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Brand New! Official Trailer for Upcoming Broke Straight Boys Reality Series


Well-known Member
Feb 24, 2013
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Los Angeles, CA
Hi all,

The wait is over! Check out the brand new official trailer for Broke Straight Boys TV. Unlike the leaked trailer, this trailer focuses on the people involved in this taboo and unconventional lifestyle, and explores the dynamic relationships between the owner of BluMedia, Mark Erickson, his business staff, and the young men who choose to do gay porn to supplement their income.

Let us know what you think!

Quotes from the Press Release:
"Critics often don’t believe that we are straight, but in certain circumstances, a person may need the money so bad that they’ll do anything to get it. It becomes less of a issue about sexuality and more about survival. When you have no money, can’t buy diapers for your kid, you’ll do what it takes to provide for your family”, says one model who is a regular on the site. “I’m supporting my family and that’s what a real man does. It would take me months at a fast food restaurant to make what I do in a weekend.”--Broke Straight Boys Model

"Oftentimes, it’s hard to bring many models back because of their existing problems. Our members ask for us to bring back certain models, but they don’t understand that we can’t because they’re often in jail, have issues with drugs and alcohol, or they aren’t interested in coming back because they made the money they needed and they're done. It's a problem we run into a lot. We explore this in the show. --BSB TV Producer

Excellent, excellent, excellent! This is the very first time I can say I'm looking forward to the show and I hope you can get it on a cable channel that is on most cable systems here in the U.S. Good work to all involved!

Once you get the broadcast details set, you have to promote the hell out of this because given the times we live in, I think the audience potential for this kind of show is huge.
Is Shane Heiser, Producer/Director "Clay"? And if so then I assume the footage from this preview was shot a while back and that is why we saw Johnny Forza, Denver Grand and Adam Baer who were all active working models for the site at that time. However Jimmy Johnson and his girlfriend were apparently hired just for the show as Jimmy had long been gone when this was all taped. As a big fan of Broke Straight Boys, I do enjoy the real behind the sense stuff.
Jimmy causing drama again but I love the guy. I miss Jimmy and Denver it will be exciting to see them again.
This is going to be good; can't wait!:par50:
It looks like it is going to be sad and tragic
I'm starting to get nervous about the show. It's going to be great to be able to see what the guys are really like when they're in the studio, but at the same time, there are just some things I'm not sure I want to know. I definitely didn't like chain of events that seemingly occurred that last clip. It's going to be an insane ride and I'm both nervous and excited. :scared::biggrin:
What an excellent trailer for the show! Thank you D.C.! It drew me in and made me want to see more.

Like Mikey, one of the first things I noticed is that we finally got to see what Clay looks like. He does look older than his voice would indicate. True to character he didn't seem at ease in front of the cameras himself.

Also as Mikey says, they brought Jimmy back to do the show after he had already left the company as a model. I think it was a brilliant marketing move to bring a controversial cast member on to the show. I actually considered a while back when they discussed the doing the show with us, that if they added Jimmy to the mix they would guarantee fireworks and drama. lol Jimmy's like the villain guy in movies that everybody (metaphorically, not literally) loves to hate. haha Yes. I know some people love him as a model and are fans of his so-called "work". haha For BSB TV it's the equivalent of bringing the controversial cast member "Puck" back for more appearances on MTV's Real World franchise.

My only peeve about him being on the show is that he was once again being paid with our money. After he was paid top-dollar in such a generous contract while he was here, he managed to make his way back on to the Broke Straight Boys payroll. lol If however his personality and antics bring the show much interest and commercial success...thereby providing the site with more customers, positive name recognition in mainstream media, (serious coin$$$) and job security for all of our beloved Broke Straight Boys family of mgmt and staff...then it will be investment money very well spent.

For the record, I do have love for Jimmy as a person and fellow human being. I don't literally hate him or wish him any ill whatsoever. Indeed some of his behavior while he was here was age appropriate. I do wish he had handled himself as a porn model onscreen with more professionalism and maturity. (And also with much more gratitude for the opportunity to make the kind of money he did.) But such was the age, mindset, maturity level and stage in his journey in which we found him about 3 years ago.

It will be interesting to see if Jimmy can win any converts once we are able to see him interact as a regular person, instead of as a gay for pay model performing gay sex acts. Will he live up to the stereotyped expectations some of his detractors have him neatly boxed in to? Or will he prove to be a much more complex and likeable person than some of us might have expected? Hopefully we'll find out early next year. :)
Is Shane Heiser, Producer/Director "Clay"? And if so then I assume the footage from this preview was shot a while back and that is why we saw Johnny Forza, Denver Grand and Adam Baer who were all active working models for the site at that time. However Jimmy Johnson and his girlfriend were apparently hired just for the show as Jimmy had long been gone when this was all taped. As a big fan of Broke Straight Boys, I do enjoy the real behind the sense stuff.
mike, you make a great detective. you remember when we called him matt and mark told us he wanted to be called clay?
I loved to see the trailer as this is the first time I watched anything to do with the new TV show. I really hope that theres a way of watching it somewhere online as well as it will be very awkward for me to try and watch it on TV. Im really looking forward to it actually coming to air but I do agree with Bobbitty as I to am both nervous and exited. The one thing I think I'm nervous about the most is getting to see the models with a different persona than what is normally shown as I hope it doesn't change my mind about some of the models I like but I do think it will give me a new level of respect for what the staff them selves have to go through all the time as I think alot of people including me don't tend to think of the negative side that they have to deal with. I can't wait though. Dan x
I only have five words to say:


I seriously think this would be a hit on the Logo network.
Sure looks like there'll be a ton of drama. Guess that's the nature reality TV anyway. You can sure bet I'll be watching it, unless it's on a network I can't get on DTV.
Is Shane Heiser, Producer/Director "Clay"? And if so then I assume the footage from this preview was shot a while back and that is why we saw Johnny Forza, Denver Grand and Adam Baer who were all active working models for the site at that time. However Jimmy Johnson and his girlfriend were apparently hired just for the show as Jimmy had long been gone when this was all taped. As a big fan of Broke Straight Boys, I do enjoy the real behind the sense stuff.

Shane was Johnny's predecessor Mike. In a few scenes, his name was mentioned, I picked up on it but others did not. I'm surprised that Adam is on the trailer given his current circumstances, but he must have been contacted.
Is Shane Heiser, Producer/Director "Clay"? And if so then I assume the footage from this preview was shot a while back and that is why we saw Johnny Forza, Denver Grand and Adam Baer who were all active working models for the site at that time. However Jimmy Johnson and his girlfriend were apparently hired just for the show as Jimmy had long been gone when this was all taped. As a big fan of Broke Straight Boys, I do enjoy the real behind the sense stuff.

Jimmy was actually here to do scenes, but you'll find out what happens when the show airs, lol.
Jimmy was actually here to do scenes, but you'll find out what happens when the show airs, lol.
Damian, I am probably the number one Jimmy Johnson fan on the site. You can see on my profile page, that I belong to a club called "Jimmyholics", and I still "defend the honor" of my dawg to this day on the forum. I can only imagine the reaction of certain forumites including my friend Tampa, if we saw the upcoming scene was Jimmy Johnson Fucks Damien Kyle RAW?????????

I am so sorry that it didn't work out for Jimmy to shake things up here again, but I am very curious to find out exactly what happened, although Jimmy's girlfriend and "baby mama" is featured in the preview, so I may have a clue. You don't have to sell me on watching the show.
If it's not possible to watch this online when it airs I'll sign up for cable again just to see it. Any news on what network it will be on in the U.S.?
refreshing putridity of freedom

after we watched the preview of the Broke Straight Boys-reality trailer almost to the man each of our jaws dropped as we were fortunate enough to witness the frenzied anger directed at the matronly hausfrau by a buff male model and the reaction of the coo at reception of information of a unhoped for std status and the outing of a model as a closet-racist along with other simmering tres tres human interactions
very real very putrid very open to the extent that watchers do not know the degree of editing like an mtv reality show
Broke Straight Boys once again shows that the beauty of US freedom of speech and association is the ability to see hear and feel the utter depths of cretinous-crappiness of some and the momentary noblesse-oblige of others
that is why we in kru enjoy Broke Straight Boys and understand how our fraternity provides a refuge as does Broke Straight Boys for its models
I only have five words to say:


I seriously think this would be a hit on the Logo network.

I doubt it. Given just the language in the trailer, Logo would be bleeping out too much of the dialogue.