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Is it the front or back that gets douched with this feminine product?


It is the front! I have never used one myself, but I think LL is correct and it fucks with your body chemistry too much. I guess my vajay is just fabulous the way it is. You wouldn't dare put this in yo ass. Fo sho!
I totally remember that commercial airing during daytime tv when I was much younger and actually watched daytime tv. I still don't understand the need for this product.... I guess I've just always had a really healthy vagina! It seems like you'd create more problems using this than you would if you just leave your body alone to do it's thing. Maybe I'm wrong.... Girls, what do you think???

And by the way.... I looks odd to me using the word vagina with my beautiful new avatar....

If I recall correctly, we learned in school that it's not good to douche. Gets rid of healthy flora and all that stuff.
PS - that commercial was hilarious...that's exactly what every daughter wants to talk to her mom about
I totally remember that commercial airing during daytime tv when I was much younger and actually watched daytime tv. I still don't understand the need for this product.... I guess I've just always had a really healthy vagina! It seems like you'd create more problems using this than you would if you just leave your body alone to do it's thing. Maybe I'm wrong.... Girls, what do you think???

And by the way.... I looks odd to me using the word vagina with my beautiful new avatar....

I was very young when that commercial came out, and had not yet learned to NOT ask my mother questions, that I really did not want the answer to. So it started a conversation that had me burying my head in my arms, shouting gross and ewwwwwww.
Your royal highness, I am absolutely floored that your eminence would even touch the ground (word has it you float in the air), let alone exhibit such wanton frivolity as laughing. I presume it would be on your carpet of chinchilla and mink, away from the prying eyes of the commoner. One can only imagine such a rare occurrence. :)
Miss Deidra if that doesn't convince people to use condoms nothing will... I loved the Pepsi comercial too. Although, I laughed knowing that a real Shaolin Priest would never consume anything harmful to the environment or their body...:w00t:
Was it just our royal personage, or did others in Forumland feel that women were taking a "beating" in some of the Superbowl commercials?

We did enjoy the Budweiser "Product Placement" shtick, that was hilarious, and seemed to have been filmed in our own castle!
haha hi all, ive been quiet, but i recently came across that on youtube and i had to share it.