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Broke Straight Boys Triple Kiss!


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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so i dont know about anyone else, however i love it when the models kiss and make-out. honestly, i wanna see three guys making out at once. some of you might remember the triple kiss made popular by MTV. anyone else think this would be hot?
so i dont know about anyone else, however i love it when the models kiss and make-out. honestly, i wanna see three guys making out at once. some of you might remember the triple kiss made popular by MTV. anyone else think this would be hot?

Yes of course....bring it on!!
I was happily introduced to the the triple kiss back in 1986. So it's not exactly a new phenomenon. I highly recommend it if anybody in here has never thought of trying it. And if you're single of course. Three way kissing is HOT. To do at least. Seeing it must be pretty hot too. When I did it in the club there were plenty of startled looks and curious, envious eyes on my two friends and I.

I don't remember seeing a triple kiss on MTV. What show? I take it it was pretty hot then?
it was very not hot, three women from real world. i bet some of the Broke Straight Boys would love to see that though, maybe even re-enact what they saw??
the triple kiss that would make me most happy (since cj will never kiss) is with tyler, austin and Logan.
Yes. It's three way kissing.

I fortunately didn't have to share the kiss with any women. haha Just me and two cute guys who were friends of mine from college. And inside of a large gay club no less. :blush:
the important thing about the make-out session is that the three people, in this case boys, are positioned like a triangle making out. although it would be really hot to see, im not quite sure how easily he could get a good shot of it. all three tongues intertwined with each other.
the important thing about the make-out session is that the three people, in this case boys, are positioned like a triangle making out. although it would be really hot to see, im not quite sure how easily he could get a good shot of it. all three tongues intertwined with each other.

Oh it could be done....from almost any angle!! By the way jw, don't you agree that bonus money should be paid to guys who would really try to make out - kiss, fondle, hug, rub a back, stroke a face, etc?
yeah, pecks on the cheek dont count! i would pay any amount of money to watch a triple kiss between jimmy, diesel and austin
what about a passionate triple kiss?
Kissing is very sentual and very erotic when done right. I love to see anyone kissing passionately. It reminds me that there is still an abundance of love to be found everywhere. One person or a million people who cares the more the merrier. Kiss and be kissed a like :sneaky2::thumbup:
I got a couple of cheeks down there that could use some kissing. LOL I have two sets of cheeks God has given me so I suppose I could accommodate two people kissing me at the same time comfortably. I don't see three people unless one is sucking on my tool.