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Clay - best to CJ and Sam, for 2013


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Dear Clay~

Thank you for your "behind-the-scenes" account of all that happened to CJ and Sam, prior to their video. (A video which I like more and more, BTW.)

I wonder if you would please tell CJ and Sam that they are very appreciated by the membership, here. I would like to tell CJ, that he is awfully cute (if that wouldn't discomfit him, too much): and I am sorry about his mishaps and bad time in prison, but: I am hoping that life is going better for him, now. And I am sure that, if he returns for future scenes, no one will mind or be upset by his "ink". Sometimes things happen in life, and we take the blows, and get the scars, but - as long as he is doing better now, that is really ALL that matters.

To Sam - I was shocked and saddened to learn that he was shot, and I simply hope that he is continuing to make a strong recovery, and doing well in every way. No one deserves a traumatic setback in life, like that, and so I hope Sam will be OK, henceforth. For the record, I thought his appearance in this video was great, also. (And I hope, also, that the kind and generous people of the U.S.A. will work hard on ways to mitigate gun violence ~ as it is projected that, in just a few years, more American citizens will die, annually, from gunshot wounds, than from automobile accidents - and, to an old Canadian, like me, that's just incomprehensible.)

All kinds of nice and basically good guys face all kinds of difficulties in life, that a lot of us never dream of. It is very important for us to care about them, and support them, I think. I hope that Sam and CJ will have a much better year, this year: and that goes for ALL the models of Broke Straight Boys, as far as I am concerned.

Thank you, Clay.


Ambivalent, what a very nice man you are. I wish you a very happy new year with all the goodness you project
Brother Ambi has a beautiful soul.
(I've seen it!)

I would probably find CJ's 'ink' adding to his appeal, something
unique about him. To me, he professional tattooing, no matter
how exquisite artistically when new, seems a bit obvious as an

Terrible to think of that lovely creature Sam being shot at. I do
hope the violent part of his life is behind him. Speaking of his behind,
he ought to spend more time within the safety of gay-for-pay porn.
The only thing that will be shot at him is a fully engorged male
penis and the sperm, if not ingested as it ought to be, washes off.

Our dear brother Ambi is indeed a very kind soul. I also extend my warmest wishes and best regards to CJ and Sam. I'm very sorry they've seen so much tribulation along with all the physical and emotional trauma in their young lives. I wholeheartedly join with Ambi in wishing them all the best. May CJ and Sam have a wonderful new year in 2013. Along of course with all the other models who are with us now and those who will still join us.

I'm so gald Ambi posted this because it shows both sides of our shared human nature. As I told Clay... When he does decide to share some things about models with us that is not widely known...it is not appreciated as a tawdry way to just "get the dirt" on them. The vast majority of people in here really do have concern for the models who take great risks to introduce us into their lives and try their best to entertain us.

I hope that CJ and Sam will be offered more work in the future and that their desire to keep a shirt on will not adversely affect their employment here. I do believe that they or Clay should say something in an intro to one of each of their vids to give some explanation to non forum members as to why they prefer to stay partially clothes in their scenes. So as not to give the impression that they are being overly modest while other models are expected to be fully nude. For instance Sam could just say he has scars that he doesn't want to show. He needn't explain what kind of scars or the circumstances as to how he got them unless he wants to. CJ can be very honest and say he has tattoos that he regrets now and prefers to keep to himself. He needn't mention anything about prison at all if he doesn't want to. I can imagine that some prison gang tattoos could be quite offensive to some members if they are especially violent looking or racial in nature.

All this to say I guess that if they choose to take off their shirts at some later point, that's fine with me. If they prefer to keep shirts on for the rest of their G-F-P careers here...that's fine with me also. :)

Thank you, KellyG, and Tangogent. I am not so nice as you suggest, but rather, an irascible, diffifult, old Scots-Canadian: and I know my imperfections are MANY.However, I am always glad to try and enlist ALL KINDS of FRIENDS, into being kind to the guys who work in this difficult industry - which, nontheless, helps us all out, so much.

They give us so much happiness, and comfort - and they deserve a little love, too.


P.S. All these thoughts are in loving memory of my friend, "Bri", who ALWAYS loved the models, and never had a bad word to say about ANYONE. This was his favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQTLs4QCSB4
Where the Boys Are


Thank you, KellyG, and Tangogent. I am not so nice as you suggest, but rather, an irascible, diffifult, old Scots-Canadian: and I know my imperfections are MANY.However, I am always glad to try and enlist ALL KINDS of FRIENDS, into being kind to the guys who work in this difficult industry - which, nontheless, helps us all out, so much.

They give us so much happiness, and comfort - and they deserve a little love, too.


P.S. All these thoughts are in loving memory of my friend, "Bri", who ALWAYS loved the models, and never had a bad word to say about ANYONE. This was his favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQTLs4QCSB4
What a great song Ambi. As I mentioned in another thread, I spent a great deal of time in Fort Lauderdale, where the movie takes place, of which this is the title song.

My favorite hangout in Fort Lauderdale was The Marlin Beach Hotel, on the strip of A1A overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. It was a gay motel with a large pool with lounge chairs open to the public, and several bars, including pool side and one facing the strip, opposite the Atlantic Ocean. This song reminds of tea dance every afternoon at 3 PM into the dusk, and when this Connie Francis song was played at sunset in Fort Lauderdale, it made an indelible impression on me.

PS Young hustlers used to frequent the Marlin Beach, as well as the blocks immediately around it. This was the center of the hustler action there, back in the day. I guess those who know me understand that it would take more than a sentimental Connie Francis song to get me there every day. :drool:


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Thank you, KellyG, and Tangogent. I am not so nice as you suggest, but rather, an irascible, diffifult, old Scots-Canadian: and I know my imperfections are MANY.However, I am always glad to try and enlist ALL KINDS of FRIENDS, into being kind to the guys who work in this difficult industry - which, nontheless, helps us all out, so much.

They give us so much happiness, and comfort - and they deserve a little love, too.


P.S. All these thoughts are in loving memory of my friend, "Bri", who ALWAYS loved the models, and never had a bad word to say about ANYONE. This was his favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQTLs4QCSB4

Your friend Bri had great taste in music! Sending good thoughts...

Thank you again, KellyG and TG - and thank you, Tampa. You are all incredibly kind. Mike, your stories of the magical past, were - well - MAGICAL! I guess I missed out on a certain period of gay life (I am 47) ~ partly because I live in the innermost part of the Arctic Circle (the only 'white parties', around here, involve polar bears, honestly); partly because I am naturally shy; and partly because, when I was younger, my Mother said, "Get 'A's, or don't come HOME." So, there was not a lot of revelry, in my youth.

It has taken me three decades to find a boyfriend: and he is so stunning, he would stop Mark, or Clay, dead in their tracks, I suppose. But he is also very kind, and sweet, and caring - and that is why, I suppose, he has won MY love, over the past couple of years. If he finds someone better - then, of course, my best office will simply be to be HAPPY for him. But, as long as he cares about me, I will care about him, too: and so, I don't miss the Marlin Beach Hotel, the Hotel California, or ANY of the hotels, in which I never had the pleasure to reside. Honestly, Mike - I never could have competed there, anyway (I really DO look just like Winston Churchill, and HAVE, ever since I was 17 years old): so, it would have been an exercise in sheer frustration and futility, for me.

Beth - Bri was the kindest man, and the most beloved poster, and conversationalist, on a site I used to frequent. Everyone loved him, for he was absolutely unflappable; full of mirth, and joy; blessed with great artistic AND musical gifts (he composed his own music); and had a most IRENIC temperament. He was the sort of man who could make everyone laugh (even vigorous antagonists) - simply by laughing, himself. But he was a slightly older man (I suppose, in his mid '60's), with severe heart disease ~ and a dreadful summer came, when I didn't receive one of his usual biweekly letters: and then another two weeks went by; and then, another two. And then the sad news was revealed, that he had passed away.

It saddened me for many reasons. Most selfishly, because he and I had always wanted to visit, and go for coffee together, in California, where he lived: and that would have been wonderful. But more seriously, I always longed to meet him in person, because he was SO kind and good. He was like a great, gentle, St. Nicholas (in his visage and his voice) ~ blessed with huge talents in art, writing, and music ~ who only discovered (or determined) very late in life, that he was gay, I think: but who also had an IMMENSE gift for helping people to LOVE one another. (He was as sweet, as I am NOT.) So, as much as I shall miss seeing California, with him - I shall miss, even more, this very special, kindly soul, who gave me SO MUCH kindness, and love, for almost a decade. (Whenever I picked up the telephone, he was ALWAYS there.)

But now he is, no longer. And that is just the way life is, sometimes, isn't it? It's a sad thing, but I suppose we must simply go on and love those who are left, as best we can. Anyway, thank you for your kind words, Beth.

Love, your,

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