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CollegeDudes promotion suggestion, for Mark and Johnny


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hi, Mark, and Johnny ~

First of all, thanks for all the great things you do. I'm a big fan of BluMedia, and really love both the new offerings and the wonderful archives (as well as all the nice new member-friendly features) on both www.brokestraightboys.com, and www.collegedudes.com.

I really want to thank you guys for bringing Jason Matthews back to Broke Straight Boys awhile ago. . . and I hope that, if his schedule permits, we'll be seeing more of him, again - he is sort of my personal sexual hero! And I ALSO want to thank you for bringing Bryan Cavallo back to College Dudes, recently - that made my heart JUMP, I was so happy!!! I know that some fans and subscribers are all about the novelty, and the new faces - which I understand - but I'm a very performer-centred fan, and it's really wonderful when you guys are able to hang onto star performers, who are fan favourites. :)

All I was going to suggest in this post is. . . I might be wrong, but it seems to me that Broke Straight Boys is a larger site, than College Dudes. And while a number of members I know on Broke Straight Boys are also members of College Dudes, I've heard a few say, "Well. . . that's OK. . . I'm just not interested in that."

I think a lot of people who haven't seriously considered College Dudes would be really, really surprised, and happily so. . . if they got to know the site a little more 'intimately'. *Wink* My gosh, you have a boatload of gorgeous guys, over there. With Bryan returning, and the sweet and beautiful Troy Taylor, and the hunky bottom Alex Maxim. . . College Dudes is a pretty good place to be, right now!!! (Not to mention, Jason's archived videos there make me splooge, like flipping a light-switch ;-)

So, my suggestions are (and you can just have a laugh about them, if you want):

1.) It is AWESOME that Troy is posting here, now. (Thank you, Troy!) Please keep encouraging Troy to post, and, if possible, encourage Bryan and Alex to join us, too! They're all super-beautiful, and very sweet and interesting guys, and I think people would enjoy it. . . and also get more curious about signing up for College Dudes :-)

2.) Let's face it, guys are pretty visual, and that leads us on to do the things we sometimes shouldn't. . . like, signing up for a new site ;-) I think a very efficient, low-cost way of promoting College Dudes would be, to put up a little "College Dudes update corner" in the corner of the Broke Straight Boys homepage. . . and then show off the best photo of the week from College Dudes, each week, and maybe give a little news about what's coming up there. . . just as is done, on Broke Straight Boys

3.) And, finally, I would think about posting - maybe once a month or something - a hot CLIP from College Dudes on here (even just a teaser): so that people can SEE what's going on at College Dudes, in terms of action. I think when people get to see Troy Taylor in action, they are not gonna be disappointed!

Just a couple of idle thoughts,

Alex 001.jpg

Alex 002.jpg

Bryan 001.jpg

Bryan 002.jpg

Troy 001.jpg
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Thank you very much!!! First off, when brain storming ideas, there is no right or wrong- ALL ideas are great to get out there. Even ideas we don't like can help lead us to ideas we do, so I personally really appreciate your concern and contributions. I actually like all of your ideas! We, as you may have noticed, are still in the process of re-doing many things associated with College Dudes. we are working on bringing it to the next level- with a much higher production quality and look. I think you bring some great ideas to the table that we will discuss further - we already have some things in the works. College Dudes is not for everyone, and some people enjoy it even more than Broke Straight Boys..but we would like everyone to give it a good look at the least- we are proud of the direction we are taking it and are expecting big things from the site. THANK YOU for being a fan, I don't always get the time to write each member (wish I could) but know that I DO try to read each and every post from members- always keeping a feel for the heartbeat of the thoughts, wishes and desires every member has. I have noticed and read posts from you and enjoy your feedback- wanted to take the time to address you and say thank you. I hope you enjoy what the future brings in College Dudes and as always, look forward to any feedback you may have! Thanks so much,
Johnny Robins
Thank you, Johnny!

I really appreciated your letter, and it was very thoughtful of you to write to me. I feel really good about the work you guys have been doing at College Dudes! Everything seems to be going well.

I would say, just like there is this old maxim in real estate, that everything is "location, location, location". . . I think that in the erotic entertainment industry, everything is "models, models, models"!!! Sites which are able to attract and retain the best and most beautiful models, thrive - even without regard to their technical excellence. People crave BEAUTY (that's a human constant) - and they also crave (in this cold, cybernetic age) a sense of PERSONAL CONNECTION (that's a human constant, too) - which is one reason Broke Straight Boys has done so well, giving us "serial voyeurs" the opportunity to chat with and be acquainted with, the models we love. (And the staff, as well!)

Anyway, thanks for your kind letter, Johnny, and I hope you have a very nice week!


*"Pretty things" ~ Rufus Wainwright: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWuQP9kGn4E
Thank you very much!!! First off, when brain storming ideas, there is no right or wrong- ALL ideas are great to get out there. Even ideas we don't like can help lead us to ideas we do, so I personally really appreciate your concern and contributions. I actually like all of your ideas! We, as you may have noticed, are still in the process of re-doing many things associated with College Dudes. we are working on bringing it to the next level- with a much higher production quality and look. I think you bring some great ideas to the table that we will discuss further - we already have some things in the works. College Dudes is not for everyone, and some people enjoy it even more than Broke Straight Boys..but we would like everyone to give it a good look at the least- we are proud of the direction we are taking it and are expecting big things from the site. THANK YOU for being a fan, I don't always get the time to write each member (wish I could) but know that I DO try to read each and every post from members- always keeping a feel for the heartbeat of the thoughts, wishes and desires every member has. I have noticed and read posts from you and enjoy your feedback- wanted to take the time to address you and say thank you. I hope you enjoy what the future brings in College Dudes and as always, look forward to any feedback you may have! Thanks so much,
Johnny Robins

It's kind letters and posts like this one Johnny that makes Broke Straight Boys so unusual and unique within the industry. Your own popularity as a person and individual in your own right...and not just as "The Director", only grows. Thank you for giving of your time to respond to us as much as you do. I know that directing two sites and filming scenes probably on a near daily basis has to be a grueling schedule. So I completely understand that you don't have the luxury of being chatty and posting on a regular basis. It is enough to know that you read the forum and keep up with the feedback on your work, as well as keeping a finger on the pulse of general moods within the forum based viewership. We don't claim to speak for the entire membership in here. But I hope we give you a good enough random sampling of enough tastes by which to make good (and successful) creative decisions. :)

I really admire your work Johnny. Even when there is an occasional scene that I don't care for, I try to keep any negative feedback and constructive criticism within reasonable bounds. I try to file down the tips of any arrows I may sling. lol If I'm ever unsuccessful in that and a few of them leave a scratch or hurt...then let me apologize now. Again, please know that I'm a big fan of your work. And I appreciate all you do for us. :)
I really want to join College Dudes as well. I keep saving a bit of my benefits each time so that I can buy a years membership like I have with Broke Straight Boys as I find it better and cheaper that way but I swear there is some sadistic anti porn fairy out there as soon as I get close something always seem to happen that gobels it all up, but I will never stop trying until I make it. Just as a mention if there were more pictures like those on here showing on the threads more often I think more people would try there hardest to join College Dudes as well. Dan x
It's kind letters and posts like this one Johnny that makes Broke Straight Boys so unusual and unique within the industry. Your own popularity as a person and individual in your own right...and not just as "The Director", only grows. Thank you for giving of your time to respond to us as much as you do. I know that directing two sites and filming scenes probably on a near daily basis has to be a grueling schedule. So I completely understand that you don't have the luxury of being chatty and posting on a regular basis. It is enough to know that you read the forum and keep up with the feedback on your work, as well as keeping a finger on the pulse of general moods within the forum based viewership. We don't claim to speak for the entire membership in here. But I hope we give you a good enough random sampling of enough tastes by which to make good (and successful) creative decisions. :)

I really admire your work Johnny. Even when there is an occasional scene that I don't care for, I try to keep any negative feedback and constructive criticism within reasonable bounds. I try to file down the tips of any arrows I may sling. lol If I'm ever unsuccessful in that and a few of them leave a scratch or hurt...then let me apologize now. Again, please know that I'm a big fan of your work. And I appreciate all you do for us. :)


I second the motion, Tampa!

"A" :-)))
Did you guys see the "Extras" clip of Bryan Cavallo's song about "College Dudes?" It was very sexy...and funny at the same time!
Did you guys see the "Extras" clip of Bryan Cavallo's song about "College Dudes?" It was very sexy...and funny at the same time!


Thanks, Beth - I had missed that one, but wow, Bryan's a great singer. . . and so cute, too! (Johnny, you get him on this board SOON, you hear??? ;-)


*I love Bryan's singing voice so much! He's a star! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntBYxf_vddg