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Brice/David Oral Scene - Best Ever??????

I am shaken by the post (Centrex). Harsh language. None of what you complain of could be Brice Jones's doings. Uncut? He was 5 minutes old. Dude, this is 2015. We are trying for tolerance, kindness, acceptance, and equality among other things. The road ahead could very well become rocky. Just present a "nice" persona to the voters.

P.S. Remember babe, once you go black, you never go back!
My self gave it a solid (1) Brice Jones needs to find a different line of work uncut is a 100% turn off to myself and the interracial stuff is for the birds I don 't care for it and no matter what and I am sure of the models feel the same way they just wont express themselves... Maybe the owner or the director should try it before they ask others to do it FAT CHANCE...


I'm sure there are others on here that feel as you do; we do not live in a post racial world. So, I'm glad you expressed your true feelings to elaborate this fact.

I have no doubt a lot of the hard time Kaden Alexander got on this site was because of his race, and he was only half Black. But because he identified as black, that put him in the line of ire, if you will. However, that young man set a precedence for other young black men who come after him on this site. To be his age, he showed a lot of maturity. He stayed focused on his job, the vitriol came second, (if it even came at all. I suppose a hard life helped prepare him for dealing with adversity.) Basically, He came in, did his job, did it well, made those who appreciated him happy, said "it's your issue" to those who didn't appreciate him, picked up the check, and went home. Why get distracted with this kind of nonsense? Kaden Alexander got along well with guys in the house he clicked with, the others were just colleagues.

Brice Jones, if you read this, which I hope you do read the discussion boards as a part of your discernment process as to whether or not you will continue with the site, learn from Kadens example. You will have to deal with this kind of nastiness. But you will deal with kind of nastiness in work and life in general; there is no running from it, you can't hid from ignorance of any sort. You have a good example to follow in the porn industry. If you can, talk to Kaden Alexander about how he delt with this kind of nonsense, I'm sure he will be a great resource.

Centex, you have a right to free speech, and that is fine. However, always remember with rights come responsibility. You have to also take into account that what you say, says a lot about you. Hating other people, putting other people down, usually is an indication of inner issues. I would encourage you to do some self examination.

