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Broke Straight Boys Are They Really Straight?

You are the Alfred Kinsey of the 2020’s David. You could write your own book based on your “research work” here. :wink:

This idea of writing a book has crossed my mind on the topic...I just need a good "ghost" writer.
Again I reiterate, are you looking for a good product or are you looking for men that fit your preconceived idea what a man should look and act like. For me it is how he plays together with his partner or partners in the scene at hand. By the way Dande when are we going to get a three some again, I expect you do have some input on that.

Hi br. Your asking the wrong person. I have been asking management if I could film a 3-some scene for a while but they have not approved it and prefer I just film two guys together for now.
TY for explaining that. if they are not careful some other people may do what they fail to do and like it or not Broke Straight Boys could become no more. I am sure you have heard that and might even have thought of that yourself. It is not what I want or would I have just renewed my membership.
The concepts involved are still evolving.

In public health, they tend to talk about MSM (Men who have sex with Men) rather than sexual identity/preference. There are literally thousands of men who have sex only with other men who do not (and would not) identify as "gay."

Over a lot of human history, it was acceptable to be the "insertive partner" but the "receptive partner" was looked down on. Also, the idea that sexual activities are related to maleness or femaleness (gender) is not always the case. Every culture has different standards for both sexual and gender roles.

I think we've got to grow beyond the idea of sexual identity. Having sex with a man is not necessarily an emotional or intellectual connection, and further, having an emotional/intellectual connection with another man does not necessarily mean having sex with each other.

If a model says they're straight, as "gay and straight" are matters of self-identity, then they're straight. Perhaps that's oversimplified, but it's the basis I work with.

In my life, I have done a lot of traveling in Mexico, Central, and South America among other places. In many places and especially in Latin America it is very common to find guys who identify as straight, are happily married, and have families but have no issue with having sex with other men [or women] so long as they are the active partner. I was once at a gathering where several guys were speaking and one of them, a Guatemalan guy was telling about how he had screwed a queen in the bathroom of his local bar the night before. He was quite proud of the fact that the queen had been wild and said it was the best sex she had ever had. The other guys were all laughing about it but with none of the reaction you would have seen among a group of straight gringo makes of the same age or social background.

The simple fact is that depending on where you are in the world, what is considered gay or straight varies greatly.
Regardless of what culture you may come from those who have sex for reasons not having to do with money must like it at some level. It does not matter with whom ( lets not get into weird fetishes involving animals or dead people). The problem if there is one happens after the fact when such things as up bringing good or bad sets in. That is what I believe I am sure others feel differently.
Another scene that merits consideration with two very interesting players.