Hey, Blake,
You're not going to please everyone EVER. Just gotta get used to it, kid. Count the positive posts concerning you and your performance; then count the negative ones. I haven't done the numbers, but my guess would be about 90% pos, 10% neg. That makes you about as close to perfect as you're ever going to see. That is what is called at the top of your game. It also puts you in a group of models that most only wish they could attain. Don't sweat the small stuff and just enjoy your SUCCESS.
My opinion...I love you just the way you are. I hope you never change , my friend.
Agreed Robb,
Blake does not need to change anything about his appearance to please me. The last thing I would want is for him to get a complex over his weight. Body image and weight have already done enough damage to plenty of women in our society.