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Broke Straight Boys Gay Porn Throwback

What can I say about Tyler...he was cute and innocent young guy. He was confused sexually, he was brought up with his military father as his mother ran off with another man and never contacted Tyler and his siblings for many, many years. Tyler was a good kid but he had to bring himself up and raise himself, he did get into drugs and he did get into trouble, and he was torn with his sexuality. When he applied, he was dating girls and he never had any experience with guys prior although he did keep an open mind. He was a lost kid, confused and no direction or goals.

Just a side note, we would hire "straight guys" but if they were open and willing and able to try, we gave them a chance and took the gamble, Tyler applied and he just turned 18yrs old and when he sent in his pics, I immediately hired him (back then I just hired the models) and within the next week he was on a plane and he arrived as a cute innocent 18 years old straight twink boy. He was polite and innocent and willing to try everything and anything I gave him.

Compared to other guys in his group, Tyler was the runt of the group, looked to young, he was a "baby" but he held his own and he was spit fire guy and he didn't let the other guys bully him and he fit right in with the other guys and he was able to do his scenes and film. It got to the point, once Tyler got onto Broke Straight Boys site, Broke Straight Boys turned crazy with Tyler, Tyler....more Tyler...we want to see Tyler over and over again...I think him and Diesal were the two most popular guys on Broke Straight Boys at the time along with others but Tyler was "queen bee"...of Broke Straight Boys

There were a handful of members that were so obessed with Tyler, that they contacted him and started sending him money for used cummed filled undies or bought him clothes and one member bought him a whole room of furniture and had it delivered, it was crazy.

As Tyler was getting more popular, it did go to his head and he was becoming arrogant and the fame went to his head, we had Broke Straight Boys parties/functions and one of them we brought Tyler and he was so rude to the members, we got him out of there and had to apologies to the members and told them this is what happens when you meet your "heros". But when we went to a porn convention, Tyler was on point and he was very professional. Even when he was a model, he made sure the other models were up, getting a shower, and getting ready for there scenes...he was well liked by the other models he worked with, and when he was here filming, he was like the manager of the models and made sure they were ready and help us with the other models.

It got to the point, we needed help in the office so we asked Tyler if he wanted to move to South Florida and work with us on a full time basis, and he gladly accepted. We helped him with his move, we got him settled down and he started working with us full time in our office. We still allowed him to film to make extra money. Since he was here full time, I allowed him to pick and choose the models he wanted to work with.

As we got to know Tyler a lot more, he did feel he was bisexual, he felt comfortable having sex with both guys and girls but since he has been filming, he has had more sex with guys than girls. He really didn't like bottoming but he did it and as time went on and working with us, Tyler became more of a Son I never had and he became part of my family, both Eddie and I took him to our family functions, and holiday's and since Tyler didn't have much of a family, he really appreciated his time with us and he also loved learning from both of us. He wasn't only a person that worked in our office nor a model but he was also my personal assistant which at this point, really got to his head and he started going in the wrong direction being super rude, nasty to the models.

Both Eddie and I trained Tyler to really run the business and take care of our home when we were on vacation, Tyler new how to operate the business if anything happened to either Eddie and I as we trained him very well and he was like family at this point, but he got very "cocky" in his ways and attitude. He was getting nasty with both Eddie and I, he was very rude to his co-workers...we had a secretary, Nelson (who was also another model) work in our office he was rude to Nelson and Monica our secretary and others in our organization at the time. Monica, Nelson and Eddie and our other editor Chancellor didn't want to work with Tyler.

I had to confront Tyler about his attitude and he was becoming rude with me. He wanted more money...and let me be clear...Tyler was making really great money and he also had medical benefits and vacation time, he had a really great job with us, but he was blowing all his money on going out, partying, spending money on clothes and a fancy car...he got into trouble with the law and I had to bail him out and help him go to court he was turning into a complete nightmare.

Then with us downsizing, I had to let go Monica and Chancellor and now it was just Myself, Eddie, Nelson and Tyler and we had a meeting and I told him we had to downsize because we are no longer filming Broke Straight Boys but we still had College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites to film and i was looking for more work but for now, we have to do the work of Monica and Chancellor...Tyler didn't lift a finger...and passed his work load to Nelson and Nelson was busting his ass in the office while Tyler was watching Youtube videos.

Well, that started to piss both Eddie and I off and I had a meeting with Tyler and he basically told me to fuck off and he quit his job and left to work as a waiter in Friday's making less money. He was partying and spending money on whatever he was doing, both Eddie and I felt he was doing drugs at this point.

He got evicted from his apartment, he was sleeping in his car, I told him if he wants to film, let me know...but he told me to "fuck off" and he was doing drugs...after that, I lost all communication with Tyler....I found out he moved to Phoenix Arizona and got arrested and was in jail for about 9-months robbing homes and doing drugs with these crazy guys.

After he got out of jail, he did contact me and told me he apologized to me and Eddie and that he was starting a new life. He got into support groups for his drug use, he started going to classes and while in his support group, he met a really nice guy that was also going through recovery and they both started to date, Tyler got himself a good job working with troubled youth and his boyfriend is also working with elderly or something like that as a social worker.

As of today, Tyler and his BF are still together, they both have good jobs (careers) and they both purchased a home in the Phoenix area and they are getting married and they both seem to be happy with each other and doing well.

I did reach out to Tyler to perhaps film with Diesal and Grant for a "flashback" Broke Straight Boys scene and for a get together kind of a reunion. Diesal said he would do it, but no sex but he will do something for Youtube, Grant was down to have sex and Tyler declined and told me he has a whole new life going in a total new direction and he doesn't want any part of his porn life or that life again and he is moving forward with his life and I was very proud of him.

I wish nothing but the best for Tyler and his new life going forward, he was young, mixed up, confused...since then he has reunited with his Mother, got closer to his Family and living a very good and successful life and I hope it stays that way for him, it looks like he is in a good path surrounded by others who care for him and he also has a lot more respect for himself. He matured a lot, and he is much wiser and focused about his life and future.

David, thank you so much for the history of Tyler. It really did end up as a success story, and that is due to your support and influence. You should be proud of what you did for him and I hope he realizes that and thanks his lucky stars you came into his life when you did. Amazing story.
I must add to what I said no father could have done a better job that I say as a father of 3.
Mikeyank, I know that you probably know more about some of these boys than most members do. I know its asking a lot, but wonder if you would share some more info about them? I have gone back and watched a number of, if not all, the scene's with Dustin, Austin, Tyler, and even Daxter/Rabib (one very very hot scene I think). I saw on Dustin's page comments that he died. What a shame as I found him to be extremely sexy and my kind of "top". Was he mostly straight but gay for pay or was that just an act? Daxter was another one that I found to be really hot. Any "tea" you may have would be appreciated. I know its asking a lot but I trust your knowledge/opinions. That scene with Dustin/Austin I have watched many times and if I am not mistaken, at the end Austin actually had an orgasm from Dustin's fucking without jacking himself off (I know his hand is on his dick but it looks like he is holding it still). Probably the closest hands free orgasm in the whole library of scenes. I will anxiously await your comments. Thanks
I love how this "Throwback" thread has worked out, SFPS01. I have a fan's perspective recollection of some of these boys, but we are also so very fortunate to have David back on the forum, as he is the one that hired, housed and filmed the boys during the days of Broke Straight Boys-1. I love how David gave us the complete story on Tyler as only he knows it.

That beings me to Dustin, who along with Tyler were the two big stars on the site back when I joined. Dustin appeared in nineteen scenes beginning in June 2008 in a four man orgy with Ryan, Tyler, and Cj, and his last Broke Straight Boys scene with Lane was released on December 7, 2009. He tragically died during that same month. It was a horrible unnecessary death as he was tasered by police who busted him in a bar in Panama City, Florida and as they chased him he swallowed a bag of marijuana and choked to death. And the incident was captured by a reality TV show similar to COPS. I never watched the segment nor do I have the stomach to watch it to this day.

Much like Tyler, Dustin was waning in popularity on the site. He gained weight and had premature balding which caused him to always wear a hat in his scenes. And he always proclaimed his straightness and did not want to bottom which turned the forum against him. Hopefully David will fill in some of the blanks with Dustin as he did with Tyler. RIP, Dustin.

This was Dustin from his earliest scene until his final scene on Broke Straight Boys






And of course all 19 of Dustin's scenes are available on his model page.

I love how this "Throwback" thread has worked out, SFPS01. I have a fan's perspective recollection of some of these boys, but we are also so very fortunate to have David back on the forum, as he is the one that hired, housed and filmed the boys during the days of Broke Straight Boys-1. I love how David gave us the complete story on Tyler as only he knows it.

That beings me to Dustin, who along with Tyler were the two big stars on the site back when I joined. Dustin appeared in nineteen scenes beginning in June 2008 in a four man orgy with Ryan, Tyler, and Cj, and his last Broke Straight Boys scene with Lane was released on December 7, 2009. He tragically died during that same month. It was a horrible unnecessary death as he was tasered by police who busted him in a bar in Panama City, Florida and as they chased him he swallowed a bag of marijuana and choked to death. And the incident was captured by a reality TV show similar to COPS. I never watched the segment nor do I have the stomach to watch it to this day.

Much like Tyler, Dustin was waning in popularity on the site. He gained weight and had premature balding which caused him to always wear a hat in his scenes. And he always proclaimed his straightness and did not want to bottom which turned the forum against him. Hopefully David will fill in some of the blanks with Dustin as he did with Tyler. RIP, Dustin.

This was Dustin from his earliest scene until his final scene on Broke Straight Boys






And of course all 19 of Dustin's scenes are available on his model page.


Thank you Mikeyank for the information. What a sad story and ending. All to tragic.
Sad & to this day so similar to many of the present group wrt their stories. Yes TY for the info.
In regard to SFPS01's inquiry regarding Daxter & Rabib. I know nothing about them except that they performed in only two Broke Straight Boys scenes and that was with each other, released in July and August of 2007. The scene description says that they were both straight but my "eye test" told me that Daxter was a straight guy with a hard dick and Rabib was in lust with him. This is another case, where I would love the back story if David remembers it. Very hot scenes with exactly the formula that turns me on big time. Gay appearing guy takes big dick from straight appearing guy!!!! Very hot pairing.





And my favorite part was Rabib taking a load on his face from Daxter's cock!


This link has both scenes on it. Again, anything David could add would be much appreciated!

I had seen "Daxter" on the CF site before I joined Broke Straight Boys His scenes on CF are much older ones and the video quality of the older cameras used in the early 00's leave a lot to be desired by today's standards. I think there was some mention of him being married but gay for pay. I'm not sure of that. If he is not outright gay, I feel safe in saying he's probably bi. David mentioned that in the very beginning of the site, that as much as his vision was to immediately go with amateur, "straight" guys...that he did have to hire some experienced models who had worked already on some other gay sites. There are/were a few familiar faces we might still recognize from other sites. I thought Daxter was a great find for Broke Straight Boys While some of us straight purists in here might consider him to be a "ringer" of sorts...I was thrilled to see his handsome face and his uniquely curved big dick over here on Broke Straight Boys :)

Aiden & Tyler is the new Throwback scene. Thoughts?
I was very much into Aiden! :) I was thrilled to see him show back up at the car show. haha
I bet, again would be nice to no what happened to Aiden, for me far hotter than Tyler.
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Aiden & Tyler is the new Throwback scene. Thoughts?

I may be in the minority with this one, but I thought it was a great scene. I know there is a lot of history here with Tyler, but I think he truly loved being fucked and I like watching him getting fucked. Aiden was a cute as a bug's ear and I like him as well.
I can not overstate this as I have said often. Any 1 who does more than 1 or 2 guy scenes does not remain straight. And if they are a success in whatever roles they take their body shows it!
Just watched this week's throwback scene of Aiden fucking Tyler's virgin ass in the first time anal for both straight boys in exchange for $1800 each. When asked how Tyler was giving head, Aiden replied the usual "better than my girlfriend", and then went on to say that HE also gave better head than his girlfriend! Aiden then fucked the cum out of Tyler, who admitted that, after some initial penetration pain, the fuck of his virgin ass felt good. Very hot scene! Great to see it once again!
I may be in the minority with this one, but I thought it was a great scene. I know there is a lot of history here with Tyler, but I think he truly loved being fucked and I like watching him getting fucked. Aiden was a cute as a bug's ear and I like him as well.
Excellent observation about Tyler, SFPS. He said he hated getting fucked, but he went into a pleasure zone as his eyes rolled back and he appeared to totally love it. I’m glad to see you enjoying David’s early work with the models he hired which set the tone and caused me to love this site so much.
Just watched this week's throwback scene of Aiden fucking Tyler's virgin ass in the first time anal for both straight boys in exchange for $1800 each. When asked how Tyler was giving head, Aiden replied the usual "better than my girlfriend", and then went on to say that HE also gave better head than his girlfriend! Aiden then fucked the cum out of Tyler, who admitted that, after some initial penetration pain, the fuck of his virgin ass felt good. Very hot scene! Great to see it once again!
Just as with SFPS, I am pleased that you KG who joined Broke Straight Boys later appreciate the early stuff while not shot in HD but still is hot. I really felt that David’s back stories and banter were perfect to create at least the illusion that we were watching straight boys doing something for the first time using the money as an excuse to venture into taboo territory for then.
It should be apparent from looking at the real early days in the last century, technology may change but good sex remains the same!. By the way I just did 2 new episodes for the next 2 days. ( a plug, Ha! Ha!).