As much as I might like to download some of the BTS scenes to keep for posterity, I can also see some good reasons not to. Some of the best BTS scenes are where the models share private details of their personal lives and struggles. There is a certain logic to it that if you're talking to a group of people who already know what you look like naked, then what's the big deal if you talk about how often you masturbate or even talk about personal struggles with bad breakups, past addictions or strained relationships with family members? While we all agree that there can be no expectation of privacy anymore once it's make the BTS scenes downloadable would strip away any semblance of semi-privacy the models have to speak only to the fans and paying members.
Once you make the BTS scenes downloadable then they leak out on the free tube sites and all the world gets to know all of the model's personal business whether they ever visit the site, pay a dime to the company or anything. The BTS scenes are a competitive advantage
Broke Straight Boys has over other sites out there. If people want to learn more about a
Broke Straight Boys model they see listed elsewhere online, let them pay for a membership and watch the scenes at their leisure like everyone else in here. But don't let people with bad intentions (maybe even straight ones) who know the models and wish to do them harm, embarrass them in their workplace, school or able to do a 3 day trial membership and have a recording of BTS interviews to share with everyone huddled around their cellphones...for years to come. (Or even worse, download a pirated copy of it from some other random site for free.)
So in closing Iggy I'll reiterate that I actually agree with you that I myself would like to be able download certain BTS scenes. However, I can also some wisdom in keeping it as it is. If people want to get an inside glimpse of the wonderful models here and how they are in real life, let them pay for a membership like all the rest to of us do. Don't unintentionally give it all away to the general public for free. Just my