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Can We Restore The Forum Search Features?


Oct 30, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I'm writing this really to the staff of the site. The issue I wanted to address is pretty much given in the title of the thread. I have been trying to bring up older threads and conversations from the past which I think would be of interest to newer people joining the forum. I also think it would be enlightening for them to be able to see threads and conversations from earlier models who took the time to talk to us in real time.

My question and issue is quite simply that there is no functioning search system left on the forum at all. If you go to the "Advanced Search" tab and type in a word or even the name of the forum poster who you know started the thread, it gives you absolutely nothing. It used to be that you could type in a word like "Colin" and it would show you every thread ever posted which included that word going back 6 years or more. The search function has now been completely disabled. The search functions on this newer, later software were always less user friendly than the older previous one. But even so, they worked somewhat. Now they don't work at all.

Even if you do find an older thread of a forum member who hasn't posted within the last year or so, if you look up Latest Post or Latest Started Threads by that person on their profile page...you get nothing. Zip. If the person has posted within the last year or so, you can still see some information on their latest posts and the latest threads started by them, going back maybe a year or two. But again, only if they have posted fairly recently.

I don't know if this happened when the Models Only section of the forum was removed from what used to be 3 sections of the forum offerings, or if it happened before or after. I never really got the point of the Models Only section anyway, where forum members weren't allowed to start threads there, but could still post to the threads. I guess maybe there was some good business or security reason and logic behind that decision at the time. Now all the models who ever posted on the forum (or started threads themselves), show no information if you go to their profile pages and look up their Latest Posts or Latest Started Threads. (Just like everyone else.)

If there was some obvious reason for doing this or some convoluted three dimensional chess logic to this, that actually does make sense in the end, I'd be happy to live with that. But I just don't see an obvious reason. And I'm not an unintelligent, slow or a not-so-worldly person. lol I just find it very frustrating to only be able to find old threads or posts by scrolling through hundreds or thousands of threads trying to find a needle in haystack. While not impossible, it is EXTREMELY frustrating and time consuming.

I don't expect the company to free up 5 hours or more of valuable and expensive company labor to tackle and fix this issue. I totally realize that this is not an urgent task or issue for a company which will always have plenty of important and time-sensitive matters on its plate. haha But I'm hoping that this could be accomplished in much less time than that. Whether it was intentional or not, somebody did something to completely dis-able the search features. Is there anything relatively painless and inexpensive that can be done to re-enable them?

Please and Thank You! LOL :)
I'm glad you brought this up Tampa, as it has annoyed me too, but I didn't think that anyone else would have noticed or cared, and perhaps you and I are the only two "grizzled" old timers who do. lol As I've often stated, I am here more for the history of the site and the forum than for the new stuff, although once again a big thank you to Sha for improving on the models and therefore the scenes over the last month or two. Thank you.

My belief it is when they upgraded the forum to a slightly different format that the search of old forum info disappeared. I am grateful that everything ever posted on the forum is still there, if one goes back page by page, but it is unfortunate that we cannot search by members names or model's names to bring the old forum posts up in one easy step. Hopefully there is an easy fix that Chuck or some techie could perform to restore that lost search ability.

Can you give it a try now?


Can you give it a try now?

Yes, Yes and Yes! Thank you so much Bryce. You've done it! The whole history of this forum and all of it's members is once again available to me at a click of a button. I can search out anything that slimvintage, Ms. Kianna, lovelumps or even jwglass ever said here. And one can search out the original threads about all the scenes ever presented since the forum was instituted by Mark in 2008!

Now when I go back into my state of semi retirement in a couple of weeks after my busy season at work concludes, I can spend hours and hours searching this forum and reminisce about the rich history of Broke Straight Boys and the forum!!!! :thumbup:

Bryce, you are the man!!!! :smiley-love001:

Yay!!! That's awesome!!! It will make it so much easier for Tyler36 and me to find old threads here... Tampa and Mike will have a break from our questions... (Wel.. I can promise that... lol)
Thank You So Much Bryce!!

It means a lot to us to know that all that has been written and discussed in here over the course of 9 years is not lost. Or so difficult to find as to be almost irretrievable.

Thank you again!!
For the other members I'm sure Mikey, myself and others who remember conversations of yesteryear would still be happy to help you find things you might be interested in. Now that the search features are working again (thanks to Bryce) doesn't mean that they are perfect and always quick and easy to use. haha
For the other members I'm sure Mikey, myself and others who remember conversations of yesteryear would still be happy to help you find things you might be interested in. Now that the search features are working again (thanks to Bryce) doesn't mean that they are perfect and always quick and easy to use. haha
That's right Tampa. Didn't someone nominate me as the Mayor here? I still am willing to perform my honorary mayoral duties including helping forumites find old threads or by the powers vested in me on this forum officiating a forum marriage ceremony here too!!!!!!
