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Nov 6, 2008
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Just wondering if you could do some scenes where the guys go bareback. And before all the bareback haters start yes I know the risks with barebacking.

I am not a hater of bareback, in fact, I do prefer it. However, when I was in college, I ran with a circle of friends, and of that circle, only 3 of us are alive today. All the others died from AIDS. So, I'm sorry, but I can't condone the practice. And if you want to, that is totally your right, but I think it sends the wrong message to the general public for that practice to become common place on this site. Not to mention that it leaves the management open to liability issues.
That's what classic porn is for, you can get all the barebacking you want and most of it is pretty hot. I particularly like the William Higgins Catalina Video movies, the boys were hot, hung and horny!!

Other than that, I'm with Jlipps all the way.
Sometimes its just nice to see some new young faces going bare.
I don't even like it when eat cum. These are both dangerous practices. Stay protective!
Barebacking on the back burner

Just wondering if you could do some scenes where the guys go bareback. And before all the bareback haters start yes I know the risks with barebacking.

Dear built93,

Many moons ago, we had two episodes on Broke Straight Boys-1 I can remember featuring barebacking. The first one was with "Eric & Ross" frequently featured in the 12 highest rated episodes. One of them was alergic to latex and refused to wear a condom. Then, surprisingly enough, there was an episode with "Tyler & Jacob", where Tyler agreed to do a barebacking scene, since both boys had been recently been tested for HIV. Perhaps there are a few other instances on Broke Straight Boys-1, but no other cum to mind other than these epidsodes listed above.

As we all know, "barebacking" is always a "highly risky enterprise". It is only suited for "truly monogomous couples" that are "truly" are monogomous 24/7/365. Even in the most ideal examples, you are exposing both parties to greater risks than necessary and for what purpose? To have the satisfaction that you have thrown all caution to the wind!

Too many have relied on the "truthfulness" of their partner, only to face the unfortuate consequences for the rest of their life. The tradeoff in real pleasure is "miniscule" in relation to the risks associated with this high-risk activity. It is time to realize this may be a "fantasy" for someone to achieve, but once achieved, then what is next?:ohmy::ohmy: This fantasy will not hold the same value after engaging in it, like the pleasure realized from jacking off the first time is no way near as satisfying after the 1,000,000th time. And I have the detailed personal records to prove it.:lol: I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with this reality!:blushing:

Happy hunting!



I am not a hater of bareback, in fact, I do prefer it. However, when I was in college, I ran with a circle of friends, and of that circle, only 3 of us are alive today. All the others died from AIDS. So, I'm sorry, but I can't condone the practice. And if you want to, that is totally your right, but I think it sends the wrong message to the general public for that practice to become common place on this site. Not to mention that it leaves the management open to liability issues.

Comparing unprotected sex that was had in the 80's to bareback scenes that are filmed in porn today is comparing apples to oranges in my opinion. If a studio films bareback sex, the participants are thoroughly tested and there is a disclaimer stating you should not have unprotected sex with a partner who hasn't been tested. Saying there should be no bareback gay sex scenes because people might get AIDS is like saying they shouldn't make racing movies because then people might drive too fast.

This is from Jakecruise.com, which I copied and pasted directly for citation purposes but I think it is excellent:

"First of all I want to urge everyone to always practice safe sex in their personal lives. All of my movies are meant to be entertaining and not instructional. In other words, "don't do this at home!"

All actors, including myself, are tested for HIV and other STD's through a clinic that specializes in the adult entertainment industry. These are the same clinics and testing methods used by the straight porn studios for movies they make without condoms. It is not the safest way to have sex, but it is much safer than not testing at all.

The HIV test used is the PCR test which is very different then the Elisa tests you can get at your doctor's office or local free clinic. The PCR test is much more accurate, has a shorter window of infection opportunity, and is also a lot more expensive then the Elisa test. See below for more information on these tests.

The only time an exception is made to testing is when the actors are real life lovers and they do not use condoms in their daily life.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This test finds either the genetic material RNA of HIV. PCR testing is not done as frequently as antibody testing because it requires technical skill and expensive equipment. This test may be done in the days or weeks after exposure to the virus. Genetic material may be found even if other tests are negative for the virus. The PCR test is very useful to find a very recent infection, determine if an HIV infection is present when antibody test results were uncertain, and screen blood or organs for HIV before donation.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is usually the first one used to detect infection with HIV. If antibodies to HIV are present (positive), the test is usually repeated to confirm the diagnosis. If ELISA is negative, other tests are not usually needed. This test has a low chance of having a false result after the first few weeks that a person is infected."
I don't even like it when eat cum. These are both dangerous practices. Stay protective!

Cum eating is most certainly not a dangerous practice Larkster.

Hell walking out to your car could be considered a dangerous practice, a bus might run you over or an asteroid might fall on your head.
PleAse allow me to use your own quote, which proves my point.

"First of all I want to urge everyone to always practice safe sex in their personal lives. All of my movies are meant to be entertaining and not instructional. In other words, "don't do this at home!"

It is not the safest way to have sex, but it is much safer than not testing at all."


I respectfully disagree.
Being in the health industry for over 30 years, I have seen my fair share of not only AIDS, but other STD's that occur to those who practice unsafe sex practices. Now, perhaps you have much more experience and expertise than I, but I still think it is not a safe practice to glorify.

I am not so naive as to think that everyone who engages in bareback will come down with AIDS, however, that is not the only concern. The fact remains that AIDS is a virus, and like most viruses, it is prone to change, sometimes becoming more benign, sometimes more lethal. And, when a virus morphs, it can sometimes go undetected by the testing methods of the day. So while advances haVe been made in detection and treatment, PREVENTION, is still the best and safest option. And it's not just about AIDS. There are many STDs floating around out there, and they too can cause great damage and/or death, even in 2011. This is why they are now advocating for young boys to have the HPV immunization as well as girls.

One more thing. Men lie about sex far too easily, and that includes straight, bi and gay men. And if you don't believe me, listen to most all of these boys on here who lie everyday to their girlfriends, wives, families, and friends about how they earn their money. And who cares if you test "frequently", you could test clean in the morning and be infected by nightfall! I work in a hospital and I see those people who were "monogamous" and "tested frequently". Didn't do them a damned bit of good, nor their partners. So no, I don't think I am comparing apples to oranges. I think more like, comparing oranges to grapefruits and tangerines, and limes and lemons, but definitely, not apples. Besides, I hate apples!

TESTING DOES NOT MEAN IMMUNITY! Not in any dictionary, and not in any language. So, I stand by my original statement. I don't think it is a practice that should be condoned by Broke Straight Boys, and while I know it has happened, I still think it sends a wrong message. And, I understand that some viewers find that a turn on, and if it happens, I'm not going to jump and scream, nor cancel my membership. In fact, I don't plan to say anything else on this issue. I was just voicing my opinion. Anyone is free to take it or leave it, or not even read it at all!
Cum eating is most certainly not a dangerous practice Larkster.

Hell walking out to your car could be considered a dangerous practice, a bus might run you over or an asteroid might fall on your head.

Wrong Abe. The pH of our saliva and gastric juices kill most anything that enters our bodies, that is what makes digestion possible. However, that assumes that a person is healthy and intact. BUt people who have gum disease, or periodontal disease, or even any slight tear in the semipermeable membrane that lines our mouths can render a person to be infected by any virus or bacteria. Ever bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek? Oops, another direct route for pathogens to enter your body.
My big head says, "Don't do barebacking"; but, my little head says,"Oh go ahead". Safety necessitates that barebacking is prohibited but how many of us do what is truly safe in our daily lives? Do you drive and drive the posted speed limit? Alcohol, too much of it is bad, but how many of us binge? I'll be a Republican in this case of barebacking and say that it should be left up to those who freely choose to do so regardless of the risks. Read them the warnings and let them choose. Just don't stand there and mouth out the risks of HIV/AIDS. Hell everytime a dick goes into an actor's ass is risky - condums are not a sure 100% protection against infection of any kind.
Cum eating is most certainly not a dangerous practice Larkster.

Hell walking out to your car could be considered a dangerous practice, a bus might run you over or an asteroid might fall on your head.

My friend, You are misinformed. Though the risk is lower, it still very much exists. A cut on the mouth is one way that it can be transferred, but even in ingestion there is a risk. People have become less cautious about HIV/AIDS and I have not a clue why. Recent studies have even shown semen to be an enhancer of HIV. Increasing the risk a thousand fold. These are young lives we are literally playing with. We have an obligation not to misinform them and put them at risk.:crying::scared::blink:
My friend, You are misinformed. Though the risk is lower, it still very much exists. A cut on the mouth is one way that it can be transferred, but even in ingestion there is a risk. People have become less cautious about HIV/AIDS and I have not a clue why. Recent studies have even shown semen to be an enhancer of HIV. Increasing the risk a thousand fold. These are young lives we are literally playing with. We have an obligation not to misinform them and put them at risk.:crying::scared::blink:

Dearest larkster,

You are so right. It is one thing to look at old footage where the conduct has already taken place in the past, but to take chances now isn't worth the considerable risk. As much as I love seeing someone ingest a mouthfull of creamy hot cum, it is not advisable unless they are truly a "monogamous couple" that "routinely gets tested".


I believe there is limited risk as long as everyone is tested regularly. And yes, I do like to see barebacking. Of course it would have to be at the models concent.
That's the spirit. It all depends on the models' consent. It's like being in the military - we all volunteer for it. We prepare and train constantly. But most of us don't see any conflict or shooting. And there are those who do and some of them get hurt. No one forced us into the military - we knew the risks and chose to join up anyway.
My friend, You are misinformed. Though the risk is lower, it still very much exists. A cut on the mouth is one way that it can be transferred, but even in ingestion there is a risk. People have become less cautious about HIV/AIDS and I have not a clue why. Recent studies have even shown semen to be an enhancer of HIV. Increasing the risk a thousand fold. These are young lives we are literally playing with. We have an obligation not to misinform them and put them at risk.:crying::scared::blink:

Well if that's how you feel, which of course you are entitled to your opinion as am I, then oral sex should only be practiced where the guy receiving oral sex should wear a condom from start to finish.
My friend, You are misinformed. Though the risk is lower, it still very much exists. A cut on the mouth is one way that it can be transferred, but even in ingestion there is a risk. People have become less cautious about HIV/AIDS and I have not a clue why. Recent studies have even shown semen to be an enhancer of HIV. Increasing the risk a thousand fold. These are young lives we are literally playing with. We have an obligation not to misinform them and put them at risk.:crying::scared::blink:

Well if that's how you feel, which of course you are entitled to your opinion as am I, then oral sex should only be practiced where the guy receiving oral sex should wear a condom from start to finish.

Is there a big market in yummy flavored condoms?
Ms. K,

I am not sure if there is still a huge market on flavored condoms, but I know they were all the rage back in 80'S, but haven't really seen much these last few years. I will say, most of them were nasty tasting! Can't remember any flavor I really liked.
Ms. K,

I am not sure if there is still a huge market on flavored condoms, but I know they were all the rage back in 80'S, but haven't really seen much these last few years. I will say, most of them were nasty tasting! Can't remember any flavor I really liked.

Well JLipps, lets find some chemists and start our own company. We could make a killing.

I suggest we start with chocolate.:thumbup:
Well if that's how you feel, which of course you are entitled to your opinion as am I, then oral sex should only be practiced where the guy receiving oral sex should wear a condom from start to finish.

You're right, of course, but why compound the risk with superfluous cum eating?:confused1: