My Dearest Colin,
Thank you so much for your lovely letter. You're so sweet. Thank you for all the kind words. It's times like this that I wish we could still do private messages to models. But I am also happy that our conversations allow others to see just how special you are.
I have family out in California and was just out to visit them in late October, early November. They tell me the same things about the cost of living and the taxes. It's just so difficult for a young couple to achieve a middle class standard of living or higher. But if anybody has the potential to make it in life Colin, it's you.
Our early twenties are usually going to have alot of financial struggle. So you are in the majority there. Things will get better!
I'm so happy to hear that your sex life is still going strong. How "WILD" is wild? haha Have you bought any new toys lately or have you gotten into some other kink yet? haha
I'm so happy to hear that your son is well and thriving. That really is impressive that he can carry conversations at 2 1/2. He is a smart little guy. But then how could he not be cherubic
and smart with a dad like you? I'm sure he's adorable. And very much loved...
Thank you for your prayers for my friend and neighbor Colin. I went and visited him tonight. He's been transferred from the hospital to a nursing home. Hopefully from there he can graduate to an assisted living facility. He has a concussion from a bad fall. So his lucidity fades in and out. Most of the time he makes perfect sense. Then he'll throw out a sentence that makes no sense at all. He talked about the fact that he realizes that he will probably never go back to his own home again. He can't go back to living alone. So he's dealing with that. Parkinson's is awful It just steals your body functions away from you a little bit at a time. When I arrived this evening he just wanted to hold my hand. Which was fine with me. So I held his trembling hand the whole time we talked.
I'm so glad to hear that you share my love of traveling and meeting people. I must say that I'm surprised that you have a fear of the ocean. lol Most of us Scorpios love either the mountains, the ocean or both. I guess you're one who loves the mountains the best. I was actually born in SoCal but left as a toddler. From Ohio at 18 y/o I decided I didn't want to spend my life up north in a very cold climate. I would have preferred California because it has both mountains and ocean. But I decided it was too expensive. Go figure. lol So I decided on Florida for the ocean, the beaches, the palm trees and the very mild winters. I've never regretted that decision.
It's a shame that you are afraid of the ocean. But then you are not afraid of all bodies of water. I remember you telling us how you like to go to a local river or something and sunbathe in the nude. I'm sure you look great in the process. lol
I wish I was wealthy and you could tolerate being near the water. I'd love to be able pay your way for you and Nikki to join me. You would have so much fun aboard a ship. The food is non stop 24/7. And it's usually very good food if you choose the right cruise line. There's entertainment galore. Massages, swimming pools, casino, nightclubs and bars for partying, fitness centers... The whole bit! It's like a floating city where you're treated like an honored guest.
Of course if you two were there I might try to work out some kind of time-share arrangement with Nikki. lol Maybe start out by asking for private lunch with you every other day. And then having you for a sleepover on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She probably wouldn't go for all that. So then I would come down to one sleepover. If she balked at that I'd probably grovel so I could have you briefly for a one hour nap where I could cuddle with you.
I do hope you are able to get on the event circuit this summer Colin. Whether it's Long Beach or any other, I'm sure you would love the travel to different cities and so on. And you have so many fans who would be thrilled to see you. Long Beach is rather far away from me on the opposite side of the continent. Suffice to say though that it would be my honor and privilege to meet you in person.
Big hugs Colin! XOO