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BTS - Getting To Know Ryan Pitt


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I started off watching this introductory behind the scenes video of Ryan not liking him at all, as he is not my physical type. But he does seem like a nice guy and he is a big baseball fan and his dream job would be as a statistician for a major league team in California. So we do have something in common.

However when Sha mentioned that he has done a few scenes previously to Broke Straight Boys, and Ryan later said and that the great thing about doing porn is the travel and he mentioned gong to California, Las Vegas and Atlanta, I wondered how many are a "few"? And in discussing his sexuality, he did say that he can find guys hot and he is a very sexual guy, but when he described himself as 99% straight, I wonder if that is an honest percentage.

His big dick was mentioned here as it was in the Jos Alvarez card trick BTS as well. Again, he is not the type of guy that I would notice as I go for a different type, but a couple of my friends told me that he is their type and they are looking forward to watching him. He also told us that he has never bottomed and is afraid of anything up his ass, so that is something we will not see right off the bat. It is good to have a wide variety of types on Broke Straight Boys Among the newbies that we've seen either in action and in stills and BTS, I like Jonny Cox and Jake, while Max Jay and Ryan do not appeal to me, but it is good to have something for everyone to choose from, so welcome to Broke Straight Boys Ryan! I hope that some of my fellow forumites enjoy his work here.
Physically he's not my type either but if he does get to tag everybody just like he mentioned in that Broke Straight Boys Live magician video then I guess I'll be waiting to watch him with Jonny and since he loves making others get to orgasm, I hope he does a good job helping Jonny out too! :biggrin:
My thoughts is that he's another ringer with a big dick like a few they've had in the past. I thought he looked older than 23, too. I guess I'll just have to see when he's paired with someone.
Possibilities exist. Time will tell. Size queen that I am, I'll decide if he has a larger than average dick - lol !!!
Possibilities exist. Time will tell. Size queen that I am, I'll decide if he has a larger than average dick - lol !!!

Just go to PornHub and type in 'Ryan Pitt' and you'll see two vids of him. He hasn't been prolific, but he does have experience with Next Door Studios and Sketchy Sex. I try to keep an open mind but after getting a couple of new guys to the scene I was hoping to keep it that way. Though it seems like they need more tops, anyway.
Just go to PornHub and type in 'Ryan Pitt' and you'll see two vids of him. He hasn't been prolific, but he does have experience with Next Door Studios and Sketchy Sex. I try to keep an open mind but after getting a couple of new guys to the scene I was hoping to keep it that way. Though it seems like they need more tops, anyway.
I agree with you oldfart about hoping to keep the focus on new guys and not experienced gay porn performers. It will be interesting to see the ratio with the new house and with Mark appearing to now being on site. We shall see what transpires as time goes by.
I think he is around 23. If you look at his scenes he has less chest hair. He is a more mature looking guy but I think the age is right. He is a bit old to have just graduated he must have taken his time. I think he is more gay than he wants to let on. My guess is he was curious about it and many guys use the excuse they are getting paid to justify it in thier own minds. This guy doesn’t have the best body but he is handsome and I like the fur. If he is open minded and tries to bottom I’ll enjoy watching him. He doesn’t have that many scenes out that I can find but there may be more waiting to come out. Anyway some guys want to be porn actors and several Broke Straight Boys guys have had bigger careers. I’m open minded about this one.
I think he is around 23. If you look at his scenes he has less chest hair. He is a more mature looking guy but I think the age is right. He is a bit old to have just graduated he must have taken his time. I think he is more gay than he wants to let on. My guess is he was curious about it and many guys use the excuse they are getting paid to justify it in thier own minds. This guy doesn’t have the best body but he is handsome and I like the fur. If he is open minded and tries to bottom I’ll enjoy watching him. He doesn’t have that many scenes out that I can find but there may be more waiting to come out. Anyway some guys want to be porn actors and several Broke Straight Boys guys have had bigger careers. I’m open minded about this one.

You may be right, Rep. He just looks a little older, that's all. I'll agree that he's probably not "99% straight" as he says. Even on his Twitter page he says he's bi-sexual. I just remember that situation about a year ago when we got a few "experienced" models and things didn't really work out well. If he's just starting in porn then we still get the chance to watch him grow into it. As far as him going into porn is concerned, I'm all for it. Where would we be without these guys? I'm not going to write him off, not by a long shot. Just a little thrown off by his previous experience.
I'm curious to see his next scenes. I was disappointed to hear that he has done work elsewhere in the industry. But I'm willing to give him a chance. He looks much older than 23 to me also. I think his lifestyle is way too sedentary at the moment...with too many video games and not enough exercise. But he's not unattractive to me even if his is not my preferred body type.
One thing Sha and Ryan brought up in the interview I found particularly interesting. It was the issue of how frequently Ryan masturbated. lol While that's a sexually interesting and pervy question in its own right (haha), it can also be justified as a relevant professional question for interviewing applicates to porn. A studio that gets an honest answer to how high a model's sex drive and libido are, can then make some reasonable deductions as to a model's possible future success in the industry.

Nature has a way of balancing out characteristics across the full spectrum of the population. Some men and women will have very high sex drives, others very low, and most will be somewhere in the middle between both extremes. For the ones with very low sex drives it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them medically or psychologically. Or that they're broken in some way. Some may seek treatment if it is an impediment to their marriage or things of that nature. Some may actually have legitimate medical issues where they seek treatment for libido enhancement...so that sex can be part of a better, well-rounded life for them. We don't insist on treatment for those with abnormally high sex drives. lol

All that to say that if you are the hiring and interviewing manager of a porn site, that you want to seek out not just the most attractive models...but also those who are at least in the middle spectrum of average, all the way to the highest of sex drives. And conversely, you want to avoid hiring those who run in the lower average range of normal, all the way to the lowest libidos of the population. Ryan for instance says he can sometimes masturbate 8-10 times per day. So without being able to get into someone's else's full psyche, if that's an honest answer we can presume that Ryan is in at least the higher spectrum of average, if not somewhere in the unusually highest. So that bodes well for his success here on the site as well as the porn industry in general.

Now I'm going to name names here. And I don't mean to do it in a mean or derogatory way. We had the model Ashton Taylor who was absolutely gorgeous. When asked on camera (as a perfectly healthy 18 year old guy) how often he liked to masturbate, he said something like 3-4 times a week. Again. That doesn't mean there is anything "wrong" with him. But... That would put his sex drive and libido in the spectrum of the population in the lower range of average, to possibly dipping somewhere into the lowest range. And his ability to perform in porn seemed to bear that out. He had great difficulty keeping erections. He didn't seem to be getting much pleasure out of the sex or even the orgasms.

For a guy with a lower sex drive, to put him on an artificial forced schedule (for him) of having actual sex and orgasms once a day (or even twice a day) for several days in a row...chances are he's not going to like that at all. (No matter how much he wants or needs the money.) For a guy with a lower sex drive, sex at that level of frequency will quickly start to feel like a chore or "work" for him, rather than a pleasure to be enjoyed.

All that to say that assessing a potential porn model's libido and sex drive is a professionally relevant question for interviewing purposes. haha
One thing Sha and Ryan brought up in the interview I found particularly interesting. It was the issue of how frequently Ryan masturbated. lol While that's a sexually interesting and pervy question in its own right (haha), it can also be justified as a relevant professional question for interviewing applicates to porn. A studio that gets an honest answer to how high a model's sex drive and libido are, can then make some reasonable deductions as to a model's possible future success in the industry.

Nature has a way of balancing out characteristics across the full spectrum of the population. Some men and women will have very high sex drives, others very low, and most will be somewhere in the middle between both extremes. For the ones with very low sex drives it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them medically or psychologically. Or that they're broken in some way. Some may seek treatment if it is an impediment to their marriage or things of that nature. Some may actually have legitimate medical issues where they seek treatment for libido enhancement...so that sex can be part of a better, well-rounded life for them. We don't insist on treatment for those with abnormally high sex drives. lol

All that to say that if you are the hiring and interviewing manager of a porn site, that you want to seek out not just the most attractive models...but also those who are at least in the middle spectrum of average, all the way to the highest of sex drives. And conversely, you want to avoid hiring those who run in the lower average range of normal, all the way to the lowest libidos of the population. Ryan for instance says he can sometimes masturbate 8-10 times per day. So without being able to get into someone's else's full psyche, if that's an honest answer we can presume that Ryan is in at least the higher spectrum of average, if not somewhere in the unusually highest. So that bodes well for his success here on the site as well as the porn industry in general.

Now I'm going to name names here. And I don't mean to do it in a mean or derogatory way. We had the model Ashton Taylor who was absolutely gorgeous. When asked on camera (as a perfectly healthy 18 year old guy) how often he liked to masturbate, he said something like 3-4 times a week. Again. That doesn't mean there is anything "wrong" with him. But... That would put his sex drive and libido in the spectrum of the population in the lower range of average, to possibly dipping somewhere into the lowest range. And his ability to perform in porn seemed to bear that out. He had great difficulty keeping erections. He didn't seem to be getting much pleasure out of the sex or even the orgasms.

For a guy with a lower sex drive, to put him on an artificial forced schedule (for him) of having actual sex and orgasms once a day (or even twice a day) for several days in a row...chances are he's not going to like that at all. (No matter how much he wants or needs the money.) For a guy with a lower sex drive, sex at that level of frequency will quickly start to feel like a chore or "work" for him, rather than a pleasure to be enjoyed.

All that to say that assessing a potential porn model's libido and sex drive is a professionally relevant question for interviewing purposes. haha

Thank you again Dr. Tampa. Great analysis.