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BSB - College Dudes CROSSOVER???? (with JASON - please!!!)


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey, guys,

I would really appreciate your feedback on this????

I have loved College Dudes for many years, and used to subscribe to it, back when it was College Dudes 24/7. There were lots of models I liked there, but of course JASON was #1.)

Now that BOTH sites are owned by Blumedia - I was wondering if there is ANY chance that models from Broke Straight Boys could appear on College Dudes, and vice versa. . . ??? I think it would be AWESOME, and I would LOVE to see an interchange. Does anyone else feel the same way?

I would LOVE to see JASON with models like Parker Mann, Patrick Hand, Brandon McHale, Chase Austin, Brandon Rose, Chad Carlisle, Jarrod Price, Chad Davis, and especially Bryan Cavallo, and Tom Faulk!!! (I'd love to see Paul Canon with any of these guys, also. . . Or Blake Bennet - but especially, especially, JASON!!! )

NO KIDDING - if Blumedia gets some of these guys together on College Dudes, I will be right back there, and re-subscribe, and write to 100 friends, and tell them a MIRACLE has happened ;-)))

I am sure there might be some logistical problems to overcome - I dunno? And I know that each site has a different style and ethos ~ Broke Straight Boys being more about, well, "Broke Straight Guys" getting into it for the first time - and College Dudes being a little more about guys who have come to know and enjoy guy-on-guy experiences. . . .

BUT, since you guys have the greatest group of models in the WORLD TODAY - why keep them APART???? I, for one, am wanting to see a little interaction between the two groups - and: if you get Mr. JASON to hang out with TOM FAULK for even just one scene ~ I will re-sign with College Dudes in a heartbeat!!!!

Just inquiring,
Although I feel it might dilute the purpose of perhaps both the sites if not just Broke Straight Boys to do this, but all the same I like the idea. When I made my return, I initially wanted to return to College Dudes, however I simply wasnt in the appropriate shape. When I finally got closer to the physical condition required for that site it was soon realized that I had more opportunity for work with Broke Straight Boys and was developing a solid fan base.. so here I stayed
Perhaps instead of doing a cross over a similar idea might just be to merge the sites together. Frankly most of the models there are staright the only difference is the lack of instruction from the director. So merge them together and add the same instruction and bam .. you might find a hit
Hmmmm, Jason -

I would never want to dilute the aesthetic of either site. I totally get that a lot of members really rely on the 'middle term' of Broke Straight Boys - the "straight" part. . . . It is not quite such an imperative for me, as I really just love to see BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, men; but perhaps I am the odd person out, in this regard, and I defer to other people's tastes.

I am guessing that a full merger might not suit everyone's purposes - but I think a couple of cooperative ventures couldn't hurt! At any rate, Iwould sure love to see you star in a scene with Tom Faulk!!! ;-)))

Finally, I must respectfully disagree that you were EVER not in appropriate shape to appear on College Dudes. To my eyes (and heart) you have ALWAYS been the most beautiful man to appear on either site (others may work out incessantly, but they'll never match your gorgeous eyes, luminous smile, and exquisite facial architecture - - - not to mention that your performances are always INCANDESCENT.

So, I remain firm and FAST in my conviction that you would be a perfect partner for Tom Faulk, Bryan Cavallo, or ANY of the leading lights from College Dudes. And I hope it shall happen, one day!

"A" :-))))