I loved
Kodi too, but of course leave it to me to mention he should have the lumps in his nuts checked out. Everybody on the forum got on my ass!! Normally I like being the bad guy, but I really felt bad because I was seriously worried about them lololol
Actually I was fairly sure I knew what they were. And they were most likely benign. My guess is that they were/are vericose veins on the testes. Or as the benign form is also referred to as: varicocele.
Can last several days or weeks [Not accurate. It can last forever. Tampa speaking. lol]
May result from poorly functioning valves found in veins. Often asymptomatic, but might notice painless testicular swelling, a lump in one or both testicles,
visibly enlarged veins in the scrotum commonly described as looking like a bag of worms, dull, recurrent pain in the scrotum. It can also result in low sperm production which might lead to infertility. No treatment is required if it is asymptomatic. It can be treated surgically if the symptom persists.
A condition when varicose veins form within the scrotum.
Common (More than 200,000 cases per year in US)
Often requires lab test or imaging
Treatment from medical professional advised
As it says...if it is benign, non-cancerous and not painful...there is no need for treatment. Unless you want to get it treated for purely cosmetic reasons of course. (Obviously a medical professional should be consulted to make a determination as to whether it is suspicious or not.) The reason I already know about it is because I have that on one of my testes. And it's been that way since I was about 14. It's not nearly as noticeable on me as it is on
Kodi because I'm not a real low hanger in the scrotum department like
Kodi is. lol
I admit it's a little bit of a distraction seeing that on
Kodi. But I still love the guy. haha