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CBP Jacob


Well-known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, OH
Someone mentioned the other day that the forum is getting a little boring. I think that there is a direct correlation between the action on the forum and the hotness of the guys in the current updates.

I am ONLY SPEAKING FOR MYSELF, but the most recent College Boy Physicals model Jacob is one more in a recent group of guys who do absolutely nothing for me. I haven't even watched his video, nor will I. If anything, he is a total turnoff, not a turnon.

We seem to be going through a dry spell of the twinky Broke Straight Boys who originally made me pony up my dineros. I long for the day when there was a constant stream of Tylers, Logans, Cousin Mikeys, Giovannis, etc. I waited, watching the clock until the next episode was released so that I, too, could release.

I realize that Broke Straight Boys makes a valiant effort to please everyone, and we have vastly different tastes, but I am beginning to believe that someone in management lost a bet, or Broke Straight Boys has become a charitable organization. I give regularly at the office to the Ugly Foundation, so, please, please, PLEASE bring back some hot boys! At least make an effort to alternate: twink, thug, twink, thug.

Are all the pretty boys back at school? If that is the case, someone from Broke Straight Boys needs to start hanging out at the local campuses, college libraries, college bookstores, acting as a casting agent. It wouldn't be too difficult to position ones self in a place where the boy is spending money (the college bookstore) and appeal to his broke condition. Twist my arm, I'll do it.

Break Tyler out of the office one day a week and send him out to the fast food joint near the campus, armed with Micky D gift cards and business cards. What's a few Big Macs when you can delivery Happy Meals to the members?

Seriously, I do love this site, and I love the interaction I've had with everyone involved, but the time has come to hold someone accountable for the sudden decline in the quality of the models.
Hey carking1

I can't speak for the Broke Straight Boys site since I don't see the ugly models in the most recent episodes on Broke Straight Boys so I guess its all in the eye of the beholder.

As for College Boy Physicals, we were keeping the exams simple since many have been requesting more "realistic" exams, but I have been watching the ratings and we have come to the conclusion that the ratings are higher when the patients and the Doctor has sex together and a lot more interaction. Many of the members of College Boy Physicals really don't get the medical fetish aspect of the site, but they love to watch it because they like the sex both oral and anal. Unfortunately there are not enough real medical fetish fans to really support the College Boy Physicals site as a true medical fetish site and we have to cater to the masses that want to see: SEX!!! We were trying something different but we are going back to filming College Boy Physicals with more interaction with the patient and the doctor. We have a few more scenes left in the vault that display the "simple exam" but this week we are filming SEX on College Boy Physicals.

As for the models, they come in waves and its all in the eye of the beholder. What you may like others may love and what you love others may hate so just like this forum slowing down and no drama it goes in waves and flows. Yesterday I was a hero...then I film a few scenes that some people don't like and today I'm in the shit hole...so why bother...LOL>>>
Hey carking1

I can't speak for the Broke Straight Boys site since I don't see the ugly models in the most recent episodes on Broke Straight Boys so I guess its all in the eye of the beholder.

As for College Boy Physicals, we were keeping the exams simple since many have been requesting more "realistic" exams, but I have been watching the ratings and we have come to the conclusion that the ratings are higher when the patients and the Doctor has sex together and a lot more interaction. Many of the members of College Boy Physicals really don't get the medical fetish aspect of the site, but they love to watch it because they like the sex both oral and anal. Unfortunately there are not enough real medical fetish fans to really support the College Boy Physicals site as a true medical fetish site and we have to cater to the masses that want to see: SEX!!! We were trying something different but we are going back to filming College Boy Physicals with more interaction with the patient and the doctor. We have a few more scenes left in the vault that display the "simple exam" but this week we are filming SEX on College Boy Physicals.

As for the models, they come in waves and its all in the eye of the beholder. What you may like others may love and what you love others may hate so just like this forum slowing down and no drama it goes in waves and flows. Yesterday I was a hero...then I film a few scenes that some people don't like and today I'm in the shit hole...so why bother...LOL>>>

David, David, David...you know I love you. You're not in the shit hole. You're not even in the dog house. I don't mind you getting in on the act. In fact, I kind of get a surrepticious thrill out of knowing that the hand on the dick is someone I have pm'd with and have a friendship. I just wish for my sake and yours that the boys were cuter. Perhaps then, you wouldn't have to wear those damn gloves just to touch their boy things.

Don't take it personally, my friend. Some hot boys will come along, and you will capture them and send them online for me.
Actually I liked Chino, Ashtyn and Rex but todays and a few others I didn't even look at after seeing pics. And Carking it was me that mentioned that the forum was getting a bit boring - the thread is on the other side.
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OMG!! Parker! He is VERY good looking!! I hope that we see more of him on College Boy Physicals, or better yet Broke Straight Boys, working his dick.....err 'mojo', on/with other guys!!!! Here's an idea for David/Mark to ponder.....Parker and Ashton, then a follow up 3 way with Shane! LOL
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I have dementure so my mind doesn't go back further than 4 weeks. But yes Parker and David were real hot.

If you have dementia at, what 23, then you won't remember your own name by the age of 40. That sucks, because I will still remember how hot Parker is, when you're 40.:001_tt2: