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Not all ads at the Superbowl are good, some are outright bombs. I wish they had a review board for quality ;)

This one may not be as entertaining as Jayman/Undie/MsK/... cute boy friday posts, but it is funny...


This is great! I can't wait for my boys to see it. They are both such huge Star Wars fans. Of course, they were both once that little boy, all dressed up... they have grown up too quickly:(:(:(
Celebrate, Undie is here ;) (must have felt all those good vibes and pleading posts...)

I agree, most American commercials are insipid or boring...we usually don't get many good ones until the Superbowl. That's why I like the Telly awards for best commercials, because we don't get the high caliber stuff you get in other countries.

Thanks for sharing, as always :)

Hey kaalaaupuni,

We don't do the Super Bowl but Australia has funny commercials none the less:

Grab a Hahn Beer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he4fBK3d8hk

Biking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHZjpbttAr8

So that's how the flooding started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdN3PDeErvw

....and of course an undie commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km6tGDlYsew

Undie (always look on the bright side of life....)

Dearest Undie,

Unique in all the world. Nuff said!

Best Wishes for a happy life!

and I loved Undie's commercial (particularly with the TSA issue causing consternation here in and outside of the USA airports...)

Undie you're the best for keeping things lighthearted here on Broke Straight Boys

I totally remember that commercial airing during daytime tv when I was much younger and actually watched daytime tv. I still don't understand the need for this product.... I guess I've just always had a really healthy vagina! It seems like you'd create more problems using this than you would if you just leave your body alone to do it's thing. Maybe I'm wrong.... Girls, what do you think???

And by the way.... I looks odd to me using the word vagina with my beautiful new avatar....
Between Kaalaaupuni and Undie & Ms. K, my day has been made! Absolutely the funniest collection of adverts I can remember ever seeing! Thanks all, I am rotflmaotic!