You rocked in this one man!! Thank You! xoxo
While not meaning to offend any of my dear friends in here, I think that many of the posts so far veered heavily on technical aspects and missed an important point. Brody did very well here too. But that was all secondary to what I saw as the main event of this video. This scene marked the return of the Tyler we all fell in love with in the first place. We worried that we had lost him forever to over-the-top porn theatrics. You did great here Tyler! You promised us fans and viewers in the BTS vid to tone it down...and you
did. Woohoo! haha
You struck a great balance here in your on-stage persona. Toning it down doesn't mean the model lays there like a dead fish and turns the scene into a silent movie. lol It just means less fakeness, more sincerity (and believability) and less screaming and yelling. Since this tends to be a "reality site" there is a premium on the honesty and believability of the performances, as well as portraying the models as the real people they are, rather than two-dimensional walking movie posters.
Again, I congratulate and thank you Tyler. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to those on the staff who took the time to talk to you, work with you, and help you achieve the balance you did in this scene. I think the little bit of dirty talk you did here worked great! A little bit of dirty talk works well to keep the energy level of a scene amped up. You expressed yourself verbally and vocally very well here without either being too subdued or taking it too far and getting too loud or over-the-top.
I am so happy to see you get a really good scene released again with a high rating. I've always known you are capable of great work. You're definitely on the right track again. Mwah! Love you man.
Tyler is back!!