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BSB Gay Porn Star Tyler Evans

Hey man,

How did you end up in the particular business? I get that you want to make some cash, but how did you decide on this?
Tyler... THANKS for responding to many inquiries.. I know what it's like to be in college and all the time restraints. You taking time out to respond to us says a LOT about you.. thanks again
Hey tyler I along as otheres are probley wondring if you got a myspace page
Hey There Baby Boi,
I just want to say that I love you, I think you are one of the sexyest models on Broke Straight Boys and would love to meet you and do a scene with you. If Broke Straight Boys ever comes to Oklahoma City in the furture, PLEASE let me know. Also I will be in the Miami area during Spring Break.

You are one of my absolute favorite models on site.Tyler one question I have is I noticed you wear a ring on wedding band finger does that mean you are married ?? Another question is in one video/scene you were willing to kiss another dude till you looked off camera what was that all about???
Tyler, You are the cutest guy on this site. And I love your personality as well. I really enjoyed watching you drive shirtless, with the other boys from the outdoor shoot. I loved watching you and the guys getting into the rap song. You are so fucking cute and sweet. Thanks so much for appearing on Broke Straight Boys and now posting on the forum. You rule!!!

Who is your favorite fellow model to be paired up with? Is there any model you've yet to be paired up with one on one that you'd like to get a chance to be one on one with.

Any plans for you and Diesal to do a scene together? I'd like to see that. You never seem to pay attention to another guys nipples or balls, except that once with Austin. Do you like hipple play or having your balls sucked?
hiya Tyler, I just became a member.. browsed through the videos, and right away, you stood out as the coolest, the most real, and the nicest guy on Broke Straight Boys.. oh, and yeah, that makes you the best looking too. :) I havent seen all your videos yet, but I'm working on it... keep up the good work dude...
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My sentiments exactly...
Hey Guys,
Sorry it took so long to get back at ya, I've been super busy with school and work.

Thanks for all the questions and comments again, it's really awesome to hear what you guys have to say and ask LOL.

Anyway, I'll go ahead and answer the questions in a general post again;

I would have to say I lean more towards Dustin, but only because we know each other a little better. Through working together so often we kinda became friends, although we don't live anywhere near each other or anything, we still see each other every once in awhile.

I only got into this "line of work" through that kid at the car show. He just kinda told me about the money and the work you do, although I thought it would be a little different the way he explained it LOL, but I did not expect to do as much as I did. On the same note; I never expected to have as much fun, or meet as many cool people either so...

I don't really do the Myspace thing, and do not have a Facebook or anything like that.

The ring I wear on my left hand is not a wedding band, it's actually my graduation gift from my family. I didn't want the normal class ring, so I opted for something simple with my birthstone in it.

I don't remeber the "kissing" incedent in particular, but I think the only time I did it was because Dave had offered a bonus for me try it once. It really wierds me out, and I was probably looking back at the porn real quick so that I wouldn't lose my hard on and screw up the scene LOL.

My favorite fellow model would have to be either CJ or Mike(cowboy hat), they both are really cool, laid-back guys, and we all have similar pasts and got along great.

I really couldn't say wether there would be or wouldn't be a scene with Diesal and I. You'll have to request it, and I guess we'll both find out.

I never really noticed that I don't participate in "nipple and ball play" haha! I really don't prefer it done to me, so I guess I never think about doing it.

Hope I answered everything sufficiently, again thanks and appreciation for all you guys commenting and questioning here, and elsewhere in the forum. It's really cool to see I really do have some fans!

Until next time guys!!

Tyler Evans
"My favorite fellow model would have to be either CJ or Mike(cowboy hat), they both are really cool, laid-back guys, and we all have similar pasts and got along great."

Was glad to hear you and CJ get along great together.. Just finished watching Tyler & CJ July 08 and u guys are awsome!

*****5 stars, two thumbs up..

Peace Homiez! : ))
Hey JasonWebb! Like your avatar pic...if that is your pic in the avatar would like to see you on the Broke Straight Boys site :)

Yep, thats me , my bro calls me Dumbo..

and thanks for the offer Dan, i'm wayy flattered, but I couldmt do it..

I'll just havto keep Tyler a big fan-fucking-tastic fantasy : ))

the guy with the big ears,

I would have to say I lean more towards Dustin, but only because we know each other a little better. Through working together so often we kinda became friends, although we don't live anywhere near each other or anything, we still see each other every once in awhile.

The ring I wear on my left hand is not a wedding band, it's actually my graduation gift from my family. I didn't want the normal class ring, so I opted for something simple with my birthstone in it.

I don't remeber the "kissing" incedent in particular, but I think the only time I did it was because Dave had offered a bonus for me try it once. It really wierds me out, and I was probably looking back at the porn real quick so that I wouldn't lose my hard on and screw up the scene LOL.

My favorite fellow model would have to be either CJ or Mike(cowboy hat), they both are really cool, laid-back guys, and we all have similar pasts and got along great.
Wow, Thank you again for answering our questions. Dustin is pretty hot. So, I am glad to hear that you have some chemistry there. CJ and Mike are pretty cool as well. Actually I think the three of you and some dirty dice would make an awesome scene. More importantly I do like your energy as friends. I think that you all look very comfortable together and that will only make better videos for the future. Keep up the good work and I am glad to hear that you are having a lot of fun.

I guess I understand how the kissing thing could be ackward. I never saw it from an intimacy prospective before now.

Now I undrstand the ring, thanks Man. :cool:

I know that you all said it never happens off screen. However, my thoughts are if sex is just sex then why couldn't some of you guys just be friends with benefits. As guys we do it with girls all of the time and we say it was nothing, just some casual sex. So, if you are good friends with a consenting partner of the same sex wouldn't that be basically the same?

I guess what I am saying is if you all are not dating and you have fun having sex together, whether or not the money is there, can't you just help each other out in pvt.?

I have had a life full of male and female friends. Most of the time we just have sex for fun with no commitments and no judgement as to whether a person is gay or straight. One of my best friends is very much straight, aside from our visits. He said to me one day he just enjoys my company and if sex happens, it does. I know he does not fantasize about sex with me. We enjoy sports, martial arts, and good game of pool here or there. Sex happens maybe every other month or so. I guess I have lucked out and made some awesome friendships in life. Most of my friends are spiritually/metaphysically minded and see past gender. We all pretty much belive we are spiritual beings experiencing a human condition in the here and now. I guess you could say we all pretty much believe in reincarnation of the soul until the soul evolves into enlightenment and finally ascension. I am not trying to promote my beliefs here. I guess, just feel that too many people place too much emphasis on gender and orientation in life. And that if we look at the bigger picture we can see how insignificant those worries are and just appreciate each other as people.

I wish the same emotional freedoms from gneder and sexual orientation bias for you too Tyler and all of the Broke Straight Boys family and modles. Again thanks for being you...:cool:
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Yep, thats me , my bro calls me Dumbo..

and thanks for the offer Dan, i'm wayy flattered, but I couldmt do it..

I'll just havto keep Tyler a big fan-fucking-tastic fantasy : ))

the guy with the big ears,


Nothing wrong with big ears. Gives one something to hold on to. Big ears or not, you are one HOT MoFo.