Long time forumite
Some TV streaming service should do another version of Broke Straight Boys-TV, maybe “The Real Boys of Broke Straight Boys”. Sounds like lots of drama and mayhem and maybe a few laughs! You know I’d tune in!What Byrce wrote is correct. We never had guys come here with weapons but on one occasion the guy arrived all drugged up, we think he was coming down off of meth and when we questioned him about his behavior, he became very violent and tried to beat on Eddie (the E in D&E) but lucky myself and the other models stepped in and pulled him off, needless to say, we dropped him off at the airport where he had to wait for his return flight.
As for the furniture, coffee table, and carpet, the models spill drinks or food on the rug, It is how they sit on the sofa and jump on the sofa so the legs of the sofa become weak and we had to get that fixed because one of the boys jumped on the sofa and the leg broke off, they place there feet onto the coffee table which is glass, and they broke that (had to replace the glass), they have this habit, I am not sure how they do it but numerous times, overflow the toilet, one guy pulled the facet to the shower so hard, he pulled the plumbing out of the wall and the water blasted out of the pipe from the wall, we had to shut of the water and call maintenance as an emergency.
They sat at the dining room table and leaned back on the chairs, broke all of our dining room chairs, and had to replace all the chairs. For some crazy reason, the handle of the refrigerator broke off, that was replaced. leaving trash all over the place, and not cleaning up after themselves.
Although we tell the models to respect our home and furniture, many seem to be brought up in a barn and have no regard to our home.

Come to think of it, it could be a fictionalized situation comedy with David & Eddie as the new Lucy & Ricky!