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Beware Of Imposters Online


Oct 30, 2008
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Hey Everyone,

I'm not sure which section to post this in since it deals mostly with Broke Straight Boys forum posters. But the site itself had nothing to do with the actions of these people. So I figure I'd put it here. Many of us longtime forum members in here already know about these fairly recent events. We know that "Spartans987" reached out to me and Broke Straight Boys management claiming to be Sparty's brother with the terrible news that Sparty had died in the Orlando massacre. We are now all but certain that that is total fiction. I was especially upset that he chose me (through Twitter) to deliver this false news. He caught me on Sunday night when I had a bad cold, my nerves were raw trying to find out if any Broke Straight Boys models were killed and I was checking by phone and social media if any of my friends in the Tampa area were killed. I was generally was not processing the day's events in Orlando very well. Then to add insult to injury, just as I'm trying to wind myself down to get ready for an early bedtime, so I could hopefully get over my cold faster, Sparty's "brother" waits until almost 11:00 pm to dump that bogus news on me. I got the Twitter DM to my phone.

Of course there were a few red flags here and there. I was not totally sold on the veracity of the story. But when you're literally sick and tired, and somebody tells you their family member has been brutally murdered, you (or at least I) don't go into immediate interrogation mode with the bereaved family member.

We had the forum poster named Casper years ago who really did do some harm. He tried to play this cute sweet twinkish kid of about 20 years old who was shy, very naïve to the ways of the world and confused about his sexuality. He set himself up to be a magnet of attention in here so that I guess he could have fun watching older guys try to flirt with him...and try to get younger guys in here to send him naked pictures of themselves. He purposely wrote in a format of that of a rural small-town kid who didn't do well in school or who was a little bit special. Like Forest Gump. As it turns out, Casper was really some 50ish year old grown man who got kick out of playing everybody for fools. Once he was exposed and outed here, I have no doubt that he went trolling other unsuspecting people on other sites with the same lies and game about being a rather slow but cute young sexually confused 18-20 y/o kid.

Just a couple months ago something else came out about no less than 3 former Broke Straight Boys forum members. Robert in Amsterdam and Jon (in Liverton) deserve all of the credit on this one. Jon became suspicious of online friends he had had for YEARS after meeting them on the Broke Straight Boys forum here. Here is the cast of characters. They are Nsreed (Uncle Ned)and the uncle of Rick Bell from Texas, Rick Bell the graduate school student working to get his PhD in Oceanography and travelling the world by boat out in the Pacific, and his fiancé Bradley Reed the Iraq war veteran who was studying to be a commercial airline pilot.

On another site we were told the story of how Rick and the love of his life (Brad) met up in Hawaii and were living there after Brad's final deployments ended and he retired from the military. They were building their beautiful lives together and had decided to move to Australia. They wrote to us from their new home in Australia and raved about how Rick was pursuing his dreams in Oceanograhy and Bradley was chasing his dreams by flying planes there to get all of his certifications completed.

So over the years we had Uncle Ned living in Texas, Rick studying on boats out in the Pacific, then Rick living by himself in Hawaii and writing to us from there, then we had Rick and Brad both writing us from Hawaii after Brad left the military...and then Rick and Brad writing us from separate forum profile accounts from Australia. On another site that Robert manages, and after Jon became suspicious, Robert looked into the three accounts. Robert (who is an IT guy by profession) did some digging and was able to find the IP addreses of these 3 people. He found out that all of these postings in a chat room (and no doubt here in the Broke Straight Boys forum) were all being sent from 1 single computer...in Texas.

When confronted by this revelation that all of these previous messages from Australia were being sent from Texas...all three of these supposed people made themselves invisible and disappeared faster than Casper the Ghost. Also, all these pictures of Rick and Brad were found to be internet fakes and were actually traced to other people on the internet. The thing that bothers me is that "Rick" definitely (and possibly Brad also) still have profiles with fake pictures on sites like Chatterbate (while never broadcasting of course) and likely other sites too. So this one person is free to pick up and continue the same game elsewhere online.

So while we want to be trusting of people in general, online we do have to be especially careful and on our guard. It sounds rather axiomatic to say it, but we can't be too trusting of the identity or intentions of anybody we meet online.
If I hadn't met you in person Tampa at a Yankees-Rays game a few years ago, and hugged you three times during our meeting, you might be Casper the Ghost as well for all I know! lol :scared:

But seriously of course the points you are making are valid, and I also lived through the sagas of Casper, Ned, Rick and Brad, but never got in any way close to any of them. I have made some very close friends through this forum including spending a week with Peter, and day with Peter and Betu, and made other close friends through messaging, emails and phone calls, and they are all very real people who I trust and adore, so there is no hard and fast rule that applies to all.

So, as in all aspects of life, we need to be careful and trust our own instincts and sense of judgment to determine who we can and who we cannot trust. Just as with people we know in "real life", we sometimes will get "burned" by someone we thought we could trust, but that is all part of the ups and downs of living life.
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Unfortunately, the sheer nature of the anonymity provided by the interwebs encourages this sort of heinous social interaction. Be it trolls or spammers or catfish, the cyber world is crawling with these losers who feel empowered and free to be as big a douchebag as they desire because you don't know who they really are. Its a shame that something with the potential to bring people together has also spawned a new breed of fucktards who would take advantage of and prey on others for their own profit or just for kicks. Having been catfished recently, myself, I know the anger and the feeling of being gullible or stupid for being duped. But a lot of these folks are really good at what they do, and they know just what to say to worm their way into your trust. Usually, however, their facade eventually develops cracks which ultimately expose them as the loser frauds they are. :fuckyou:
Unfortunately, the sheer nature of the anonymity provided by the interwebs encourages this sort of heinous social interaction. Be it trolls or spammers or catfish, the cyber world is crawling with these losers who feel empowered and free to be as big a douchebag as they desire because you don't know who they really are. Its a shame that something with the potential to bring people together has also spawned a new breed of fucktards who would take advantage of and prey on others for their own profit or just for kicks. Having been catfished recently, myself, I know the anger and the feeling of being gullible or stupid for being duped. But a lot of these folks are really good at what they do, and they know just what to say to worm their way into your trust. Usually, however, their facade eventually develops cracks which ultimately expose them as the loser frauds they are. :fuckyou:
I agree Scott that they usually do develop cracks if you follow them closely enough. That is why the story of Rick & Brad which Tampa alluded to really threw me, as "Uncle Ned" was quite good at what he did. The posts of all three are still here in the archives of this forum, and they moved to the "other" forum that you were briefly a member of as well Scott. "Uncle Ned" was very skillful at creating different personas and different styles of writing for both of his young counterparts. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that he may still be on this forum under another pseudonym. I wouldn't put it past him. I am usually pretty good at figuring out who is real and who is not, although Spartans certainly seemed more genuine to me than he did to some of my fellow forumites who doubted much of what he said, maybe because I was so enamored with his stories that I wanted to believe him and seemingly had no reason to doubt him.
I just searched the forum and discovered that this thread which began in 2008 includes posts by nsreed, "Uncle Ned" from 2008 in post #25, a very hot story that I was very turned on by by bradleyreed in post #95 about his straight buddy Drew and an incident that happened in Afganiskan. Check out bradleyreeds profile and profile pics, very hot but it turns out that he and nsreed and his nephew and Bradley's lover Rick were all Ned back on one computer in Texas.

And for good measure Spartans87 tells several of his straight seduction stories including posts 203, 205, 209 and 215 from earlier this year.

I was raised by a Mother who bred into me a healthy cynicism of people who make themselves out to be so wonderful, bragging about themselves and their lives especially self-initiated. So over the years I have relied on that and my gut. And I have been right more than I have been wrong. I like the line from "Heard it through the grapevine": ..."believe half of what you see and none of what you hear...". I might modify that to say don't believe everything you see, hear, or read. Given my nature that's not too difficult; but for people who are more trusting and always want to see the better angels of a person's nature, it is hard.

So we were catfished? It really says more about the doer than us. .
Great post Tampa..I was taken in by all three. Rick, Brad, And the fabulous Spartans..Very hurt by Rick.We sent a few PMs.
And I told him how I looked up too them. Spartans also. He had the most fabulous life. I was jealous. He was everything a man would want to be. Taking Tyler White to the ballgame. Becoming boyfriends with Drake.I always had doubts about him.
But thought it was just my envy. Would love to hear from Tyler or Drake about this. If you should hear about this.
Any way to bad people have to be so cruel. Sad people with no life of there own. I think I am fairly smart. And don't get fooled that often. But they got me. All Three.:crying1:
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So we were catfished? It really says more about the doer than us.

Exactly. Nobody likes to be fooled. But still, in a better world that we all hope to live in, people should not have to immediately treat anybody with suspicion.
Okay...if we're all being honest here...I'm a unicorn!:cheerleader3: Well, almost, a girl on a gay site.:w00t:
As for all the "tails" that go on here...I'm just gonna be myself and hope you are too.:001_wub:
Okay...if we're all being honest here...I'm a unicorn!:cheerleader3: Well, almost, a girl on a gay site.:w00t:
As for all the "tails" that go on here...I'm just gonna be myself and hope you are too.:001_wub:

You just keep being yourself Beth. haha And that way you don't have to have a good memory. :biggrin:
I brought this up recently in a conversation so I'm going to share. Mikeyank and I started PM'ing each other and then eventually talking on the phone. He was weary at first, but finally called me. We spoke for probably a year and a half 3 or 4 times a week and from our phone calls learned everything about each others lives. I finally decided to make a trip to NYC to visit and be a tourist as I'd never been there. You all read our post and were there with us. But although we had never met in person we felt like we new each other. When I got there no surprises he was exactly who he said he was and I too was who he thought I was (but obviously better looking than I said) lol I'm mentioning this because I've been a member here for over 6 years and have talked to a hand full of people on the phone and some of us are friends on FB. I have to believe that everyone of you is who you say you are or whats the point in chatting? For the long term members I can watch a scene or read a post and can guess what your reaction and comments will be. That's friendship as I see it!!! Tampa mentioned some people who ended up being fake, oh well it's their loss leaving this fucked up family lololol Keep posting everyone and I'll keep reading and adding my 2 cents.... xoxoxoxo from Seattle
I brought this up recently in a conversation so I'm going to share. Mikeyank and I started PM'ing each other and then eventually talking on the phone. He was weary at first, but finally called me. We spoke for probably a year and a half 3 or 4 times a week and from our phone calls learned everything about each others lives. I finally decided to make a trip to NYC to visit and be a tourist as I'd never been there. You all read our post and were there with us. But although we had never met in person we felt like we new each other. When I got there no surprises he was exactly who he said he was and I too was who he thought I was (but obviously better looking than I said) lol I'm mentioning this because I've been a member here for over 6 years and have talked to a hand full of people on the phone and some of us are friends on FB. I have to believe that everyone of you is who you say you are or whats the point in chatting? For the long term members I can watch a scene or read a post and can guess what your reaction and comments will be. That's friendship as I see it!!! Tampa mentioned some people who ended up being fake, oh well it's their loss leaving this fucked up family lololol Keep posting everyone and I'll keep reading and adding my 2 cents.... xoxoxoxo from Seattle
Good post Peter, except when I got to the airport to look for you and to greet you :welcome:, I was expecting that you would look like this.


But I let you in my car anyway, and a New York City female police officer even told you, "You're so handsome", so I guess it all worked out. lololololol
I brought this up recently in a conversation so I'm going to share. Mikeyank and I started PM'ing each other and then eventually talking on the phone. He was weary at first, but finally called me. We spoke for probably a year and a half 3 or 4 times a week and from our phone calls learned everything about each others lives. I finally decided to make a trip to NYC to visit and be a tourist as I'd never been there. You all read our post and were there with us. But although we had never met in person we felt like we new each other. When I got there no surprises he was exactly who he said he was and I too was who he thought I was (but obviously better looking than I said) lol I'm mentioning this because I've been a member here for over 6 years and have talked to a hand full of people on the phone and some of us are friends on FB. I have to believe that everyone of you is who you say you are or whats the point in chatting? For the long term members I can watch a scene or read a post and can guess what your reaction and comments will be. That's friendship as I see it!!! Tampa mentioned some people who ended up being fake, oh well it's their loss leaving this fucked up family lololol Keep posting everyone and I'll keep reading and adding my 2 cents.... xoxoxoxo from Seattle
Well said Peter...except you really don't look like Shane?...bummer. lolololo xoxoxoxoxo
Okay...if we're all being honest here...I'm a unicorn!:cheerleader3: Well, almost, a girl on a gay site.:w00t:
As for all the "tails" that go on here...I'm just gonna be myself and hope you are too.:001_wub:

??? :reporter:

If I hadn't met you in person Tampa at a Yankees-Rays game a few years ago, and hugged you three times during our meeting, you might be Casper the Ghost as well for all I know! lol :scared:

But seriously of course the points you are making are valid, and I also lived through the sagas of Casper, Ned, Rick and Brad, but never got in any way close to any of them. I have made some very close friends through this forum including spending a week with Peter, and day with Peter and Betu, and made other close friends through messaging, emails and phone calls, and they are all very real people who I trust and adore, so there is no hard and fast rule that applies to all.

So, as in all aspects of life, we need to be careful and trust our own instincts and sense of judgment to determine who we can and who we cannot trust. Just as with people we know in "real life", we sometimes will get "burned" by someone we thought we could trust, but that is all part of the ups and downs of living life.

I can assure everyone that you are real also Mikey. LOL