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Well-known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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I live in the south suburbs of Chicago.
I subscribe to one other major porn site besides Broke Straight Boys Like Broke Straight Boys, they have Bonus sites. I got my head turned by a scene from a site called Suck Off Guys. Even though I know better, I paid $25 for a month. My computer got infected with really nasty malware. It cost me $200 to have it removed. I do not know how to do such things myself. I'm broadcasting my stupidity in order to save someone else the trouble and expense. We all know that there are tons of sites out there, but now I've been told--twice--that only the big ones are secure.
get subscription to Advanced Technical Services-ATS- along with Panda Security and PRI Anti-Malware - excellent protections against viruses ATS is on call 24 hours
our fraternity has all 40 computers in both houses hooked in to this system and if a problem pops up ATS gets a call and they remotely take control of the computer and fix it within one to five hours...no complaints here
I have a Dell computer. It was gifted to me when I retired by the staff at the college where I worked. It has an antivirus program which is used throughout the entire campus. I am still connected to the college computer department which gives me any updates and warnings concerning our computer protection.

CHRISTOPHERROBIN: Stay away from anything that has the word "malware" One little click and you're done in all over again. Trust me, I've been there and it was when I was still working and it crashed my work computer. That was a very embarrassing situation.

Malware is the Satan of modern technology. Just remember Eve who was connived to eat of the forbidden fruit by the serpent. Today Malware is the evil serpent.
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I'm going to get a Mac the next time. Jon, are you saying that none of that malware can infect a Mac? And if you have one, can you visit the free sites without worrying about it?

This happens a lot. I used to have issues all the time but switched to a Mac and now I have no issues. :)

I think Mark says it all Christopher. A friend of mine has reluctantly gone over to a Mac because his pc was constantly being attacked by bugs of varying kinds. He spent a fortune on anti virus and other anti shit software but they still got through. Most of the evil bastards that spend hours trying to fuck up our systems tend to target PCs because the operating system is less complex than a Mac plus IE is much easier to fuck up than Safari. I am no expert but I have had a Mac for a few years now and never had any bugs or issues that you guys seem to report.

I have bought Mackeeper though which is a clean up tool, but generally the OSX system is untouchable.
Also along the same point be cautious of certain anti virus companies with there free trials as a couple of years ago I whent on this site and thought I'd take advantage of there trial and for the trial period everything seemed perfectly fine but at the end of the trial I decided it wasn't the package for me so I deleted it (or so I thought) a few days later my home screen froze and the logo of the anti virus people was on my screen telling me to sign up for the anti virus package and no matter what I tried it wouldn't go. In the end I had to go on another computer and tell them that I was going to have to get legal advise if it wasn't sorted and a couple of days later they emailed me something and I had to put it on a flash drive to take them of my computer. I apologise for such a long post but I'm not very good putting things into few words. Take care x dan
Thanks for the warning guys. When my current PC bites the dust I will definitely consider a Mac. I'm tired of all the viruses I've been attacked by over the years. Is there much of a price difference in the U.S. between comparable Macs and PC's with I.E.?
All of this talk about Malware and such, has really got me concerned lately. Is it more recently that things are getting bad? I know that I am armed to the teeth with PC protection. I don't like the nuances of the one a recently installed but, it seems to be working better than my Norton 360 (which I JUST purchased less than 30 days ago!)

I have an associate who's always been a MAC user and is an IT. I may also consider a change from the PC use that I have enjoyed all my life, for something less problematic like a MAC. For now, I will keep my porn probing to a minimal! It seems, that's one of the major ways to pick up these unwanted pests! But, in the mean time, I will stay heavily armed with my Anti Software, keeping updated and proceed with Caution
Thanks for the warning guys. When my current PC bites the dust I will definitely consider a Mac. I'm tired of all the viruses I've been attacked by over the years. Is there much of a price difference in the U.S. between comparable Macs and PC's with I.E.?

It's all relative Tampa. It depends on your budget and whether you want to use a laptop for example or a desktop pc. Apple have just bought out a new Imac 21.5inch screen starts off at $1099 - http://www.apple.com/imac/design/
Ok I know its not completely relative to this thread so I apologise but I have noticed on here that there are some very wise members so I have a question if someone would be generous enough to help. Instead of using a standard laptop or desktop I'm using a windows surface I think its called and I think its something like windows rt. So I was wondering as ive been told different answers from different people can this surface get viruses or not. Any help would be appreciated. X Dan
I don't think people with Macs should brag as the hackers and creators of malware will decide to make some rather nasty viruses for them. I just don't go to bad or unknown sites and have a decent malware and anti-virus program. I also have a brother who knows how to remove such things if I were ever to get one.

Some of these things automatically start to download so you might want to check your admin area for what you allow. Sometimes it is best to have your computer ask permission for everything. Especially in today's age where they want to scam and steal from everyone out there.
Ok I know its not completely relative to this thread so I apologise but I have noticed on here that there are some very wise members so I have a question if someone would be generous enough to help. Instead of using a standard laptop or desktop I'm using a windows surface I think its called and I think its something like windows rt. So I was wondering as ive been told different answers from different people can this surface get viruses or not. Any help would be appreciated. X Dan

Dan I would imagine that any windows based system is subject to a lot more hacking than a Mac. And to Iggy I and other Mac users are not bragging at all. Our statements are based on experience and a lot of the Mac anti virus stuff is within it's operating system. Hackers choose easy pray due to the expense as a lot of hackers are teenagers fucking things up because they do not have a life.
I am a Windows Domain administrator who manages an exchange server, file server, web server and a whole lot of other stuff. I wish we had all Macs at work... that's not really an option. But you can bet my server and the other 3 computers in my house are Macs. They're not perfect, but pretty much as close to perfect as you can get!
I am a Windows Domain administrator who manages an exchange server, file server, web server and a whole lot of other stuff. I wish we had all Macs at work... that's not really an option. But you can bet my server and the other 3 computers in my house are Macs. They're not perfect, but pretty much as close to perfect as you can get!

Thanks for that dude. As I said, I am now on my second Macbook pro and have never had any issues with malware or other viruses. Any streaming issues I have, which is rare, I blame on internet traffic periods being busy. Buying my Mac is one of the best investments I've ever made and sure it did take a bit of time adjusting to the new commands etc but it is worth it.
I went through 3 Windows systems on three different computers. Oh, the joys of Windows Millenium and Vista and Windows 7. The last PC I ordered wouldn't let me use my left hand on the touch pad. Sent it back (thank you Amazon).

Spent the extra money and got an Imac. Horray!!! Totally easy to use for the tech challenged (me) with great support, even after it went out of the cheap ($169) extended warranty they pleasantly answered simple questions without charging you $39.95. If it was a complex problem, the cost is $19.95 and good for 30 days. They let me download the newest operating system, Maverick for free, with 90 days of free tech support. Why anyone uses a PC is beyond me. They ate up tons of my time with both software and hardware issues.

I live in Seattle, but sorry, Microsoft sucks!
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