Blake, you can tease all you like.

I, as one of many, love your performances and your interaction here on the forum. You are indeed a treasure for us here and for the world.Since you brought up your efforts at the gym and the dinner table, I too am in the same boat as you. I eat like a horse and do so simply to maintain my meager 150 lbs. I still wear the same size clothes I wore in high school. It is frustrating to say the least if you are trying to gain weight. But. several years ago I had a talk with my doctor about it and he, who is over weight, just smiled, then laughed as he patted his own big belly. He assured me everything was ok and that, like you, I had a metabolic rate that was in high gear..nothing to worry about. So, since then I simply accept my "skinnyness" and take life as it comes along. We are what we are and who we are and I can only hope that people will simply accept others for what and who they are. Some like hot pizza and some like it cold..what the hell..but the fatty foods probably won't do much except cause problems later in life. So, be proud of who you have so many outstanding qualities to share with this world and a pound or two either way won't change those cherished qualities. You are a wonderful young man and I thank you for letting so many of us share, in a little way, a part of your life.