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Chat With The Models

Anybody else wish they could 'chat' with Bobby2, the 19yo skateboarder?

He's also one of the models that I would guess smokes and I'd enjoy seeing having a cigarette-my little fetish.

He's not listed here. Can we make it happen somehow, Mark?

Many thanks.
Anybody else wish they could 'chat' with Bobby2, the 19yo skateboarder?

He's also one of the models that I would guess smokes and I'd enjoy seeing having a cigarette-my little fetish.

He's not listed here. Can we make it happen somehow, Mark?

Many thanks.

We're not allowed to chat to the individuals via pvt messages. All conversations must be done via threads within the forum.

TBH I prefer to chat to the forum members but that is my choice.
Thanks for responding, Jon.

However, let me clarify. Although I greatly enjoy the 'cross-talk' with other members on forums like these, I have found talking ON THE DESIGNATED FORUM THREADS with models to be a pleasure of another flavour. Bobby2 is fast becoming a new favourite of mine, but he's no on the list of available models Mark gives at the beginning of this thread.

Any suggestions, Jon?

After all, talking with the models is, as Mark points out, one of the USP of Broke Straight Boys!

Thanks for responding, Jon.

However, let me clarify. Although I greatly enjoy the 'cross-talk' with other members on forums like these, I have found talking ON THE DESIGNATED FORUM THREADS with models to be a pleasure of another flavour. Bobby2 is fast becoming a new favourite of mine, but he's no on the list of available models Mark gives at the beginning of this thread.

Any suggestions, Jon?

After all, talking with the models is, as Mark points out, one of the USP of Broke Straight Boys!


On another thread, someone asked what happened to Bobby. Mark said he is MIA, but even when he was here he never really posted on the forum.:frown:
Thanks, Ms K.

Then he was the one they wrote about being possibly in jail again?

Because there's more than one Bobby, I wasn't sure the comment applied to him.


Dude, just because a model is no longer on here doesn't mean he's in jail. I spent 18 months away from Broke Straight Boys but it wasn't inside lol. Why do we all think the worst.
Dude, just because a model is no longer on here doesn't mean he's in jail. I spent 18 months away from Broke Straight Boys but it wasn't inside lol. Why do we all think the worst.

You are absolutely right! It is just that Bobby is young and wild, and immature. I don't think he always measures the consequences, till it's too late. And, kids like that do tend to go in and out of jail several times before they mature. That is also why he dropped out of sight the last time. But, I certainly don't wish that for him. I'd rather learn that he was having something good in his life that kept him away, like maybe a real job, or a girlfriend. Whatever.
Dude, just because a model is no longer on here doesn't mean he's in jail. I spent 18 months away from Broke Straight Boys but it wasn't inside lol. Why do we all think the worst.

I think people assume that he's in jail because he had gone to jail at one time, but that doesn't mean he's back there now. There could be a number of explainations for his absence. We can only hope he is alright and that maybe he'll be back.
Dude, just because a model is no longer on here doesn't mean he's in jail. I spent 18 months away from Broke Straight Boys but it wasn't inside lol. Why do we all think the worst.
Jon, as you were away for 18 months, you may not be aware that Bobby was one of the early stars of BSB2, universally loved and admired, (I think), with his long hair, beautiful face and body, boyish smile and personality. He looked to me like a teen idol type.

Then he disappeared, only to return with his beautiful hair chopped off, rather pale, and somewhat less toned, and that sparkle in his eyes seemed to have been dulled. He told us that he had spent some time in jail.

Now with his second absence, it is not a far reach for some of us to fear that he may gotten himself in trouble again. I certainly hope not, and ideally he found himself a "real" job with a future for himself, as a porn actor has a limited shelf life.

Jon, being a student of classic rock, are you familiar with Peter Paul and Mary, (more folk than rock, but still part of the sixties sound)?. They had a great hit called, "Puff the Magic Dragon", which told the tale of little Jackie Paper who loved his imaginary magical dragon Puff, but little Jackie grew up and stopped visiting Puff. And the verse goes, :

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

So perhaps little Bobby has moved on like Jackie. That is what I hope anyway.:angel:
Jon, as you were away for 18 months, you may not be aware that Bobby was one of the early stars of BSB2, universally loved and admired, (I think), with his long hair, beautiful face and body, boyish smile and personality. He looked to me like a teen idol type.

Then he disappeared, only to return with his beautiful hair chopped off, rather pale, and somewhat less toned, and that sparkle in his eyes seemed to have been dulled. He told us that he had spent some time in jail.

Now with his second absence, it is not a far reach for some of us to fear that he may gotten himself in trouble again. I certainly hope not, and ideally he found himself a "real" job with a future for himself, as a porn actor has a limited shelf life.

Jon, being a student of classic rock, are you familiar with Peter Paul and Mary, (more folk than rock, but still part of the sixties sound)?. They had a great hit called, "Puff the Magic Dragon", which told the tale of little Jackie Paper who loved his imaginary magical dragon Puff, but little Jackie grew up and stopped visiting Puff. And the verse goes, :

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

So perhaps little Bobby has moved on like Jackie. That is what I hope anyway.:angel:

Jeez that's deep and I've of PPM but not really into them. And actually I've read about Bobby and watched all his films but there is still no need to jump to conclusions.

I'm glad they don't have a Broke Straight Boys forum jury service - otherwise death row would be packed out.
Jeez that's deep and I've of PPM but not really into them. And actually I've read about Bobby and watched all his films but there is still no need to jump to conclusions.

I'm glad they don't have a Broke Straight Boys forum jury service - otherwise death row would be packed out.

Jon, we're not trying to jump to conclusions, and certainly none of us wish Bobby such a fate. Bobby has a charm about him that I think almost everyone likes him. I wish nothing but good things for that charming boy, specially after the hours of entertainment he brought us.