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Broke Straight Boys Coming To Television

Love your Avatar, Beth. Even though these are Broke Straight Boys, the truth is, when Paul said he was in love with Damien, that just sealed the deal for me trying the site out. Guess I AM just a romantic at heart. And as sexy as Jimmy is, he's got way too much negativity and attitude for me. Adam...SUCH a cutie!! Cage Kafig is from my family's home state, so there was an instant <BOING> for me there. Heh.
Love your Avatar, Beth. Even though these are Broke Straight Boys, the truth is, when Paul said he was in love with Damien, that just sealed the deal for me trying the site out. Guess I AM just a romantic at heart. And as sexy as Jimmy is, he's got way too much negativity and attitude for me. Adam...SUCH a cutie!! Cage Kafig is from my family's home state, so there was an instant <BOING> for me there. Heh.

Thank you; I got my Avatar from one of Paul's fan pages. So, I see you too are a romantic, care to share any of your "personal" experiences. Me, I'm an "open book," Stowe1 would say "too open," but that's life. I am a retired teacher and have been with my husband for 33 years; we truly are soul mates. Meeting at 18, we are both now 51.
I enjoyed the show, but thought it took too long to "get out there" to be of any real value. I would like to see another season, but it must be more up to date; just my thoughts.
With Damien Kyle gone there doesn't seem to be any one promoting Broke Straight Boys Which is good I guess? Till at least Ronan Kennedy gets back.
If you watch it now everything is different.

Sorry if this has been answered before, but...is it pretty much confirmed that Broke Straight Boys will not work in any capacity in the future with PC or Damien Kyle?

Damien Kyle still has Broke Straight Boys as his Twitter screen name, so I'm wondering if the relationship with Broke Straight Boys isn't completely severed, and if they might show up on Season 2 of the TV show or maybe some other future plan (an interview, perhaps, which I think would be great, considering we found out about the relationship once they were basically out the door).

Can anyone confirm?
Sorry if this has been answered before, but...is it pretty much confirmed that Broke Straight Boys will not work in any capacity in the future with PC or Damien Kyle?

Damien Kyle still has Broke Straight Boys as his Twitter screen name, so I'm wondering if the relationship with Broke Straight Boys isn't completely severed, and if they might show up on Season 2 of the TV show or maybe some other future plan (an interview, perhaps, which I think would be great, considering we found out about the relationship once they were basically out the door).

Can anyone confirm?
Hi McHale. Welcome to the forum.

Management here often plays their cards close to the vest, so I don't believe that any of your questions have been answered directly, but from reading between the lines, it appears that Damien Kyle & PC have no current relationship with Broke Straight Boys and quite frankly I don't believe that the TV show was the success that management was hoping for, so I would be shocked if there was a Season 2, but again this is purely speculation on my part.
I think it would be nice if Broke Straight Boys could schedule a final interview (non-sexual) and just follow up with them on their relationship, and maybe recap their experiences over the past 2.5 years. They were very instrumental to Broke Straight Boys's success (and obviously vice versa), and it would be nice to have more closure for the fans. And also to know that both sides are on good terms with one another.
I think it would be nice if Broke Straight Boys could schedule a final interview (non-sexual) and just follow up with them on their relationship, and maybe recap their experiences over the past 2.5 years. They were very instrumental to Broke Straight Boys's success (and obviously vice versa), and it would be nice to have more closure for the fans. And also to know that both sides are on good terms with one another.

Just don't feel that will ever happen mchale. Paul and Damien Kyle were treated pretty shabby at the end. But I don't have any idea what went on behind closed doors.
But it seems like it wasn't a happy good by. And I really can't see a season two of the show.
The first show came and went with out much fan fare. And all the boys from the first show are gone.
I do seem to remember Paul tweeting back in April that some people at Broke Straight Boys were talking trash about him behind his back. But this is all hearsay. Paul and Damien are not exactly finding regular work, and are doing Skype shows and asking for gifts to get by. If there are problems, I hope they can reconcile. It was a great partnership.
I do seem to remember Paul tweeting back in April that some people at Broke Straight Boys were talking trash about him behind his back. But this is all hearsay. Paul and Damien are not exactly finding regular work, and are doing Skype shows and asking for gifts to get by. If there are problems, I hope they can reconcile. It was a great partnership.
Everything is hearsay mchale. I follow them on FB and Twitter. They don't seem like bad guy's. Paul even sent me a long curl of his hail for my Birthday. LOl With a Real nice card.
He didn't have to do that. But I was a Big Fan for a long time. So there doing Skype shows to get by.
You do what You gotta do. But there still together and seem happy with each other. I have no idea
what go's on in there lives. Just what they want to show us.
Or behind the scenes of Broke Straight Boys But I wish them all well and for me Broke Straight Boys lost a little of its sparckle when they left. But Maybe it was time?????

That seemed when things really started to change on the site for me. But I'm still here. And I still Love Paul..And still Love Broke Straight Boys and the People on the Forum.
It doesn't have the sparkle it had. But I still Love it and glad You are here.:welcome:
And wish Paul still were here. But everything changes. Johnny does go on. lol Bla Bla Bla
Oh the Hair thing might seem silly. But it made this OLDER GUY FEEL GOOD.
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Everything is hearsay mchale. I follow them on FB and Twitter. They don't seem like bad guy's. Paul even sent me a long curl of his hail for my Birthday. LOl With a Real nice card.

Oh the Hair thing might seem silly. But it made this OLDER GUY FEEL GOOD.

That is SO sweet that Paul did that for you Johnny. I'm very happy for you! :) That's just the kind of guy Paul is.

He and Damien Kyle really will go the extra mile for the fans. Just like when they did the photo shoutout to Danleeh when they heard he was such a big fan.
I think it would be nice if Broke Straight Boys could schedule a final interview (non-sexual) and just follow up with them on their relationship, and maybe recap their experiences over the past 2.5 years. They were very instrumental to Broke Straight Boys's success (and obviously vice versa), and it would be nice to have more closure for the fans. And also to know that both sides are on good terms with one another.

I hope they can reconcile. It was a great partnership.

I would love to see that happen too McHale. But like others have intimated, I get the sense that some bridges may have been burned there at the end of their time here. As I say, it's just a sense based on what we saw playing out on the forum itself. We can always hope though that at some point in the future they might be allowed to come back if both sides are agreeable. If nothing else, it would be nice to see them give an exit interview of sorts for all their many fans here on Broke Straight Boys Just like Antonio and Cage Kafig did in final BTS scenes.
I do hope they will seriously consider doing another installment of the show. I think the reason it wasn't so much of a commercial success was because of the narrow release the show got on...I can't even remember the name of the company. If they could get it released on a channel with more of an audience, it could do quite well. The concept of the show and its commercial potential is still quite sound in my mind at least. I think the show was cast well, with enough good looking guys who brought enough of all the requisite drama, intrigue and heart for reality tv.

I think the idea of having a separate tv show forum to discuss the show was a good idea in theory. But then the cost and employee labor hours of monitoring a forum open to all of the general public just became too much to maintain for so long a period of time. If the show could have been released sooner while the tv forum was still up and running, the free advertising and word of mouth from viewers themselves would have spread and spilled over into all the other social media more quickly.

I hope they will consider doing it again. Just taking some lessons learned from the first experience should give them ideas for a better template for the show going forward.
I do hope they will seriously consider doing another installment of the show. I think the reason it wasn't so much of a commercial success was because of the narrow release the show got on...I can't even remember the name of the company. If they could get it released on a channel with more of an audience, it could do quite well. The concept of the show and its commercial potential is still quite sound in my mind at least. I think the show was cast well, with enough good looking guys who brought enough of all the requisite drama, intrigue and heart for reality tv.

I think the idea of having a separate tv show forum to discuss the show was a good idea in theory. But then the cost and employee labor hours of monitoring a forum open to all of the general public just became too much to maintain for so long a period of time. If the show could have been released sooner while the tv forum was still up and running, the free advertising and word of mouth from viewers themselves would have spread and spilled over into all the other social media more quickly.

I hope they will consider doing it again. Just taking some lessons learned from the first experience should give them ideas for a better template for the show going forward.
I would like to see another season too Tampa, but one must keep in mind the huge financial cost of producing a highly stylized reality TV show. including cameras. directors, production studios, etc. And as it wound up on HERE-TV, which is not a top notch network, I would imagine that management took a bath financially, so without a lucrative partnership from LOGO or such, I don't see it happening.
I would love to see that happen too McHale. But like others have intimated, I get the sense that some bridges may have been burned there at the end of their time here. As I say, it's just a sense based on what we saw playing out on the forum itself. We can always hope though that at some point in the future they might be allowed to come back if both sides are agreeable. If nothing else, it would be nice to see them give an exit interview of sorts for all their many fans here on Broke Straight Boys Just like Antonio and Cage Kafig did in final BTS scenes.

An exit interview a la Cage Kafig is exactly what I'm hoping for. After watching the TV shows, and hearing Mark's comment in Episode 8 about how Broke Straight Boys is for straight men (ideally), well, once the cat was let out of the bag this January (publicly), then they could no longer let two obviously gay men do scenes. Well, that at least was my assumption.

Not sure where some of you are getting that Broke Straight Boys dealt with them in a shabby way, but maybe it was due to Paul's tweet in April. I thought Broke Straight Boys always dealt with D & P's antics (mainly Damien's) with great patience.
Not sure where some of you are getting that Broke Straight Boys dealt with them in a shabby way, but maybe it was due to Paul's tweet in April. I thought Broke Straight Boys always dealt with D & P's antics (mainly Damien's) with great patience.

From what we can tell, they did have great patience with them. We also sensed though that there was probably still tension and drama going on off camera. As far as Damien Kyle and PC being treated shabbily by Broke Straight Boys, I don't know of anything major beyond what we saw play out in the forum itself.
But..They were two Very Popular models for a long time. And were able to hide they were gay. And in Love.
Now there just all gay and its OK ???? Times Have changed.
I know, Johnny. I'm not crazy about the more openly gay model direction of the site either. As you say, "Times have changed." *sigh*

Well as Sha has said before, it's not easy to find genuinely straight guys who have never modeled/had gay sex before. In order to keep up with the 3 videos/wk, they have to settle for what models they can get. When they do find a straight model, they try to keep him as long as possible. If you think about it, Paul had tried everything by his 3rd or 4th scene. The remaining 40 or so was all "wash, rinse, repeat."
Well as Sha has said before, it's not easy to find genuinely straight guys who have never modeled/had gay sex before. In order to keep up with the 3 videos/wk, they have to settle for what models they can get. When they do find a straight model, they try to keep him as long as possible. If you think about it, Paul had tried everything by his 3rd or 4th scene. The remaining 40 or so was all "wash, rinse, repeat."

Well being a huge Paul fan. His last 40 scenes may have been Wash. Rinse. Repeat. But I don't think there is ONE model in the last few years that could have held are interest for as long as he did. Now we have a porn site just like hundreds of others. With not the hottest of models though there are a few..
Name ONE that has Paul's staying power. JUST ONE.....And if you look at his last few scenes they stuck him with the worst of the lot....
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