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Brandon Beal's BTS Vid :)


Oct 30, 2008
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I just watched Brandon's BTS vid and I must say that I liked it. I still got the sense that we haven't really seen the full force of his personality and sense of humor. Regardless though I am still very happy that he got a chance to be mostly front and center in a BTS scene.

I was very happy and impressed that they subtitled some of the harder to hear moments. I've mentioned the subtitling suggestion myself in the past. I would be even more thrilled if they started doing it more often when models mumble something that's interesting for instance. It's still a shame though that the volume level is so weak in the video. I wore a headset and had the master volume of my computer as well as the volume of the video player on max. I still couldn't catch Clay's probably humorous direction in the three-way where he said to all of them on the couch something like, "...down to the butt." And then Johnny feigned a look of shock. Did anyone else catch what was said there?

I'm so glad my boy Brandon got some attention here, as I consider him to be one of the more under-appreciated models of the site. I'd love to spend an afternoon with him sipping ice tea or soda, soaking in his good looks, and just listening to all the crazy things that came out of his mouth. I have a feeling there wouldn't be a dull moment. lol

I liked the reality feel of it when we were literally taken behind the scenes and Clay was giving Brandon, Blake and Johnny direction in the scene. Things like Clay telling them like: Use facial expressions. Look down at the model giving you head. Lay your hand on the other model's head. (And so on) I really did feel privileged to be a fly on the wall there. :)

If Brandon sees this, I hope he feels the love. His three-way scene with Blake and Johnny was quite good. I would also say though that out of the scenes he did during that visit that I was also quite impressed with his scene with Tyler. For a straight guy he really brings it and puts on a very good show. Well done Brandon! :thumbup1:
I liked the scene as well. My favorite parts are when the guys are just hanging out chatting, or calling Ms. Sabrina a "bitch;" Blake's look was priceless! I am so glad they are showing more of these so we can enjoy the boys even more! Thanks Broke Straight Boys!:thumbup: and all the models; you guys are the best
Brandon has always been one of my favorites. It was so nice of him to open up a little. The photos included were great. Wish he would tell more about his life as
blake has done so with his college and waiter experiences. Nice job Brandon!
oh TAmpa, you said it all for me. I too love BRANDON. I have liked him since day ONE! I too have always felt he was under appreciated. If you read this Brandon, know that you are appreciated! I too would spend good money to have an evening to sit and chat with Brandon. No pervs, no sex! I am not much into that anymore, but I can appreciate talking with a handsome young straight man. Brandon, all your scenes rock! I love it when you kiss, you are such a good kisser! Hope to see you come back for more. Love watching you. And just to show t he love, I am changing my avatar back to Brandon.
Hey, Tampa ~

That was a wonderful and evocative appreciation, of Brandon. He exudes warmth, kindness, and good humour - and all of his performances are very sexy, too! I also really enjoyed this "BTS" update!

I also enjoyed the fact that Brandon comes across as quite straight off camera. I thought it was quite telling when he was asking Ms. Sabrina what there was to do "out here" (in Colorado as opposed to Florida I'm guessing) and she seemed to be at a bit of a loss. So she cheerfully said something like, "Well there's plenty of guys to fuck." I guess that line would get a smile, a blush, a laugh or a chuckle from the College Dudes models and some of the Broke Straight Boys ones. Brandon though just seemed to roll his eyes and groan. Ms.S seemed to be caught by surprise with that and said, "Oh. You're really straight, huh?" To which Brandon replied in the affirmative.

So even though Brandon is one of the straighter models of the site, he flew in and put in some really solid performances for his fans. Then when it was over he was ready to go back home to his regular straight life. He knew he was going home several dollars richer and that he had worked hard to earn that paycheck and had done everything asked of him. I have to really admire and respect that mindset and work ethic.
I find it interesting that I watch all of the BTS, almost as soon as they are released, while I am way behind in watching the regular updates, and often never watch them at all, based on the models featured, and the reviews by my fellow forumites, but I do tend to enjoy ALL of the BTS, certainly including this one.

Brandon is certainly not my sexual ideal, nor is Johnny, but they both come across as great guys with fun personalities and make me bigger fans than I currently am. I do enjoy every glimpse into life in the Broke Straight Boys House and the whole experience of arriving in town, being picked up at the airport by Sabrina and the boy's antics.

Please keep this series going. Thanks for a fun fifteen minutes with the boys!
I thought that was really a pointless BTS. Just saying.

You know, i kind of thought the same thing, just didn't want to say it out loud. Still I for one, really like Brandon. I look at him and think, hmmm, I could be faithful to a man like him. I absolutely love his body, his personality, his smile, his manhood, and his straightness.
Still, I think the hype about this being "Brandon's moment" was just that, hype. There really was not much substance to the whole thing. Pity. I would have liked to have gotten to know him better. This was not the case AT ALL!
I thought that was really a pointless BTS. Just saying.

Well I think it was far less "pointless" than some of the others. It had a fair share of gratuitous nudity...which I enjoyed. Besides that, there have been plenty of models who have been given bunches of face time in several BTS vids (including solo BTS vids) even though the contributions of some of them have only been equal to (and in a few cases...less than) those of Brandon. In the rare instances where we've caught Brandon in BTS vids so far, the louder and more outspoken personalities have usually dominated the conversation and the scenes themselves.

Heck. I wouldn't even mind a solo BTS scene with just Brandon and Sha having a conversation at the kitchen counter. I think it would be a fascinating and entertaining convo!

I saw the point of this vid to be to showcase Brandon and by way of doing so, to show some him much deserved respect. He's a good man who works very hard on-set to please and entertain us. Every bit of money he makes here...he earns. I send him blessings and thanks for all that he does for us. :)

I also want to thank Broke Straight Boys for giving Brandon a BTS scene. As I've said...I think Brandon has been one of the more under-rated and under-appreciated models of the site. Broke Straight Boys did a good deed here by showing appreciation for Brandon and giving him the respect and recognition of his own BTS scene. And of course Broke Straight Boys did a good deed by its members by allowing us the privilege of getting to know Brandon a little bit better. :001_smile:
Well I think it was far less "pointless" than some of the others. It had a fair share of gratuitous nudity...which I enjoyed. Besides that, there have been plenty of models who have been given bunches of face time in several BTS vids (including solo BTS vids) even though the contributions of some of them have only been equal to (and in a few cases...less than) those of Brandon. In the rare instances where we've caught Brandon in BTS vids so far, the louder and more outspoken personalities have usually dominated the conversation and the scenes themselves.

Heck. I wouldn't even mind a solo BTS scene with just Brandon and Sha having a conversation at the kitchen counter. I think it would be a fascinating and entertaining convo!

I saw the point of this vid to be to showcase Brandon and by way of doing so, to show some him much deserved respect. He's a good man who works very hard on-set to please and entertain us. Every bit of money he makes here...he earns. I send him blessings and thanks for all that he does for us. :)

I also want to thank Broke Straight Boys for giving Brandon a BTS scene. As I've said...I think Brandon has been one of the more under-rated and under-appreciated models of the site. Broke Straight Boys did a good deed here by showing appreciation for Brandon and giving him the respect and recognition of his own BTS scene. And of course Broke Straight Boys did a good deed by its members by allowing us the privilege of getting to know Brandon a little bit better. :001_smile:

I agree with almost everything you said Tampa. BUT, the truth is, we really didn't learn that much about Brandon. Yes it was nice to see him naked. Yes it was nice to see he got along with Johnny and Blake. But who is Brandon? How does he feel about doing porn? What is his ambition in life? Much of the same kind of stuff that Blake, and Denver, and so many other models have shared with us. You give kudos to Broke Straight Boys for giving us this time with Brandon. I say the time was wasted. Don't get me wrong. I don't feel that it was a total wash. I will watch it over and over, simple because, I LIKE LOOKING AT BRANDON! Again, there just seems to be no real sense of direction at Broke Straight Boys anymore. Perhaps everyone is too concentrated on the damned BSB TV thingy, which still has not aired, and forgotten about Broke Straight Boys, where it all began.
The best part was watching Blake trying to back step after calling Sabrina a bitch!!
I agree with almost everything you said Tampa. BUT, the truth is, we really didn't learn that much about Brandon. Yes it was nice to see him naked. Yes it was nice to see he got along with Johnny and Blake. But who is Brandon? How does he feel about doing porn? What is his ambition in life? Much of the same kind of stuff that Blake, and Denver, and so many other models have shared with us. You give kudos to Broke Straight Boys for giving us this time with Brandon. I say the time was wasted. Don't get me wrong. I don't feel that it was a total wash. I will watch it over and over, simple because, I LIKE LOOKING AT BRANDON! Again, there just seems to be no real sense of direction at Broke Straight Boys anymore. Perhaps everyone is too concentrated on the damned BSB TV thingy, which still has not aired, and forgotten about Broke Straight Boys, where it all began.

I have highlighted in red what I failed to explain in my brief statement but what Jlipps has done so well. We just didn't really find anything interesting about Brandon, it was just outtakes from scenes etc etc. It would have been better with a 1 on 1 interview with Sha, then a mess that it turned out to be.
You know, i kind of thought the same thing, just didn't want to say it out loud. Still I for one, really like Brandon. I look at him and think, hmmm, I could be faithful to a man like him. I absolutely love his body, his personality, his smile, his manhood, and his straightness.
Still, I think the hype about this being "Brandon's moment" was just that, hype. There really was not much substance to the whole thing. Pity. I would have liked to have gotten to know him better. This was not the case AT ALL!

I agree with almost everything you said Tampa. BUT, the truth is, we really didn't learn that much about Brandon. Yes it was nice to see him naked. Yes it was nice to see he got along with Johnny and Blake. But who is Brandon? How does he feel about doing porn? What is his ambition in life? Much of the same kind of stuff that Blake, and Denver, and so many other models have shared with us. You give kudos to Broke Straight Boys for giving us this time with Brandon. I say the time was wasted. Don't get me wrong. I don't feel that it was a total wash. I will watch it over and over, simple because, I LIKE LOOKING AT BRANDON! Again, there just seems to be no real sense of direction at Broke Straight Boys anymore. Perhaps everyone is too concentrated on the damned BSB TV thingy, which still has not aired, and forgotten about Broke Straight Boys, where it all began.

I have highlighted in red what I failed to explain in my brief statement but what Jlipps has done so well. We just didn't really find anything interesting about Brandon, it was just outtakes from scenes etc etc. It would have been better with a 1 on 1 interview with Sha, then a mess that it turned out to be.

Well I think one of the most "pointless" BTS vids lately was the one in the minivan. Halfway through, I was ready to grab a gun and put myself out of my misery. LMAO Then I figured that it just had to get better. Which of course it never did. If I weren't in a neck brace, my head might have crashed onto my computer console from boredom and fatigue. By the time it was over I realized that I was much more sleepy than suicidal. So I went to bed. :sleeping:

I agree that the Brandon's BTS vid was not all that it could have been. Mainly because I agree this vid just scratched the surface here as far as getting to know Brandon. Still...for all the reasons I just stated above in my earlier post, I compliment and thank Broke Straight Boys for finally giving Brandon a BTS scene.

Now... Not meaning to sound totally ungrateful here... But to quote Oliver Twist: "Please sir... May I have some more?"


Well J.,

You and Jon have put things out there much more bluntly than I would have. I won't disagree with your opinions even if I wouldn't have said the same things with as much passion or in quite that way myself. But it's out there now. So, so be it.

The BTS scenes in particular are meant to be low budget, quickly put together affairs. Having said that, I definitely agree with you guys that this one was superficial and short on substance. One of the more substantive things we did see and learn though was that Brandon probably is quite straight in his real life. We were also taken behind the scenes to see them prep for and film a porn vid. I'm not saying that it was enough to make a stellar BTS vid, or that it gave us a really good insight into Brandon. But this scene did give us something.

Again though, I concur with both of you that it would have been even nicer if Brandon had been given a more focused BTS vid where he could have really introduced himself to the members and his many fans. As I've said, other models have been given much more BTS hype and fanfare than Brandon (or Skyler for instance) while giving us members much less in return on-set where it really matters.

I still think a one-on-one with Brandon and Sha would be a great idea! :) Hopefully it would make him feel special, respected and appreciated. And of course he's all of those things to me.
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