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BSB 1/BSB2 A different comparison


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I have been very quiet up to this point. I wanted to see how the new Broke Straight Boys was before making any rash comments. I have read the many posts and threads, positive and negative, constructive and non-constructive. So I felt it was time to look at this from another point-of-view. So here goes it.

Taking up what Raysvq had mentioned in one of his posts I examined the first 10 episodes of BSB1 & BSB2 to see how they rated. Here is what I came up with:

BSB1 had 4 solos that averaging a - 3.7
BSB2 had 3 solos that averaging a - 3.2

BSB1 had 2 oral scenes averaging - 4.2
BSB2 had 3 oral scenes averaging - 3.0

BSB1 had 0 hand job scenes.
BSB2 had 2 averaging - 2.4

BSB1 had 4 oral/fuck scenes averaging - 4.4 (note: all 4 scored 4.4)
BSB2 had 2 oral/fuck scenes averaging - 3.9

BSB1 first 10 scenes overall rating - 4.0
BSB2 first 10 scenes overall rating - 3.1

Granted that these first 10 scenes are still in a state of flu going up/down since I've done my #'s. But I doubt it would be more that a .1 or .2 difference.

So the question is why such a significant difference in scoring? So lets look at what could cause this?

First, lets briefly review how did this concept begin? I'm not sure we were ever told how it started but either David and D/E Productions had the idea or Mark and Blue Media had the idea and somehow they got together to make this happen in 2006. The concept being that somehow using money, straight boys would do Gay sex. I'll stop here for the moment and state that no one can guarantee each and every boy is 100% straight. And know non gays were identified and used for the purpose of getting the straight boys to do gay sex. Money was used as a motivator to get the Straight boys to do more. And that is the premise of the site.

So with that in mind David started to film BSB1. At the time there was no forum. (That came 2 1/2 years later). There was no rating system. He was mostly on his own. Yes some individuals did contact him and give advice but that was far less that today's forum input. David (and Eddie) screened and chose the models. I guess you can say those were advantages that David initially enjoyed. David was not perfect. There were times as the backseat Director why he did not do this or that. I wanted to yell at the screen offer more and you'll get it. No matter it resulted in the site, Broke Straight Boys, being awarded new site of the year.

So what did the new Director, Clay, have going for him in BSB2? He had a highly rated and popular site. He had over 500 videos that he could use as a guide to what did and did not work. He had feedback from the forum (assuming he was on it, even if just to read and not comment). He had Mark's full support. I am sure he had opportunities to make some changes to fit both his style and to improve upon the product he would be taking over.

What did Clay have going against him? He had a 6 year well established program and a Director well like and respected (for the most part). He would have to face rating and forum input immediately with his first video. He would have to face Mark's expectation which Mark on several occasions stating that BSB2 would have Hotter guys and new surroundings. Mark actually build up the new site to rate a 12 on a scale of 10 and all of us were foaming at the mouth waiting to see this.

So, what went wrong. And these are my opinions and mine alone.

1. The Hot guys (12 on a scale of 10) just did not happen. Keep in mind ratings need not be 100% on physicality but also on personality. AS to what is a "HOT GUY", there are over 3,000 members which more than likely equals 5,000 types of HOT GUYS. We will all NEVER agree as to what is "HOT". But collectively by the scores this could be the #1 factor. So far, overall there is no comparison 10 episodes to 10 episodes.

Scorpio, I love you to death, but the fact that many no-forum members are saying great things about BSB2 may be true, but why is that not being reflected in the ratings????? We can agree to disagree here.

2. Mark set an expectation that was so high that perhaps no Director (even David?) could have met. I truly think we all expected something that would knock us off our feet. And when we did not get it immediately, the bubble quickly burst.

3. Some of the models just don't seem to have the right attitude and seem hostile to the whole idea of what they are doing. Granted, BSB1 had some like that too, but you did not have them showing up in the first 10 episodes.

4. The flashing of the money in photos and the vids is just cheap and dirty, but down the line this is being corrected.

5. The foot fetish. Granted BSB1 had the Fleshlight (but it did have oral to go with it. And it still was one of the lowest episodes of Broke Straight Boys! but almost a point higher vs. foot fetish).

These are the reason why BSB2 is off to a difficult start. I do like the new director and he is doing a very decent job and paying attention to detail (move into the light, etc.).

Is it time to jump ship. I don't think so. Keep in mind that there could be up to two months of vids ready to show, so the changes are perhaps that far away. BSB1 had the same challenges when we went crazy with our comments. Perhaps Mark can move up some of the newer shoots so we can get a preview of what changes have been implemented.

I was very disappointed with the first 10 episodes. Had this been the first 10 for BSB1, I might not have joined. I will always remember the short clips of Chris and Alex, Jamie and Aiden, and Taz that caught my eye and made me WANT to join.

Mark, you have put together a great package and Broke Straight Boys should be the #1 seller. They say if it ain't broke why fix it? Perhaps going back to what was successful would change moral and then slowly branch off to try something different (none of us are oppose to change for change sake, but mix it up).

Rome was not built in a Day. Nor was BSB1 and BSB2. But the clock is running on BSB2, the potential is always there, so as Captain Picard would say.


Live Long and Prosper,

Vicekid, As a big fan of this site, I always appreciate that you care about this site as I do, and your detailed analysis of the episodes here on both Broke Straight Boys#1 and #2 shows your dedication too. However I believe that the mistake that you and many other active posters have made is to confuse the opinions of the forum with that of the "masses" who are the bread and butter subscribers. Earlier, Scorpio confirmed what I always believed that the members who actively post on the forum are a very small percentage of their general audience.

I also believe, but have never seen confirmation or denial that the members who "vote" on the episodes are also a much smaller sampling of the audience, than some of us believe. These are not true ratings, but only a poll of those who are motivated to participate. I know that I didn't even notice the rating systems for a long time when I first became a member.

I believe that the average member of this website, is a guy who is turned on by the type of guy represented on the site, and if the models are hot to him, and the sex turns him on, he basically watches the scenes, jerks off and logs off. I believe that we the very interested almost obsessive fans of the site are actually a minority. If Scorpio tells us that we are a minority, and that the contents of the emails to the owners and administrators of the site offer a very different type of commentary than the small percentage of obsessive fans who post here. By the way, I consider myself the number one "obsessive fan", so I am not using that term as a putdown, but rather the way I look at us the "forumites" as Slim named us some time ago.

I don't see any "big" problem with the new site that needs fixing. The flaunting of cash and having the guys say demeaning things about themselves at the end is a turnoff to me, but in fact, I find myself looking forward to the updates a lot more now, than I have done in a long time. And if in fact, Scorpio is telling us the truth, there is no reason to make any major changes, for if business is good, they are not going to change a profitable product.
to point out the mistakes you made in your comment mikeyank,

1. They DID change a profitable product
2. Yes a small percentage of people vote, but guess what, thats how decisions are made in this country. Less than half of all people in this country vote and we get all our elected officials that way. Tv programming is chosen that way (nielsen). Most everything in our lives is decided by a small percentage of the masses. Welcome to America. Only people who actually stand up and vote and get heard can make a change.
to point out the mistakes you made in your comment mikeyank,

1. They DID change a profitable product
2. Yes a small percentage of people vote, but guess what, thats how decisions are made in this country. Less than half of all people in this country vote and we get all our elected officials that way. Tv programming is chosen that way (nielsen). Most everything in our lives is decided by a small percentage of the masses. Welcome to America. Only people who actually stand up and vote and get heard can make a change.
Actually Timothy, neither you or I know the finances of the website, nor should we as this is a private business. But I would suspect that if membership was peaking, and profits were soaring that Mark would not have made the changes that he did. Many here have used the expression, "If it ain't broke, why fix it?". My assumption is that he had reason to fix it, as perhaps subscriptions were lagging. If they were not, it would have been foolish to make major changes to a wildly successful product.

Secondly, there is a huge difference between the "ratings" here and the television Nielson ratings. They do that in a totally scientific way, developed over the years to measure carefully selected segments of the population based on the demographics that advertisers choose to determine the programs that the advertisers target. It is a carefully formulated cross section of the American viewing public.

The election system in our country is influenced by carefully formulated campaigns and "get out to vote" drives by various factions in our political system. The Broke Straight Boys rating system is for whomever feels like casting a vote, and does not necessarily reflect what the majority of viewers desire, as it is random, and it takes self motivation for a viewer to randomly vote.
Vicekid, As a big fan of this site, I always appreciate that you care about this site as I do, and your detailed analysis of the episodes here on both Broke Straight Boys#1 and #2 shows your dedication too. However I believe that the mistake that you and many other active posters have made is to confuse the opinions of the forum with that of the "masses" who are the bread and butter subscribers. Earlier, Scorpio confirmed what I always believed that the members who actively post on the forum are a very small percentage of their general audience.

I also believe, but have never seen confirmation or denial that the members who "vote" on the episodes are also a much smaller sampling of the audience, than some of us believe. These are not true ratings, but only a poll of those who are motivated to participate. I know that I didn't even notice the rating systems for a long time when I first became a member.

I believe that the average member of this website, is a guy who is turned on by the type of guy represented on the site, and if the models are hot to him, and the sex turns him on, he basically watches the scenes, jerks off and logs off. I believe that we the very interested almost obsessive fans of the site are actually a minority. If Scorpio tells us that we are a minority, and that the contents of the emails to the owners and administrators of the site offer a very different type of commentary than the small percentage of obsessive fans who post here. By the way, I consider myself the number one "obsessive fan", so I am not using that term as a putdown, but rather the way I look at us the "forumites" as Slim named us some time ago.

I don't see any "big" problem with the new site that needs fixing. The flaunting of cash and having the guys say demeaning things about themselves at the end is a turnoff to me, but in fact, I find myself looking forward to the updates a lot more now, than I have done in a long time. And if in fact, Scorpio is telling us the truth, there is no reason to make any major changes, for if business is good, they are not going to change a profitable product.

I tend to agree with you Mike for the most part, other than I disagree with the scene ratings though. I think many more people vote than participate in the forum. After all the only thing they have to click is the 5 star system:

5 stars = A
4 stars = B
3 stars = C
2 stars = D
1 star = F

But I agree with everything else you say though. Many, including here on the forum, have indicated they love the new Broke Straight Boys Scorpio says the emails to Blu Media have been flooding in and are overwhelmingly positive. Someone else said that memberships are up.

I agree that the forum is just where we can vocalize our opinions amongst each other, and interact regarding them whether good bad or indifferent.

As Vice Kid points out, the first 10 episodes of Broke Straight Boys 1.0 were rated very high. The first 10 episodes of Broke Straight Boys 2.0 were rated very low.

I do feel that Broke Straight Boys 1.0 started out with a lot of forward momentum right out of the gate. Broke Straight Boys 2.0 started out with us having high expectations, and some of us are sure to be disappointed when expectations are pre-set so high like they were. But, at least from a scene ratings perspective, it would appear they have nowhere to go but up from here.

But since we the forumites have been told we are but a small fraction of the overall membership base, and the fact Blu Media is being flooded with overwhelmingly positive feedback via email and the membership numbers are going up, the negative feelings regarding the new Broke Straight Boys appear to not reflect the majority opinion.

Today is my last day as a Broke Straight Boys member. I cancelled a few weeks back and my recurring membership will not be rebilling tomorrow.

As I've mentioned before I've been a member from the beginning of the site, almost continuously since 2006.

I'll probably come back in a year or so, and sign up for a trial membership to see what kind of scenes have happened in the year that I was gone. If they look hot, I will upgrade to a full membership for at least a month, and view all the hot scenes that I missed out on. If they are overwhelmingly hot, I will let my membership rebill. If not, I'll cancel before the first month is up and sit back and wait for another year or so before rejoining again as I do with many other sites out there.

But until next time everyone, it has been great getting to know some of you and I'll miss you!

I would like to see some efferent looking models. Lately they all have military haircuts (except Rocco). Too many tattoos. I wish they would all shave their face. I like Rocco because he has lots of body hair and a great bush and longer hair on his head, and he shaves his face.
Vicekid, As a big fan of this site, I always appreciate that you care about this site as I do, and your detailed analysis of the episodes here on both Broke Straight Boys#1 and #2 shows your dedication too. However I believe that the mistake that you and many other active posters have made is to confuse the opinions of the forum with that of the "masses" who are the bread and butter subscribers. Earlier, Scorpio confirmed what I always believed that the members who actively post on the forum are a very small percentage of their general audience.

Mike just to point out a few facts. There are 3680 that are signed up to post. Of that number 1151 or 31% have done one or more post with around 50% doing more than double digit posting.

I also believe, but have never seen confirmation or denial that the members who "vote" on the episodes are also a much smaller sampling of the audience, than some of us believe. These are not true ratings, but only a poll of those who are motivated to participate. I know that I didn't even notice the rating systems for a long time when I first became a member.

I believe that the average member of this website, is a guy who is turned on by the type of guy represented on the site, and if the models are hot to him, and the sex turns him on, he basically watches the scenes, jerks off and logs off. I believe that we the very interested almost obsessive fans of the site are actually a minority. If Scorpio tells us that we are a minority, and that the contents of the emails to the owners and administrators of the site offer a very different type of commentary than the small percentage of obsessive fans who post here. By the way, I consider myself the number one "obsessive fan", so I am not using that term as a putdown, but rather the way I look at us the "forumites" as Slim named us some time ago.

I don't see any "big" problem with the new site that needs fixing. The flaunting of cash and having the guys say demeaning things about themselves at the end is a turnoff to me, but in fact, I find myself looking forward to the updates a lot more now, than I have done in a long time. And if in fact, Scorpio is telling us the truth, there is no reason to make any major changes, for if business is good, they are not going to change a profitable product.

Mike, one of the most difficult aspects to understand and perhaps can't be understood is the numbers game. For example, what is the "small percentage" that do post or vote. Then when someone says that they get more "private feedback" again what does more mean? So if we have 25 active members making comments, therefore 50 private would be more or even far more. But in comparison to the number of total members is only a small fraction of the total. So it is all from whomever's point-of-view we are using.

Now of the 3680 they can't all be current members. In fact I would expect that number to be significantly lower as they don't edit inactive members. I say that as I know a few who are not members and the list still included deceased members.

All I trying to say is while we, the active poster, more than likely are a minority, the "majority" of feedback that management is talking about, is still more than likely a small minority of the total membership. We will never know what those true numbers are, which is not our business, but I would not take managements majority to be a majority of the total.

If you look at DennyBears poll, we know we have what 70 individuals voting (you can't vote twice) that's about a 2% return rate out of the 3680. And if you subtract the non-members from this number that % would be higher. In the real world you typically don't get high percentages in most forms of feedback. So I do think the numbers reflected in the polls, star ratings, forum feedback may be a minority, but from what point-of-view and what "gross" numbers are they using for comparison.

I am still awaiting to be WOW'd by the new Broke Straight Boys Patience is a virtue, so I shall maintain that for a while longer.

Live Long and Prosper,

This isn't a different comparison.. it's the same whining re-packaged to look good. The fact is that the "ratings" on this site are obviously not scientific. One person pointed out that one minute after one of the new videos was posted, the video had three ratings of 1 and the video was 25 mins long so obviously people are trying to be vindictive. We see enough of this vindictiveness on this forum and in this ridiculous topic posting. The fact is with BSB1, they were able to rate unbiasly because they were't comparing the videos to a former version of the site. This is an obvious difference.
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