Ye Olde Curmudgeon
What an excellent trailer for the show! Thank you D.C.! It drew me in and made me want to see more.
Like Mikey, one of the first things I noticed is that we finally got to see what Clay looks like. He does look older than his voice would indicate. True to character he didn't seem at ease in front of the cameras himself.
Clay has been seen prior on a few BTS scenes, especially those on setting up the new studio in Denver!
Also as Mikey says, they brought Jimmy back to do the show after he had already left the company as a model. I think it was a brilliant marketing move to bring a controversial cast member on to the show. I actually considered a while back when they discussed the doing the show with us, that if they added Jimmy to the mix they would guarantee fireworks and drama. lol Jimmy's like the villain guy in movies that everybody (metaphorically, not literally) loves to hate. haha Yes. I know some people love him as a model and are fans of his so-called "work". haha For BSB TV it's the equivalent of bringing the controversial cast member "Puck" back for more appearances on MTV's Real World franchise.
My only peeve about him being on the show is that he was once again being paid with our money. After he was paid top-dollar in such a generous contract while he was here, he managed to make his way back on to the Broke Straight Boys payroll. lol If however his personality and antics bring the show much interest and commercial success...thereby providing the site with more customers, positive name recognition in mainstream media, (serious coin$$$) and job security for all of our beloved Broke Straight Boys family of mgmt and staff...then it will be investment money very well spent.
For the record, I do have love for Jimmy as a person and fellow human being. I don't literally hate him or wish him any ill whatsoever. Indeed some of his behavior while he was here was age appropriate. I do wish he had handled himself as a porn model onscreen with more professionalism and maturity. (And also with much more gratitude for the opportunity to make the kind of money he did.) But such was the age, mindset, maturity level and stage in his journey in which we found him about 3 years ago.
It will be interesting to see if Jimmy can win any converts once we are able to see him interact as a regular person, instead of as a gay for pay model performing gay sex acts. Will he live up to the stereotyped expectations some of his detractors have him neatly boxed in to? Or will he prove to be a much more complex and likeable person than some of us might have expected? Hopefully we'll find out early next year.![]()