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Broke Straight Boys 2.0


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
so cal
was playing with a list of scenes released since april 02, 2011.

the only thing that is just my thought is the production dates. i used the first of the month since i only had the month and year to work with. the earlier scenes have the full date.
too much time on my hands!

View attachment release production name by the numbers1.pdf

View attachment release production name by the numbers2.pdf

View attachment release production name by the numbers3.pdf

View attachment release production name by the numbers chart.pdf
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557 3.2 04/02/11 03/05/11 jo jimmy d

558 2.6 04/04/11 02/12/11 jo jimmy d rocco e slink 1

559 4.4 04/06/11 02/11/11 o vinnie 2 zach 3

560 3.4 04/09/11 02/10/11 jo jamie c

562 3.3 04/11/11 03/03/11 jo cj 5

561 2.3 04/13/11 02/10/11 jo jamie c matt 4

563 4.1 04/16/11 02/12/11 a rocco e zach 3

564 2.0 04/18/11 02/11/11 o jimmy d matt 4

565 2.5 04/20/11 02/13/11 o jamie c slink 1

566 3.6 04/23/11 02/13/11 a rocco e vinnie 2 matt 4

567 1.7 04/25/11 02/12/11 f jimmy d vinnie 2

568 3.1 04/27/11 03/04/11 o cj 5 brett 6

569 3.5 04/30/11 04/08/11 jo josh 7

570 4.0 05/02/11 04/09/11 a darren b matt 4

571 2.6 05/05/11 03/05/11 o jamie c jimmy d

572 3.6 05/07/11 02/13/11 a jimmy d zach 3

573 4.0 05/09/11 04/11/11 jo bobby a

574 4.1 05/12/11 04/10/11 o bobby a darren b

575 3.8 05/14/11 03/07/11 a rocco e cj 5 brett 6

576 2.5 05/16/11 03/10/11 jo brody 8

578 2.0 05/19/11 04/09/11 jo jeremy 9

577 4.2 05/21/11 03/06/11 o jamie c tony 10

579 1.9 05/23/11 03/09/11 o jamie c brody 8

580 2.6 05/26/11 04/09/11 o darren b josh 7 jeremy 9

581 3.6 05/28/11 03/06/11 a jimmy d brett 6

582 3.9 05/30/11 03/05/11 o jamie c rocco e

583 3.0 06/02/11 05/01/11 jo willy 11

584 4.2 06/04/11 04/01/11 a bobby a rocco e

585 2.7 06/06/11 05/01/11 g bobby a darren b rocco e josh 7 brody 8 jeremy 9

586 3.4 06/09/11 03/01/11 o jimmy d rocco e

587 4.4 06/11/11 05/01/11 a mick 12 jason 13

588 4.0 06/13/11 05/01/11 jo jack 14

589 3.5 06/16/11 03/01/11 a jimmy d tony 10

590 3.7 06/18/11 04/01/11 a bobby a brody 8

591 2.9 06/20/11 06/01/11 jo mark 15

592 4.1 06/23/11 05/01/11 o jamie c jack 14

593 4.3 06/25/11 04/01/11 a bobby a rocco e

594 3.5 06/27/11 05/01/11 o jimmy d boston 16

595 4.4 06/30/11 06/01/11 a darren b mark 15

596 4.3 07/02/11 05/01/11 a jamie c jason 13

597 3.8 07/04/11 05/01/11 g bobby a jamie c mick 12 jason 13 boston 16

598 4.2 07/07/11 05/01/11 a jamie c mick 12

599 3.5 07/09/11 05/01/11 a rocco e brody 8

601 3.6 07/11/11 06/01/11 jo reed 17

600 4.3 07/14/11 05/01/11 o jimmy d jason 13

602 4.4 07/16/11 05/01/11 a bobby a mick 12

603 3.6 07/18/11 06/01/11 jo sam 18

604 3.4 07/21/11 06/01/11 o reed 17 sam 18

605 4.3 07/23/11 05/01/11 a jamie c jack 14

606 4.5 07/25/11 05/01/11 a bobby a mick 12

608 4.4 07/28/11 07/01/11 a jack 14 mark 15

607 4.3 07/30/11 05/01/11 a jimmy d mick 12

609 4.2 08/01/11 06/01/11 jo kevin 19

610 4.0 08/04/11 06/01/11 a reed 17 sam 18 kevin 19

611 4.6 08/06/11 05/01/11 a bobby a jason 13

612 3.6 08/08/11 07/01/11 a jimmy d jack 14

613 4.6 08/11/11 07/01/11 jo colin 20

614 4.0 08/13/11 08/01/11 a bobby a darren b

615 4.6 08/15/11 07/01/11 o jack 14 colin 20

616 4.2 08/18/11 08/01/11 a mark 15 kevin 19

617 3.2 08/20/11 07/01/11 o jimmy d colin 20

618 4.6 08/22/11 08/01/11 jo seth 21

619 4.1 08/25/11 08/01/11 a bobby a kevin 19

620 4.4 08/27/11 08/01/11 a darren b seth 21

621 3.7 08/29/11 08/01/11 a bobby a mark 15

622 4.6 09/01/11 08/01/11 a darren b kevin 19

623 3.9 09/03/11 07/01/11 a jimmy d mark 15 colin 20

624 3.0 09/05/11 08/01/11 jo drake 22

625 4.0 09/08/11 08/01/11 o darren b drake 22

626 4.3 09/10/11 08/01/11 a jamie c colin 20

627 4.4 09/12/11 08/01/11 jo anthony 23

628 3.5 09/15/11 07/01/11 a jimmy d colin 20

629 4.1 09/17/11 08/01/11 a jimmy d anthony 23

630 4.1 09/19/11 09/01/11 jo chad 24

631 4.2 09/22/11 08/01/11 a colin 20 drake 22

632 4.6 09/24/11 09/01/11 o darren b chad 24

633 4.1 09/26/11 09/01/11 jo cliff 25

634 3.2 09/29/11 08/01/11 a jamie c jimmy d drake 22

635 4.7 10/01/11 09/01/11 a anthony 23 chad 24

636 4.0 10/03/11 09/01/11 jo kurt 26

637 4.0 10/06/11 09/01/11 a jack 14 chad 24

638 4.1 10/08/11 09/01/11 a darren b anthony 23

639 3.8 10/10/11 09/01/11 jo aj 27

640 3.5 10/12/11 08/01/11 a darren b jimmy d

641 4.5 10/15/11 10/01/11 a rocco e colin 20

645 3.8 10/18/11 09/01/11 jo ricky 28

651 4.3 10/20/11 10/01/11 o chad 24 aj 27

652 4.3 10/22/11 10/01/11 a bobby a jimmy d

653 3.9 10/24/11 09/01/11 a seth 21 aj 27

654 3.8 10/27/11 10/01/11 jo connor 29

655 4.3 10/29/11 10/01/11 a rocco e anthony 23

656 2.0 10/31/11 10/01/11 o jimmy d bradley 30

657 4.5 11/03/11 10/01/11 a colin 20 seth 21

658 3.9 11/05/11 10/01/11 a bobby a anthony 23

659 3.4 11/07/11 10/01/11 jo colin 20

660 3.8 11/10/11 10/01/11 o darren b connor 29

661 4.3 11/12/11 10/01/11 a rocco e aj 27

662 3.3 11/14/11 10/01/11 jo clayton 31

663 4.5 11/17/11 11/01/11 a jason 13 chad 24

664 4.5 11/19/11 10/01/11 a connor 29 bradley 30

667 4.3 11/21/11 11/01/11 a bobby a colin 20

668 3.2 11/24/11 11/01/11 jo ross 32

669 4.5 11/26/11 11/01/11 a jason 13 anthony 23

670 4.1 11/28/11 11/01/11 o connor 29 ross 32

671 4.5 12/01/11 11/01/11 a chad 24 bradley 30

672 4.4 12/03/11 11/01/11 a colin 20 anthony 23

673 3.1 12/05/11 11/01/11 jo jake 33

674 3.7 12/08/11 10/01/11 a jimmy d connor 29

675 4.6 12/10/11 11/01/11 a jason 13 bradley 30

676 4.0 12/12/11 12/01/11 jo rex 34

677 4.5 12/15/11 11/01/11 a colin 20 connor 29

678 4.0 12/17/11 11/01/11 a bobby a ross 32

679 4.1 12/19/11 12/01/11 jo jacob 35

680 4.2 12/22/11 12/01/11 o chad 24 rex 34 aaron 36

683 4.2 12/24/11 11/01/11 a bobby a connor 29

684 4.5 12/26/11 12/01/11 jo Kodi 37

685 4.3 12/29/11 12/01/11 a rex 34 aaron 36

686 3.4 12/31/11 12/01/11 a jimmy d chad 24

687 3.1 01/02/12 12/01/11 jo rob 38

688 4.3 01/05/12 12/01/11 o rex 34 Kodi 37

689 4.3 01/07/12 12/01/11 a bobby a anthony 23 connor 29

690 3.0 01/09/12 12/01/11 jo tomas 39

691 3.9 01/12/12 12/01/11 a jimmy d rex 34

692 4.3 01/14/12 12/01/11 a Kodi 37 rob 38

693 3.7 01/16/12 01/01/12 o chad 24 cliff 25

694 3.4 01/19/12 01/01/12 jo mitch 40

695 3.3 01/21/12 12/01/11 a jimmy d aaron 36

696 4.3 01/23/12 01/01/12 jo scott 41

697 3.7 01/26/12 01/01/12 o clayton 31 scott 41

698 4.1 01/28/12 01/01/12 a Kodi 37 mitch 40

699 3.9 01/30/12 01/01/12 jo tim 42

700 4.5 02/02/12 01/01/12 o darren b tim 42

701 4.2 02/04/12 01/01/12 a connor 29 scott 41

702 2.3 02/06/12 01/01/12 jo jake 43

703 4.8 02/09/12 01/01/12 a jason 13 rex 34

704 4.1 02/11/12 01/01/12 a clayton 31 Kodi 37

705 3.7 02/13/12 01/01/12 jo caleb 44

706 3.0 02/16/12 01/01/12 o Kodi 37 mitch 40 tim 42

707 4.1 02/18/12 01/01/12 a clayton 31 scott 41

708 3.6 02/20/12 02/01/12 jo denver 45

709 4.3 02/23/12 02/01/12 o darren b denver 45

710 3.2 02/25/12 01/01/12 a jimmy d jake 43

711 4.1 02/27/12 02/01/12 jo blake 46

712 4.6 03/01/12 02/01/12 o blake 46 ty 47

713 4.6 03/03/12 02/01/12 a connor 29 Kodi 37

714 3.7 03/05/12 01/01/12 jo steve 48

715 2.5 03/08/12 01/01/12 a jimmy d bradley 30

716 3.3 03/10/12 01/01/12 a clayton 31 mitch 40 tim 42

717 4.0 03/12/12 03/01/12 jo spencer 49

718 3.4 03/15/12 02/01/12 o darren b ty 47

719 4.2 03/17/12 01/01/12 a connor 29 tim 42

720 4.0 03/19/12 02/01/12 jo blake 50

721 3.2 03/22/12 03/01/12 o jason 13 spencer 49

722 4.2 03/24/12 02/01/12 a denver 45 blake 46 ty 47

723 4.2 03/26/12 03/01/12 jo brandon 51

724 3.0 03/29/12 02/01/12 o darren b blake 50

725 4.6 03/31/12 02/01/12 a connor 29 denver 45

726 4.0 04/02/12 03/01/12 jo nick 52

727 4.6 04/05/12 03/01/12 o jason 13 brandon 51

728 4.4 04/07/12 03/01/12 a ross 32 Kodi 37

729 4.1 04/09/12 03/01/12 jo liam 53

730 4.3 04/12/12 04/01/12 a anthony 23 blake 46

731 4.7 04/14/12 02/01/12 a connor 29 denver 45

732 2.3 04/16/12 03/01/12 jo dakota 54

733 3.7 04/19/12 03/01/12 a jason 13 blake 50

734 3.0 04/21/12 03/01/12 jo ross 32 liam 53

735 4.1 04/23/12 03/01/12 jo dexter 55

736 4.6 04/26/12 02/01/12 a connor 29 ty 47

737 4.6 04/28/12 03/01/12 a Kodi 37 liam 53

738 3.8 04/30/12 04/01/12 jo Zane Tate 56

739 4.6 05/03/12 04/01/12 o spencer 49 brandon 51 Zane Tate 56

740 4.6 05/05/12 03/01/12 a jason 13 blake 46

741 4.2 05/07/12 04/01/12 a colin 20 denver 45

742 3.8 05/10/12 05/01/12 jo brandon 57

743 4.6 05/12/12 03/01/12 a Kodi 37 liam 53

744 4.0 05/14/12 04/01/12 a anthony 23 connor 29

745 3.7 05/17/12 04/01/12 jo spencer 49

746 4.5 05/19/12 04/01/12 a seth 21 Zane Tate 56

747 4.2 05/21/12 05/01/12 jo kirk 58

748 4.2 05/24/12 04/01/12 a seth 21 spencer 49

749 4.3 05/26/12 04/01/12 a anthony 23 denver 45

750 3.2 05/28/12 05/01/12 jo brade 59

751 4.3 05/31/12 05/01/12 a colin 20 Kodi 37

752 4.6 06/02/12 05/01/12 a tim 42 liam 53

753 3.8 06/04/12 05/01/12 jo max 60

754 0.0 06/07/12 05/01/12 o tim 42 brade 59

755 0.0 06/09/12 04/01/12 a seth 21 brandon 51
Broke Straight Boys video id number, rating, release date, production date, type of scene, model 1, model 2
691 3.9 01/12/12 12/01/11 a jimmy d rex 34
the first number is the Broke Straight Boys id number of the scene as in
release date is the go live date of the scene.
production date is the approximate date of the shooting. working with month and year.
type of scene: a for anal, jo for jerkoff, g for group, f for feet, o for oral.
because they were my first top 5 , i gave them letter designations. bobby is a, darren is b, jamie c, jimmy d, and rocco e. the other model were given a number designations. rex was the 34th numbered model introduced on Broke Straight Boys 2.0.
i hope that is clearer than mud.
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scene 691 seems to have a higher rating than it had. maybe somebody found it and liked it.
Trying to make this easier

this list is sorted by type of scene. a for anal, jo for jerkoff, f for feet, g for group and o for oral.

View attachment bsb by type test 1.txt

in my head this all makes sense.
maybe webmonkey can make oats out of this pile of horseshit.
It's 198 Clay movies... almost 200

Hi Another,

You're to smart for me... Analyzing all those scenes, like a sport wizard :-)

My way is to browse through the archive and look at the dirty pics. And to make use of the new "Favorites" function.

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this list is sorted by type of scene. a for anal, jo for jerkoff, f for feet, g for group and o for oral.

View attachment 6346

in my head this all makes sense.
maybe webmonkey can make oats out of this pile of horseshit.

So, when do you have time to masturbate? I'd hate for you to explode!:w00t:
Wow! :tmi:

What a thoroughly complete gathering of data. Thank you Another1 for taking the time to do this for us. What is your synopsis of your findings? - J
i am afraid that the upload message i get says, .xls files are not supported.
i would have done that before trying work arounds, like .txt files.
Wow! :tmi:

What a thoroughly complete gathering of data. Thank you Another1 for taking the time to do this for us. What is your synopsis of your findings? - J

So, when do you have time to masturbate? I'd hate for you to explode!:w00t:

there have been 90 anal scenes, 56 jerkoff scenes, and 37 oral scenes.
67 anal scenes, 21 jerkoff scenes, and 17 oral scenes were rated 4.0 or higher.
74 % of the anal scene, 37.5 % of the jerkoff scenes, and 46 % of the oral scenes were rated 4.0 or higher.
the trend line is toward 4.0+ scenes being produced.
there was a 6:4:3 overall ratio per month.
i just gathered the data what it means i have no clue.

@beth, i get off just reading the name! sometimes i like to edge. thanks for your concern.
What's your all time favorite Broke Straight Boys video top 10 Another1?
there are so many good ones.
chris and alex, eric and ross, brandon, cole and damian, colin's 1st solo and jimmy and rex would be my top 5. they come right off the top of my head.
the next 5 do not come so quickly.
out of everything those are the ones i come/cum for.
Analyzing this data, it springs to attention how few video's contain the "innocent straight gets serviced by a willing gay..."

But soon Brandon will return with Broke Straight Boys bottom boy Seth!
i am afraid that the upload message i get says, .xls files are not supported.
i would have done that before trying work arounds, like .txt files.

Now here is a challenge. Back in the early days I'm almost sure that another member did a similar thing to what you have done. Maybe other long term members can remember this. It will be in the archives but I am not 100% sure as I have been a long term member on another site and it could be there. I don't want to waste your time searching but something has cranked my memory.
i'll talk my all-things computer guy and try to find a way to upload the spreadsheet.
Now here is a challenge. Back in the early days I'm almost sure that another member did a similar thing to what you have done. Maybe other long term members can remember this. It will be in the archives but I am not 100% sure as I have been a long term member on another site and it could be there. I don't want to waste your time searching but something has cranked my memory.

I found it earlier. The original Broke Straight Boys spreadsheet was done by Denny Bear. I have bumped up the thread and it's on page 1 a few threads below this as I type.
I found it earlier. The original Broke Straight Boys spreadsheet was done by Denny Bear. I have bumped up the thread and it's on page 1 a few threads below this as I type.

in all candor i stood on denny bear's shoulders to see as far as i could.
my thanks to denny bear and mark for giving me the idea to create my spreadsheet.
i am glad i didn't lose you in all that data.

i come from a school of thought that says if you can't explain something to a 12 year old, then you should rethink what know.
i have a tendency to overstate the simple and to understate the complex.