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Behind The Scenes Mike's First Time


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I thoroughly enjoyed this BTS episode. As I've often said over the years, one of my great enjoyments of watching Broke Straight Boys is the reality aspect of the site. I feel that BSB1 gave me more of a reality feeling than BSB2, but as I've learned there were many members who felt that David was too chatty, and just wanted to fast forward to the guys getting naked and having sex. I am different in that the more I know and hopefully like the models first, the more I will enjoy the actual scene. But this wonderful new BTS series allows me to really get to know the guys, while not taking away from the other member's "naked sex time" in the actual scenes.

It was nice to get to meet Chuck after all these years, to see what a fine cook Sha is, as well as spending a few more minutes with the boys outside of the porn setting. Much like with Johnny I like Brandon a lot more seeing him just be a guy, and not necessarily a porn model. And I really appreciate Damian Christopher's marvelous talent with his cinematography.

But this episode focused on "Reluctant Mike", and from the other BTS with Mike from when he first arrived to his two, (or actually one and a half porn scenes on Broke Straight Boys), I found it very interesting to watch a "failed" model. It seems to me that everything about Mike coming to Denver to shoot gay porn was wrong. He doesn't have the personality or the openness of the successful models, and quite frankly in my opinion he doesn't have the looks of a Broke Straight Boys model either. I just hope that the experience does not weigh on him after he arrived home, and I sure hope that no one in his real life recognizes him from his brief encounter with gay for pay porn, as I don't think that he can handle it.

But again, with my fascination with reality cinema, going back to the original PBS reality series, "An American Family", back in the early 70's where the son Lance came out as being gay and the husband and wife wound up separating and divorcing with the camera's rolling, I enjoy watching reality over fiction any day of the week.

I wish Mike all the success in the world with the rest of his life, but despite what he told Sabrina on the car ride back to the airport, I highly doubt that he will think of this as a positive experience.

I look forward to future episodes of this fine reality series, and I imagine most of them will leave me feeling happier than I did watching Mike, but it was real and every story in life does not have a happy ending.
One size fits all may not apply for Broke Straight Boys

I thoroughly enjoyed this BTS episode. As I've often said over the years, one of my great enjoyments of watching Broke Straight Boys is the reality aspect of the site. I feel that BSB1 gave me more of a reality feeling than BSB2, but as I've learned there were many members who felt that David was too chatty, and just wanted to fast forward to the guys getting naked and having sex. I am different in that the more I know and hopefully like the models first, the more I will enjoy the actual scene. But this wonderful new BTS series allows me to really get to know the guys, while not taking away from the other member's "naked sex time" in the actual scenes.

It was nice to get to meet Chuck after all these years, to see what a fine cook Sha is, as well as spending a few more minutes with the boys outside of the porn setting. Much like with Johnny I like Brandon a lot more seeing him just be a guy, and not necessarily a porn model. And I really appreciate Damian Christopher's marvelous talent with his cinematography.

But this episode focused on "Reluctant Mike", and from the other BTS with Mike from when he first arrived to his two, (or actually one and a half porn scenes on Broke Straight Boys), I found it very interesting to watch a "failed" model. It seems to me that everything about Mike coming to Denver to shoot gay porn was wrong. He doesn't have the personality or the openness of the successful models, and quite frankly in my opinion he doesn't have the looks of a Broke Straight Boys model either. I just hope that the experience does not weigh on him after he arrived home, and I sure hope that no one in his real life recognizes him from his brief encounter with gay for pay porn, as I don't think that he can handle it.

But again, with my fascination with reality cinema, going back to the original PBS reality series, "An American Family", back in the early 70's where the son Lance came out as being gay and the husband and wife wound up separating and divorcing with the camera's rolling, I enjoy watching reality over fiction any day of the week.

I wish Mike all the success in the world with the rest of his life, but despite what he told Sabrina on the car ride back to the airport, I highly doubt that he will think of this as a positive experience.

I look forward to future episodes of this fine reality series, and I imagine most of them will leave me feeling happier than I did watching Mike, but it was real and every story in life does not have a happy ending.

Dear Mikeyank,

I agree completely with your post and all our models are humans first before they attempt becoming a Broke Straight Boys model. They have to see how this experience can fit in with their prior experiences and how they will make the leap crossing boundaries they established years before. I am hoping that models who couldn't fit in are at least realizing they had the courage to step outside their "comfort zone". The fact that this was not a workable situation should not be taken as a failure. Just that the situation did not fit them.


I too liked this BTS episode with Broke Mike

I too appreciated and liked this Behind The Scenes video of the back story behind the "Broke Mike" video that appeared on the site. It explained, in short order, why the episode happened the way it did.

It is also a reminder of all the pitfalls that can befall a Broke Straight Boys video and why it may not come off as it was planned.
It broke my heart. I feel very bad for Mike. The porn world is really not for everyone. I hated seeing him struggle so hard. I hope where ever life takes him , he finds some happiness and can get his life together. I have to say I do not have good feelings about this but i will send as much light and good thoughts his way as I can muster
I wish Mike all the success in the world with the rest of his life, but despite what he told Sabrina on the car ride back to the airport, I highly doubt that he will think of this as a positive experience.

I look forward to future episodes of this fine reality series, and I imagine most of them will leave me feeling happier than I did watching Mike, but it was real and every story in life does not have a happy ending.

I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed...or perhaps better said, was riveted to this glimpse into Mike's world. After seeing the scene with Lucas end the way it did, there's always the temptation on the part of members, coworkers and staff to be angry with the model for ruining a shoot and wasting the time and money spent on the preparation. I'm sure he had to deal with some very unhappy people in the studio immediately after the scene. And I'm sure that was very stressful for him. Bless his heart.

I was so happy though to get a concluding farewell to Mike as he left. His departure form the house looked like it was handled with Broke Straight Boys's trademark professionalism and class. Since many of us have already commented that Mike doesn't appear to be getting good nutrition on a regular basis, I felt very reassured that he was offered a good breakfast before he left that morning. I also don't doubt that they made sure he had enough pocket money (in addition to a small check) so that he could get a snack at the airport, or even enough for another full meal, if he had a long trip with connecting flights on the way home.

I too wish Mike all the best in life. He's still finding himself and trying to figure it all out....just as all the rest of us are in life. I thank him and the site for allowing us to be introduced to him. And once again I thank those on the site for allowing us to see that he was well treated when he left the house. For my part at least, it puts my mind at ease.

I hope that eventually Mike will come to see this as a positive experience. At the very least though maybe some seeds were planted here that will help Mike become even more open-minded. If any of his future children were to come home from school and say something homophobic about a classmate or acquaintance...I think he'll correct them and tell them to be more tolerant towards gay people. While gay sex itself may hold next to zero appeal for him...I'm hoping that this experience will help shape his views in a more positive way towards gay people than they would been have otherwise, had he not made this trip to Denver in his youth.
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I liked it. I enjoyed seeing everyone else but mike. Some people are not cut out for gay porn. I also don't see why he would not even try to suck Lucas its not like he didn't know what was going to happen. I don't like when models won't even try. I honestly don't see anyone missing mike and don't see him coming back.
So that was DUNCAN standing to the left in the kitchen. I didn't recognize him. He looked kinda sorta familiar. But I really wondered if he was a new model we hadn't been introduced to yet. haha When I saw the upcoming updates the light bulb came on. :)
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Is the Chuck in the video my Chuck? As in ChuckBluMedia? :001_tt1: Or is he another Chuck?
Is the Chuck in the video my Chuck? As in ChuckBluMedia? :001_tt1: Or is he another Chuck?

LOL nope thats the one and only, I am bummed how you get to see only my "nerdy" side in this video as I am texting my wife dinner plans. Damian has some footage of me in front of the camera, "fully clothed" of course that may be included in some BTS videos soon. :)
So that was DUNCAN standing to the left in the kitchen. I didn't recognize him. He looked kinda sorta familiar. But I really wondered if he was a new model we hadn't been introduced to yet. haha When I saw the upcoming updates the light bulb came on. :)
i had to rewind to see who it was. that was duncan. i see clay made it happen, blake and duncan.
Is the Chuck in the video my Chuck? As in ChuckBluMedia? :001_tt1: Or is he another Chuck?
could there more than one chuck!?

some guys may never be ready for gay for pay. mike behind the scenes proved that to me. if a man has limits, he should know his limits.
The Models Are Human!

another1 writes:

"some guys may never be ready for gay for pay. mike behind the scenes proved that to me. if a man has limits, he should know his limits."

I take it that you never make mistakes and always know "your limits."

Such perfection must be difficult to live with.

This episode reminded subscribers that the models are real human beings with all the failings and mistakes endemic to the species.

This was reality TV that was believeable and did not appear scripted in any way.

How about a little understanding and sympathy for both the models and production crew as they show the subscribers what they must deal with. And, they still turned out a fascinating episode.

Why must some folks always be so negative? A little kindness might go a long way toward understanding the situation.
After watching Mike struggle with his oral scene with Lucas and eventually walk out, I felt quite troubled.

It was obvious he'd made a mistake thinking he could do gay-for-pay, but we all make mistakes and some mistakes can have a lasting impact on our lives; I was concerned this may have happened to Mike.

After watching this BTS I could see that Mike wasn't completely shattered by his experience, and in the car on the way to the airport he was actually talking about the positives aspects of his experience rather than focusing on the negatives. I think he'll do alright in life, he didn't allow his wrong move to make him a victim, he used it to learn and that ability will be his strength. :001_smile:

Thanks, another great BTS!
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LOL nope thats the one and only, I am bummed how you get to see only my "nerdy" side in this video as I am texting my wife dinner plans. Damian has some footage of me in front of the camera, "fully clothed" of course that may be included in some BTS videos soon. :)

That's so cool! I thought that was you, just with a beard. You look great man! I didn't see you as nerdy in this scene at all. Not that that would be such a bad thing anyway. xo

Longer term members may know that I've had a not-so-secret Broke Straight Boys mancrush on Chuck for a long time. haha
I had to rewind to see who it was. That was Duncan. I see Clay made it happen, Blake and Duncan.

Yeah. I'm not sure that Duncan is the perfect choice to pair with Blake. But if Clay made it happen we'll have to wait and see the result.
This was a great insight to see what goes on behind the scenes. Whilst before we have seen the positive and the glamour so to speak, today we see that all that glitters is indeed not gold. The end of the rainbow as far as Mike was concerned, disappeared from view and although it is very sad, it just proves that there is no easy way to make money and as far as porn is concerned you got to have the right state of mind to get into it. I would recommend that Mark shows this video to anyone who applies to be a model but has doubts about it. But there again, would it put potential hotties....
Young and confused might want to change his name to Mr. Insensitivity. Maybe it's just his thoughtless youth showing in his comment.
I liked it. I enjoyed seeing everyone else but mike. Some people are not cut out for gay porn. I also don't see why he would not even try to suck Lucas its not like he didn't know what was going to happen. I don't like when models won't even try. I honestly don't see anyone missing mike and don't see him coming back.
Young and confused might want to change his name to Mr. Insensitivity. Maybe it's just his thoughtless youth showing in his comment.
I was thinking the exact same thing Danny when I read his comments. Perhaps he should listen to the fine song by Joe South called "Walk A Mile in My Shoes", where he says:

"Walk A mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Hey, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes"

I'm sure that Mike would not have made his long lonely journey to Denver if he didn't believe in his own mind that this was something that he was capable of doing, but when faced with the reality of what was required of him, he felt the need to opt out. I admire Mike for stepping outside of his box to try something totally out of his element. I'm sorry that it didn't work out for him or for the site and it's members, but everything in life does not have a "fairy tale ending".