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Bobby and Connor


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
so cal
maybe because it's christmas. maybe because both connor and bobby have a piece of heart, but damn i really liked this scene.
the guys holding their balls out of the way of the cock shots made this voyeur happy.
happy holidays and merry christmas and may the spirit of the season to be with you all!
Frat-fuckin-KRU-tastic!!!that was so wonderful in that it had a Afterschool Special-Schoolhouse feel to it like an instructional on "how to be a good fratbro when you're both kinda horny and curious"...The KRU here cloistered in our house for the winterbreak commented on "they have really cool Chip-n-Dale manners!!! and the wide jangley cowboy ride Bobby took was cute in its lack of style...Conner knows how to fuck a bro politely and effectively.
Keep on fucking hard and bright Conner and Bobby==>
the Fraternal Mates of Kappa Rho Upsilon want you both to be Honorary KRU-Mates....
Have a hard and continuously horny holiday,
sinjin, KRU-Communications and josiah, KRU-ChumLord (pledgemaster)
w/KRU-jamie KRU-yokiro KRU-draven KRU-dustin KRU-tiarnin KRU-pierre
Christmas Valentine!

WOW, I can't believe Texas A & M has a gay fraternity!! My brother was in the Corp and graduated from there, but I digress :offtopic: In the hopes of not having Scorpio pop up and write, " Never happy," although this scene didn't have all the elements I enjoy (kissing, rimming, etc.), I loved Bobby and Connor together very much! They were so cute together! It was like a Christmas valentine. They challenged each other, they helped each other out, they cared about one another's comfort! It was fun to watch! It would be great to see them together again!:tongue_smilie:
A very nice video. Conner and Bobby are great together. Conner is one of my favorite models and I have liked Bobby since I first saw him in his first video. Bobby went through some tough times, but he is looking better now in each episode. I do worry that it seems that in his last few videos, he has had injuries on his body. Hope he isn't being wild and reckless. Thanks Clay for an early Christmas present.
I liked these two together, they both know how to fuck...yes, I would love to see them in a flip-flop! Next time they are together Clay, would you have them stand side by side so we may see the difference in their sizes? Tequila is right, would also love to see some ass play and kissing...it's what happens in my dreams! Thanks Connor and Bobby, just in time for Christmas!...you both are sooo giving.
Wow what a great scene it was fantastic these too stud are great together and just everything about this video was fantastic keep up the great work guys
Wow! Good effort by both boys. Loved their easy going, lets have fun attitude. They may not hAVe kissed or showed any real passion, still they did show some chemistry. Not as in romantic chemistry, but rather more like, good fuck-buddy chemistry. I see now that Bobby really does enjoy getting fucked, and that he prefers riding the pole. Good for Bobby! Thanks to both boys for a very entertaining shoot.
This scene was the perfect example of a brofuck. They even referred to each other as brother. I liked that they were so willing to do what they did and had fun doing it. But when you have two guys who have been willing to do so much more in the past stop short of that, then it is mildly disappointing. I did like when Connor laid on Bobby's back, but again a great opportunity to kiss, bite his neck, or give him a hickie? I want all fuck scenes to have a legs up ending, but that's just what I want. Bobby was't really manhandled. He was more a power bottom that was in control.
Bobby and Connor definitely know how to work together. They both did such a great job. I would love to see them in a flip flop. Thanks for a great scene!