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Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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This is an auction site with a twist. One pays 60 cents per bid. Since it goes up one penny at a time, one might be there awhile trying to place the winning bid. This looks a bit like a fools errand.
Hey everybody im started my own youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/user/KingArthur1991?feature=mhee) that I am very excited about and I hope to be able to post a new video every week and give you all a little bit of insite in to me and my thoughts. not everything I talk about will be LGBT related but I will talk about a few issues as they come up. I would love to see what comments and topic suggestions you all post on my youtube page. I also want to let all of you know that I am pretty much an open book so if you have a question just post it on my page and I will answer you. I have been getting alot of questions so please be patient if I dont answer you right away. I also have a twitter if you want to follow me @CenaKid cant wait to hear from all of you!!!!

This is an auction site with a twist. One pays 60 cents per bid. Since it goes up one penny at a time, one might be there awhile trying to place the winning bid. This looks a bit like a fools errand.

I have a friend who used to frequent this site trying to find great deals on electronics and stuff. He told me that the bids usually go up to right around normal retail pricing, and that he's never seen anything he was interested in go for much of a bargain at all. Not that it's not possible mind you, but most of the time it approaches normal retail pricing so it's kind of like playing the lotto. Once in awhile you may strike gold, but it's rare. The quibids tv commercials make it seem like everything on there goes for pennies on the dollar...but the reality is that is very rare.
Usually when something seems too good to be true, it probably is just too good to be true. I fell into this scam, and it looks like they're using "bots" when the bids are too low. I wanted to give it a try and decided to pay close attention. I looked for already "won" items and they always said they were sold for like 58 cents. So I started bidding on similar items, and every time, out of nowhere, a mysterious b(ot)idder started bidding on those items making it reach the 3+ dollars mark. Now you'd say well it's only 3 dollars. Not really :)

When you join Quibids, you don't bid with "real" money. You must buy "quibid" packages first and you use "quibids" to bid. 1 quibid = 60 cents. So you buy, let's say, 100 quibids for $60. Every time you bid on an item, you use ONE quibid (60 cents), but the bid only goes up 1 cent. So yes the final price of an item looks low, but in reality that company gets way more money that they paid the item for.

Ever seen that commercial where Ipads sell for $50? Well, it took 5000 quibids to get to $50... 5000 quibids x 60 cents = $3000 for a 500 ipad.

Don't waste your money people. It's so not worth it.
Agree with above, if it sounds too good to be true then it is.