than in the script. He just got what Beth called my "natural lube" flowing.
I had already assumed that with as many Jimmy vids as they likely have in the can that they had made a conscious decision to hold back on them. At least until things had cooled down a bit. I applaud that business decision. It was the smart thing to do. After all, if they had released it much earlier Jimmy would likely not have been given a fair chance when people viewed his performance here.

I do have to say that this is one of the best Jimmy scenes we have seen in a while. Probably my favorite one of Jimmy is his first scene with Anthony. If this scene is typical of what he can show us and improve on in the future then he has a good chance of gaining even more fans.

The problem is that he has dug himself such a deep hole with so many past performances. Maybe he can show us that the past is the past and he's committed himself to doing better going forward. I hope that's the case.

I almost fell out of my chair when I saw Jimmy start to give oral to Connor. LOL I was very so happy to see that he was at least attempting it. Jimmy did a little bit better giving oral here than in the past. But unfortunately he didn't put that much effort into it. He still won't use tongue even to swirl it around inside his mouth. The suction is often lacking. In this one aspect Jimmy comes across as being selfish in bed. When giving oral he wants to just go through the motions. Not being concerned with whether he's pleasing his partner. But when he's receiving...he wants a long(er) top-notch blowjob.

When Connor tried to push his head down a little bit Jimmy barked at him about not touching his hair. What's that about? Would it have ruined the scene if Jimmy's hair got a little tousled? He had a hot date later? haha Anyway... Once it was Connor's turn, Jimmy was pushing his head down (never minding about Connor's hair) and asking Connor to deep throat him.

A successful gay for pay straight model gives oral and does it well. It doesn't matter if some of his scene partners have an advantage in giving oral because they are not as straight as him. I know that Jimmy has been hoping that he could get a pass on learning that skill. But he still needs to learn and improve on giving oral. To not ask that of Jimmy I feel has just been a reward for doing a poor job of it in the past.

Jimmy I do very much appreciate that you at least tried to give oral in this scene. I was very pleased and pleasantly surprised that you did it. Obviously there is some room for improvement there. But please don't stop trying. Rest assured though that some of your shortcomings in giving oral were the only things I did not like about your performance. I was very pleased about everything else you did.

When Jimmy was receiving oral he was rubbing Connor's back and touching him. When he started massaging Connor's shoulders I actually thought it was...dare I say, "sweet"? haha It really helped to set up a friendly, feel-good vibe for the rest of the scene. Jimmy shined even more from that point on. It was very impressive how he attentive (sweet? lol) he was to Connor. Asking him for instance if he was okay and not in too much discomfort. I thought it was great that he had the presence of mind to ask Connor if he liked it faster or slower. That showed us that he actually cared about whether he was pleasing his partner. Which is how it should be. In real life or porn.

I promise I'll throw plenty of compliments to Connor in another post. This post just got way too long. lol

This was a good scene Jimmy. Thank you! :wink:
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UGH Jimmy AGAIN!!! He is so boring, so full of himself, so arrogant. He can make any scene dull and boring...

I agree completely. He's like a robot. I'm sorry but those who see Jimmy as caring and showing compassion have never experienced those things done correctly. Jimmy completely lacks charisma of any kind. It was so awful when he looks over at Connor while putting the condom on and says "You know what this means, right?" Whew, yeah, that's charming. He's not all that and a bag of chips in the area of looks, he needs to make up for that in personality, but but he fails completely. When he has sex with a guy, he might as well be jacking off. No one expects him to "make love" to the guys on this site, but a little style and grace would be nice. One gets the impression he is not intellectually capable of that.

Connor on the other hand has a sweet disposition and that shines through. He suffered Jimmy handily and for that, I give him props.
Connor is fantastic!!! I thought Jimmy was very personable in this scene and even tried to give Connor a blow job. Connor gave a GREAT blow job. It really made me horny. I like the way Jimmy checked in with Connor while fucking him to make sure Connor was OK. Connor was a fantastic bottom and took it like a champ and then even got some enjoyment. They both came mountains, so it must of been good for both of them. Good scene.
I loved Connor in this scene. He's one of the best models to come on the website. Jimmy was better but that's not saying much. Connor tried so hard and I loved it. Jimmy is jimmy take it or leave it. Like i said already watching him give a bj is painful to watch and insulting to the models that actually try to put on a good show like I don't know Connor for example. Broke Straight Boys pays jimmy to act like a robot when other models that try deserve it way more.
connor quietly taking it was more than made up for by jimmy's sounds and the now gone singing bed.
i really expected more of the same, i got more of the same with a few twists.
not bad!
A pillow here, a shoulder rub there, and a minimal bj = Jimmy's "Cum-2-Jesus" moment!

I had already assumed that with as many Jimmy vids as they likely have in the can that they had made a conscious decision to hold back on them. At least until things had cooled down a bit. I applaud that business decision. It was the smart thing to do. After all, if they had released it much earlier Jimmy would likely not have been given a fair chance when people viewed his performance here.

I do have to say that this is one of the best Jimmy scenes we have seen in a while. Probably my favorite one of Jimmy is his first scene with Anthony. If this scene is typical of what he can show us and improve on in the future then he has a good chance of gaining even more fans.

The problem is that he has dug himself such a deep hole with so many past performances. Maybe he can show us that the past is the past and he's committed himself to doing better going forward. I hope that's the case.

I almost fell out of my chair when I saw Jimmy start to give oral to Connor. LOL I was very so happy to see that he was at least attempting it. Jimmy did a little bit better giving oral here than in the past. But unfortunately he didn't put that much effort into it. He still won't use tongue even to swirl it around inside his mouth. The suction is often lacking. In this one aspect Jimmy comes across as being selfish in bed. When giving oral he wants to just go through the motions. Not being concerned with whether he's pleasing his partner. But when he's receiving...he wants a long(er) top-notch blowjob.

When Connor tried to push his head down a little bit Jimmy barked at him about not touching his hair. What's that about? Would it have ruined the scene if Jimmy's hair got a little tousled? He had a hot date later? haha Anyway... Once it was Connor's turn, Jimmy was pushing his head down (never minding about Connor's hair) and asking Connor to deep throat him.

A successful gay for pay straight model gives oral and does it well. It doesn't matter if some of his scene partners have an advantage in giving oral because they are not as straight as him. I know that Jimmy has been hoping that he could get a pass on learning that skill. But he still needs to learn and improve on giving oral. To not ask that of Jimmy I feel has just been a reward for doing a poor job of it in the past.

Jimmy I do very much appreciate that you at least tried to give oral in this scene. I was very pleased and pleasantly surprised that you did it. Obviously there is some room for improvement there. But please don't stop trying. Rest assured though that some of your shortcomings in giving oral were the only things I did not like about your performance.
I was very pleased about everything else you did.

When Jimmy was receiving oral he was rubbing Connor's back and touching him. When he started massaging Connor's shoulders I actually thought it was...dare I say, "sweet"? haha It really helped to set up a friendly, feel-good vibe for the rest of the scene. Jimmy shined even more from that point on. It was very impressive how he attentive (sweet? lol) he was to Connor. Asking him for instance if he was okay and not in too much discomfort. I thought it was great that he had the presence of mind to ask Connor if he liked it faster or slower. That showed us that he actually cared about whether he was pleasing his partner. Which is how it should be. In real life or porn.

I promise I'll throw plenty of compliments to Connor in another post. This post just got way too long. lol

This was a good scene Jimmy. Thank you! :wink:

Connor is fantastic!!! I thought Jimmy was very personable in this scene and even tried to give Connor a blow job. Connor gave a GREAT blow job. It really made me horny. I like the way Jimmy checked in with Connor while fucking him to make sure Connor was OK. Connor was a fantastic bottom and took it like a champ and then even got some enjoyment. They both came mountains, so it must of been good for both of them. Good scene.

Dearest Tampa and Cum2me01,

No one states things needing to be said more diplomatically than you, Tampa. Thanks for making these reasonable suggestions for Jimmy's consideration. I agree with you and realize these concerns raised by you was not motivated out of being "close-minded" with anything to do concerning Jimmy. I sincerely hope Jimmy has not boxed himself into a corner to such an extent to prevent him from making modest changes in his image representing personal growth. I am very pleased with Jimmy's efforts of taking his partner's feelings into consideration in this latest episode. I feel it demonstrates greater maturity on Jimmy's part and he deserves our praise.

Cum2me01's acknowledgement of Jimmy's showing greater concern for his partner was further proof of this recent improvement shown to Conner. I just feel we all should applaud ALL models who have concern for their partner's enjoyment and comfort. Treat others the same way as you want them to treat you(The Golden Rule) is my motto.


yes to everyone that is wondering that was my first time i took it, i just have had prior experience with toys to help me out taking it for the first time. but hey it wasnt all that bad. im only up for it though on camera.


You did a really good job man. Thank you! :biggrin:

I had wished that you had been asked on camera at the end what you thought of the experience, since it was your first time. I was disappointed that Clay ended it as soon as the sex was over. So what did you think? Was it as bad as you thought it would be? Better? Was your orgasm different or stronger than the usual hetero missionary, or self-love sex? haha ;)
An afterthought for Christmas Cheer

yes to everyone that is wondering that was my first time i took it, i just have had prior experience with toys to help me out taking it for the first time. but hey it wasnt all that bad. im only up for it though on camera.

Dear Connor,

Does this mean all I have to do is strap on a camera to my dick and you would be willing to wink, smile for the camera, and curl my toes, too???:069: I really can't wait to unwrap your warm and tight present!:xmas2grin:

Wishing you the best for Christmas!:xmas2kiss: Do you put green ornaments on your red bush with wrapped presents below? :biggrimjackbox:

