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Catching up with Kaden Alexander


BSB Addict
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
There is so much to be positive about in life's experiences. I try to focus there, and avoid negative comments where ever I can, except when I am being sarcastic.

But then sometimes I see Broke Straight Boys putting on a scene called "Catching up with Kaden Alexander" and I have to wonder exactly what someone would be thinking that would make them even consider it, much less do it.

I averaged the ratings on the scenes where Kaden Alexander was with one other person. I excluded where he was in interviews or with a group of people since those ratings would cloud an evaluation of just Kaden Alexander. His average ratings on the episodes involving just Kaden Alexander and one other guy was 4.14. This means that 50 pages of episodes in Broke Straight Boys, out of a total of 92 pages, are higher rated than 4.14. That places Kaden Alexander in the lower 45 percentile of all the episodes.

I have to wonder, out of all the hot fuckers we could possibly be catching up with, why would Kaden Alexander's name come up again?

This website is so great. This is a very minor blip in my experience here. But when something like this comes up, it causes me to stop in my tracks and wonder if I am losing my fucking mind in my old age. I have to be missing something here. It seems like there'd be sooooooooo many people we'd want to catch up with first, before we even CONSIDER Kaden Alexander.
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Well Studd it's like this. Kaden Alexander seems to be coming back to film more scenes.We caught up with Mikey we caught up with Dakota when they came back.
So I guess what Kaden Alexander will talk about what he has been up too since he was last here?
And he will be in a scene soon. And if I remember he may be Straight. Maybe? He was I think???
I liked him. Good looking boy..
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he's one of my all-time favourites and a real character. I welcome him back.
It seems like there'd be sooooooooo many people we'd want to catch up with first, before we even CONSIDER Kaden Alexander.

Hey Studddandy....Usually your messages are bursting with testosterone and enthusiasm so when I read your message above I could tell you weren't impressed.

Looking from the outside-in, i'd say that management are trying to strike a bit of a balance with bringing in brand new models and returning some old faces at the same time. Recently we've had Dakota and Mikey return, now Kaden Alexander, and Ronan Kennedy is on the horizon again. It wouldn't surprise me if a few more who were modelling here prior to 2015 pop back in again.

I love Kaden Alexander, I think he's an absolute legend. The guy seems full of fun and warmth and I totally believe its genuine. But I too sometimes found some of his scenes tough to watch because he seemed to go quite over the top in them. He never needed to do that because he just oozes sex appeal, in my eyes. Seeing him naked on the bed on his own, or having sex with someone was hot enough, he didnt need to get so demonstrative at times, it seemed deliberately ramped up. He's admitted to wanting to just make people happy so maybe thats what HE thought WE wanted, and maybe his episode ratings were affected because of that. So im really hoping that while we see the same cheeky, beaming, dancing, energetic, beautiful man out of the bed, that we see a slightly more reined-in version on the bed.

So for me, im loving the fact that he's coming back, but im not feeling that way about all of the returners, but thats just how it is, isnt it.
I really was trying to go out of my way to not say "it takes all sorts" and "it would be really boring if we all liked the same models" but I guess cliches are used so often for a reason, cos they're true.
OK. I've thought this over now. After reading the posts of others, I admit. My post was out of line. I apologize for the post. I think others were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry if you were offended by it. I even wish there was a way to take the post down.
OK. I've thought this over now. After reading the posts of others, I admit. My post was out of line. I apologize for the post. I think others were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry if you were offended by it. I even wish there was a way to take the post down.
Shit Studd.We have all made posts we wish we could take down.I think that way about half of mine.
Yours not so bad. You just needed the facts.No apologizes needed. One thing I have learned about this forum.
The posts pass real fast.Just keep being your sweet self. No body will remember tomorrow.xo
OK. I've thought this over now. After reading the posts of others, I admit. My post was out of line. I apologize for the post. I think others were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry if you were offended by it. I even wish there was a way to take the post down.

Oh mate, there's really no need to apologise to anyone over what you wrote, seriously. You just wrote what was on your mind, which is surely how a forum is structured and how it thrives. Like Johnny says, pay it no mind. You're one of the good guys,man.
Oh mate, there's really no need to apologise to anyone over what you wrote, seriously. You just wrote what was on your mind, which is surely how a forum is structured and how it thrives. Like Johnny says, pay it no mind. You're one of the good guys,man.
So are You Ashley.. Just saying..:smiley-love021: Love is in the air.lol
OK. I've thought this over now. After reading the posts of others, I admit. My post was out of line. I apologize for the post. I think others were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry if you were offended by it. I even wish there was a way to take the post down.

Johnny offers great advice. Fo-Gett It!

My perception of Kaden Alexander is that he appeared to bring some fun into a scene. On the other hand, when Tyler White was in a scene with him they just kept trying to out do or over state the other in uttering "Oh, fuck!" or "Fuck, yeah!" or "Shit!" Got really, really annoying.

I wonder if he will talk about his ventures into the other studios? He certainly has been around the Gay Porn Park of Studios. Still, he is a good looking guy who can both give and take it. Looking forward to his return. I just hope he doesn't pull the J.J. bit about how str8 he is. Difficult for me to "buy" into that.
OK. I've thought this over now. After reading the posts of others, I admit. My post was out of line. I apologize for the post. I think others were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry if you were offended by it. I even wish there was a way to take the post down.
Shit Studd.We have all made posts we wish we could take down.I think that way about half of mine.
Yours not so bad. You just needed the facts.No apologizes needed. One thing I have learned about this forum.
The posts pass real fast.Just keep being your sweet self. No body will remember tomorrow.xo
I took a courage pill this morning and I have something to say to both of you. You guys are both............You guys are both..........uh..........oh hell, I have to take another pill. In the mean time, you guys are both sweethearts. Damn those pills...........lol
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I took a courage pill this morning and I have something to say to both of you. You guys are both............You guys are both..........uh..........oh hell, I have to take another pill. In the mean time, you guys are both sweethearts. Damn those pills...........lol
I took a courage pill this morning and I have something to say to both of you. You guys are both............You guys are both..........uh..........oh hell, I have to take another pill. In the mean time, you guys are both sweethearts. Damn those pills...........lol

Well you've never needed a reason to pop a few so why start now??? lololol
Fact of the matter is that Kaden Alexander has been around the block since he left Broke Straight Boys He has done scenes for other studios. I am interested in how he addresses this. Remember, Vadim Black came back under the same circumstances.
Well the guy has to make a living.They can't seem to get new guy's that really get people excited.Oliver was1..
They brought Vadim Black back and he turned out being a creep. They brought Mikey back. Ronan Kennedy is coming back. That's exciting.
David coming back.The guy might just need to work. And Broke Straight Boys needs all the help with good models they can get.
Where are Tanner, Gage Owens,Zeno Kostas when we need them.Hope they didn't go with Brandon ???
I Loved seeing Kaden Alexander. I liked him then. I may like him more now.He has grown up.I liked him before but he was a bit of a punk.
But he was here when I first joined. And I Loved it then. It was different then.I think we will all say we liked it better when we first joined.
It was a lot more fun then.The pride events the BTS were much more fun.And the boy's.I near LOVED them all.Silly Johnny..
Just me. But they were ALL so Beautiful then.That's why I joined. Near 4 years. Seems like yesterday. Kaden Alexander looks great.Talks great.
Brought me back too when I really Loved Broke Straight Boys.I have said it before. Now I am here more for the Forum than the porn.Used to be the other way around.
And he talked of Paul. For those that don't know I was madly in Love with him for 2 and a half years.lol
I mean silly Johnny was really in Love.I Have A Lock Of His Hair.:smiley-love021: lol
.Glad he is back. Maybe for me some of those Great feelings I had for Broke Straight Boys will return???
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