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Back, by the grace of BSB JASON. . . :-)))


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, guys -

I had been out of here for a couple of years - which by no means reflects on the excellence or kindness of your conversation, or the videos, at all. But I was missing Danny and Anthony (two of my three favorite models from here), saving pennies, and was just . . . preoccupied in various ways.

Then, just the other day, along came Broke Straight Boys JASON (the third and best of all of them) on the boards at www.justusboys.com ~ inviting everyone to say hi, and have a chat with him! (I have always loved Jason, and have been stuck on him since his first appearance, here. . . but really fell head-over-heels when I saw his first intense solo on www.collegedudes.com.)

I thought Jason had moved to another planet or something, but, as it turns out, I was quite mistaken. . . and he has (as you all know) created a whole new garden of breathtaking erotica for all of us to enjoy, here. And so. . . I COULD NOT RESIST Jason Matthews saying, "Hey, come see us again, on Broke Straight Boys" Therefore, I did!

JASON is one of the sweetest, smartest, and most breathtaking men I have ever encountered, and - it is such a privilege to be treated to new and exciting and magnificently beautiful works, in which he STARS.

JASON - you're the TOP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCfqIXiLxSE&feature=related); you (and you alone) got me back - and your bosses at Broke Straight Boys should be VERY PROUD OF YOU!

It is so, so good, to see you again ~ XOXOXOXOXO

"Ambivalent", with 3,000 HUGS.
Welcome back Ambivalent! Be sure to check out the scene Jason did with Blake! 2 of my 3 faves in one hot scene!
3,000 hugs is just what I need at the moment. Today I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. So please excuse any drug related disoriented rambling that this has the potential to turn into lol.

Broke Straight Boys has formed a legacy within the porn industry, one that has and will continue to stand the test of time. The models arnt always the dreamiest of guys with wash board abs, perfect skin, big dicks and great tan lines. However, many are able to find the true beauty of a person within our models as I feel they are of the most realistic. I believe they return some sense of integrity to the gay for pay community allowing for the promotion of real sex with real straight guys without the typical drama and bullshit, which dont get me wrong .. isnt always absent from our scenes :p

I have always had a penchant for communicating with my fan base where ever I may encounter them. About a year ago, I took the iniative to begin posting here on the Broke Straight Boys Forum and in time I slowly expanded to other common forums like JustUsBoys and WayBig. My intention wasnt really to promote myself just to be in contact with more of my fans and critics alike that arnt active here.

Im so glad that over the years I have been able to bring you to climax at your discretion. That my videos have exceeded your expectations in everyway. Sure there was a brief sabatical for me in the industry, but now that I have returned from Mars I hope you find my recent work to be just as exceptional and hope to hear about things im doing well as well as areas for improvement. This career has evolved fom a simple way to earn quick cash to having a position with a purpose. My goal here is to continue making the best content and helping BluMedia do the same in everyway possibile when the opportunities arrise.

I appreciate all the sweet things that you have said and honestly I just try to remain as realistic and down to earth as possibile. My sweetness comes from having not lost faith in humanity and trying at all costs to hold onto what is good in the world. Perhaps if I see the best in you you may one day strive to be the best you can be. I suppose my intelligence comes from my experiences over the years and taking full advantage of any opportunity to learn. I avoid the drama in life and focus on the adventure. Im open to criticism and believe everyone is entitled to their independant opinion. The road that I have traveled has made me the person that I am, I am fully happy and content with that erson and have no regrets in life. Im so glad to hear that you to enjoy the young man that I have grown to be. Anything I can do, Please let me know ... my door is always open! Im so glad to see you return to our site and hope that you stay for a while :)
Thank you, Rbar!

I will be certain to check out that scene that you recommend: and I love your quote from Jung, BTW. (I am a confirmed Jungian, also.)

JASON, well, where to begin, but. . .

*My BIGGEST concern today, after your dental surgery, is that you simply get some rest, start to heal, and feel BETTER. (The hugs for you will ALWAYS be available.)

*My return is ALL DOWN to you, and YOUR RETURN - and the little prompt you gave me by posting on JustUsBoys. So, thank you!

*Broke Straight Boys has always been a really nice site, and I have enjoyed it, over the years. Mostly because I prefer nice, natural builds, and 'guy-next-door' looks, to super gym-built bodies, and spray-on-tans. (A nice SMILE matters to me more than anything ELSE - and you have the NICEST SMILE, JASON :)))

*While I will admit, certainly, to having had my share of fantasies about straight guys over the years - I am (personally) not really part of the 'gay-for-pay' community. Though I know that, for some guys, it is very important and exciting to have a sense that the models they are enjoying are DEFINITELY STRAIGHT - that doesn't matter at ALL, to me. I have liked Broke Straight Boys, over the years, simply because they have featured many models who are "guy-next-door" beautiful - - - whether they are gay, straight, bisexual, or PAN-sexual, I am OK with it all. But I don't require the trope of "straightness" to enjoy the models, or love their performances.

*One thing that is very new (and welcomed) is having the opportunity to get to know you in a friendly way, Jason. To me, it is so wonderful to have a "heart and mind" connection to a model I already adore for his performances; and it is really a special privilege. So, I am glad that you decided to reach out to all of us.

*Yes, you have ALWAYS exceeded my expectations in EVERY WAY. With your lovely smile, and voice, you know you could likely do that just by reading the TELEPHONE BOOK! But, as a performer, you have grown SO much, and you seem to have completely mastered the arts of eros. But you are very much a kind and intelligent human being, too. And that not only adds to the pleasure of viewing your video offerings ~ it also adds a whole, new, incredibly rich dimension of happiness to interacting with you. (And it is VERY generous of you, to share so much.)

*Jason, I really appreciate your sharing your self-perceptions and self-understanding ~ which significantly accord with what I have come to know of you. You are a really good man: and I appreciate greatly your offer of your open mind, open heart, and open door! It is really nice (and comforting) to have a friend and inspiration, like you.

*Finally, again, I have returned to the site JUST and ONLY because of Jason Matthews. (Even though there are many other good things about it, I hasten to add.) It is so nice to be sharing this special time with you again - and I mean that very sincerely, from the bottom of my heart: so, thank you, JASON.

With the greatest affection,
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3,000 hugs is just what I need at the moment. Today I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. So please excuse any drug related disoriented rambling that this has the potential to turn into lol.

Broke Straight Boys has formed a legacy within the porn industry, one that has and will continue to stand the test of time. The models arnt always the dreamiest of guys with wash board abs, perfect skin, big dicks and great tan lines. However, many are able to find the true beauty of a person within our models as I feel they are of the most realistic.

I appreciate all the sweet things that you have said and honestly I just try to remain as realistic and down to earth as possibile. My sweetness comes from having not lost faith in humanity and trying at all costs to hold onto what is good in the world. Perhaps if I see the best in you you may one day strive to be the best you can be. I suppose my intelligence comes from my experiences over the years and taking full advantage of any opportunity to learn. I avoid the drama in life and focus on the adventure. The road that I have traveled has made me the person that I am, I am fully happy and content with that erson and have no regrets in life. Im so glad to hear that you to enjoy the young man that I have grown to be. Anything I can do, Please let me know ... my door is always open! Im so glad to see you return to our site and hope that you stay for a while :)

Dearest Jason,

If love, affection and hugs will help you to get through this painful and inconvenient dental rite of passage, then please accept my offer of another 3,000 hugs. XXXOOXOXOOOOOOOO

You have indeed grown to be a wonderful young man. You are also correct that we fans of the site are able to see and appreciate the beauty of the soul of the performers here on the site...regardless of whether they measure up to what the rest of the world might perceive as near physical perfection. I like to think that's because we members here are not so base and shallow. :) We can look for and appreciate the beauty within, that complements the beauty without. If asked to describe you to a total stranger the adjectives I'd use would have little to do with your body. I would probably throw in "very handsome" at some point. But my description would not consist of a laundry list of all your physical attributes. I would instead focus on the beauty of your soul and the content of your character...and why that person would really like you if they were so fortunate as to get to meet you.

I also appreciate that you try to see the best in people and look at their potential...rather than focusing only on their flaws. All of us are a work in progress. No matter what our age. We are all trying to do the best we can with the hand we have been dealt in life. Some of us cope better than others. But I believe that all of us are always trying to become better people.

JASON, well, where to begin, but. . .

*My BIGGEST concern today, after your dental surgery, is that you simply get some rest, start to heal, and feel BETTER. (The hugs for you will ALWAYS be available.)

*While I will admit, certainly, to having had my share of fantasies about straight guys over the years - I am (personally) not really part of the 'gay-for-pay' community. Though I know that, for some guys, it is very important and exciting to have a sense that the models they are enjoying are DEFINITELY STRAIGHT - that doesn't matter at ALL, to me. I have liked Broke Straight Boys, over the years, simply because they have featured many models who are "guy-next-door" beautiful - - - whether they are gay, straight, bisexual, or PAN-sexual, I am OK with it all. But I don't require the trope of "straightness" to enjoy the models, or love their performances.

*One thing that is very new (and welcomed) is having the opportunity to get to know you in a friendly way, Jason. To me, it is so wonderful to have a "heart and mind" connection to a model I already adore for his performances; and it is really a special privilege. So, I am glad that you decided to reach out to all of us.

*Yes, you have ALWAYS exceeded my expectations in EVERY WAY. With your lovely smile, and voice, you know you could likely do that just by reading the TELEPHONE BOOK! But, as a performer, you have grown SO much, and you seem to have completely mastered the arts of eros. But you are very much a kind and intelligent human being, too. And that not only adds to the pleasure of viewing your video offerings ~ it also adds a whole, new, incredibly rich dimension of happiness to interacting with you. (And it is VERY generous of you, to share so much.)

*Jason, I really appreciate your sharing your self-perceptions and self-understanding ~ which significantly accord with what I have come to know of you. You are a really good man: and I appreciate greatly your offer of your open mind, open heart, and open door! It is really nice (and comforting) to have a friend and inspiration, like you.

With the greatest affection,

Welcome back Ambivalent!

It's always cause for celebration when one of our former members returns to the fold. I look forward to hearing more from you. Jason is indeed a treasure here on the site. We are so fortunate here with a reality format to the videos, and through the forum of course, that we can get to know the models more personally. There is not much more I can add to your very eloquent post above, other than to quote it again for emphasis. haha
Nothing "Ambivalent" about you...

Thank you, Rbar!

I will be certain to check out that scene that you recommend: and I love your quote from Jung, BTW. (I am a confirmed Jungian, also.)

JASON, well, where to begin, but. . .

*My BIGGEST concern today, after your dental surgery, is that you simply get some rest, start to heal, and feel BETTER. (The hugs for you will ALWAYS be available.)

*My return is ALL DOWN to you, and YOUR RETURN - and the little prompt you gave me by posting on JustUsBoys. So, thank you!

*Broke Straight Boys has always been a really nice site, and I have enjoyed it, over the years. Mostly because I prefer nice, natural builds, and 'guy-next-door' looks, to super gym-built bodies, and spray-on-tans. (A nice SMILE matters to me more than anything ELSE - and you have the NICEST SMILE, JASON :)))

*While I will admit, certainly, to having had my share of fantasies about straight guys over the years - I am (personally) not really part of the 'gay-for-pay' community. Though I know that, for some guys, it is very important and exciting to have a sense that the models they are enjoying are DEFINITELY STRAIGHT - that doesn't matter at ALL, to me. I have liked Broke Straight Boys, over the years, simply because they have featured many models who are "guy-next-door" beautiful - - - whether they are gay, straight, bisexual, or PAN-sexual, I am OK with it all. But I don't require the trope of "straightness" to enjoy the models, or love their performances.

*One thing that is very new (and welcomed) is having the opportunity to get to know you in a friendly way, Jason. To me, it is so wonderful to have a "heart and mind" connection to a model I already adore for his performances; and it is really a special privilege. So, I am glad that you decided to reach out to all of us.

*Yes, you have ALWAYS exceeded my expectations in EVERY WAY. With your lovely smile, and voice, you know you could likely do that just by reading the TELEPHONE BOOK! But, as a performer, you have grown SO much, and you seem to have completely mastered the arts of eros. But you are very much a kind and intelligent human being, too. And that not only adds to the pleasure of viewing your video offerings ~ it also adds a whole, new, incredibly rich dimension of happiness to interacting with you. (And it is VERY generous of you, to share so much.)

*Jason, I really appreciate your sharing your self-perceptions and self-understanding ~ which significantly accord with what I have come to know of you. You are a really good man: and I appreciate greatly your offer of your open mind, open heart, and open door! It is really nice (and comforting) to have a friend and inspiration, like you.

*Finally, again, I have returned to the site JUST and ONLY because of Jason Matthews. (Even though there are many other good things about it, I hasten to add.) It is so nice to be sharing this special time with you again - and I mean that very sincerely, from the bottom of my heart: so, thank you, JASON.

With the greatest affection,

Dear Jason and your latest and most descriptive fan,

First of all, I have always been considered "a bit wordy" in making my Broke Straight Boys posts, but that is my style and I don't make apologies for it. Not meaning to be critical or negative in any way towards you by implication, I would very much like to :welcome9: "Ambivalent" to the fold of other wordy forumites. Frankly, I was wondering if you and I share the same DNA and maybe even be twins or part of the same litter. May I call you "Ambi" for short? Anyway, reading your earlier posts on Jason, I see so much in common with your sentiments, it is as if I have developed a "cloned personality", its like seeing double! Surely, Jason has responded enough to my posts by now, surely he sees the resemblance too!

Either this resemblance is real OR I need to be checked into a Psychiatric Hospital for extensive therapy. I promise I will go peacefully, provided I can take Jason's sweet image with me along with my Broke Straight Boys account, NO STRAIGHTJACKET WILL BE NEEDED (AS THEY NEVER REALLY FIT COMFORTABLY OR ARE SUFFICIENTLY FASHIONABLE FOR GAY GUYS IN THE FIRST PLACE. THEY DON'T EVEN SATISFY S&M DEVOTEES)!

It seems the two men dressed in white uniforms have arrived and I must cut this conversation necessarily short. I will continue once taken away to my new home.

Sincerely "crazy" about Jason and Bye-Bye Ambi for now,

Jason, you appear to be handling the removal of your wisdom teeth very well. You may wake up today feeling great. Some people take the painkillers for days, others bounce right back. I can see you being one that bounces back, and goes right back to work, just like a regular dental visit.:thumbup1:

Welcome back, Ambivalent! It is so great when members come back to us. Jason is a great reason to return. I hope you find many more reasons to stay.:001_wub:
Dear Jason and your latest and most descriptive fan,

First of all, I have always been considered "a bit wordy" in making my Broke Straight Boys posts, but that is my style and I don't make apologies for it. Not meaning to be critical or negative in any way towards you by implication, I would very much like to :welcome9: "Ambivalent" to the fold of other wordy forumites. Frankly, I was wondering if you and I share the same DNA and maybe even be twins or part of the same litter. May I call you "Ambi" for short? Anyway, reading your earlier posts on Jason, I see so much in common with your sentiments, it is as if I have developed a "cloned personality", its like seeing double! Surely, Jason has responded enough to my posts by now, surely he sees the resemblance too!

Either this resemblance is real OR I need to be checked into a Psychiatric Hospital for extensive therapy. I promise I will go peacefully, provided I can take Jason's sweet image with me along with my Broke Straight Boys account, NO STRAIGHTJACKET WILL BE NEEDED (AS THEY NEVER REALLY FIT COMFORTABLY OR ARE SUFFICIENTLY FASHIONABLE FOR GAY GUYS IN THE FIRST PLACE. THEY DON'T EVEN SATISFY S&M DEVOTEES)!

It seems the two men dressed in white uniforms have arrived and I must cut this conversation necessarily short. I will continue once taken away to my new home.

Sincerely "crazy" about Jason and Bye-Bye Ambi for now,


I thought the same thing when I saw Ambivalant's posts. Surely you and he are literary kindred spirits. Your writing styles are very similar and very entertaining. The one thing I share with both of you is the verbosity of my posts. There are times I get started and realize that it would take me forever to pare my thoughts down to their most concise elements.

To quote my friend Mark Twain: “I am sorry to write such a long letter. I didn't have time to write a short one.”

I'm sure both of you can appreciate the wisdom of that. :001_smile:
Welcome back, Ambivalent! there is one who apparently, "fills the void;" I am glad you enjoy Jason...good choice! :w00t:

Jason, one word of advice, DON'T SMOKE! In spite of the doctor's warning, I smoked and got dry socket....OUCH!
It seems Jason had too much of a good thing, namely "Wisdom" X four

Do you feel slightly less intelligent now that you've lost 4 of your wisdom teeth.. he he x

Dear jon and Jason,

I remember how miserable I was having just my first two wisdom teeth removed as they were deeple inbedded with tangled roots. Ouch! I bled for days following their removal and realized that I had two more remaining. Of course that was centuries ago, before time was invented and certainly no cell phones to cry out for help! I remember my dentist telling me that he recommended getting a prescription for pain pills filled before going home. But, that warning evidently got lost in my head and suddenly my entire face felt crushed in when the real pain set it and no pain pills ready to help me out some. I guess you could call it a unique learning moment in my first 25 years. Fortunately, the pharmacy made home deliveries and I finally got the much needed relief later rather than sooner, had I only stopped by the pharmacy first. Live and learn was what came to mind back then. I hope our sweet Jason is not suffering too much! :e020: Get better soon!!!

"Sincerely feel your pain" by Bill Clinton,


PS Jason you have brought back to me the joy in writing on the forum! Thank you kindly...for all that you are and do!

Jason, Hope you will be feeling much better soon. You are too nice of a person to be in pain. Better soon bb.

Hi Jason.
So glad to hear from the fellow "burgherite" When I had my wisdom teeth out, I bled like a stuck pig. My dentist had the nerve to put my teeth in a plastic box , lay them on my chest with a note that said "You dam highschoolers still believe in the tooth fairy!" Maybe BSBs will be your tooth fairy and give you bonus for next scene.
Have used your joke about pittsburgh being God's Country so many times that some people say that the next time i use it,I will fall off my dinosaur. Even so, everyone in the burgh loves it and one of my friend's daughters, who is a lay minister in her church, used it as part of her sermon. Thanks so much for giving me such a great joke, Question
Do other cities just substitue names or are they jellous?
bugcatcher in the burgh:biggrin:
Well its day 3 and overall Id say Im still miserable. The pain hasnt been nearly what I was expecting. Asside from the first day I really havent taken any of the pain pills and am building a surplus incase the later come to be needed. My appetitie has decreased my sleeping has increased and if it wernt for the pain id think I was on vacation. Im hoping by monday to be back to normal!

Although I cant say I now feel as if Ive lost any wisdom but I do feel like I made a dumb decision to have them removed. I suppose it has to be done eventually. I will say tho Ive become rather fond of anesthesia lol... They always give me the juice then I wake up wondering when we will begin.

In the office asside from the doctor everyone else was female. They put me under in a typical dentist chair and I woke up in a wheel chair in another room. I can only laugh at the image I see of 4, 5 or 6 of these nurses struggling to move my limp body from one place to another. I must wonder if they dropped me at all ... just lost grasp and I hit the floor while they quickly scramble to correct the situation I can imagine it being similar to dropping food on the floor... 5 second rule! Pick Him up before anyone notices hahahaha
Welcome back, Ambivalent! there is one who apparently, "fills the void;" I am glad you enjoy Jason...good choice! :w00t:

Jason, one word of advice, DON'T SMOKE! In spite of the doctor's warning, I smoked and got dry socket....OUCH!

You know Beth they gave me the same warning as they usually do after any teeth are removed. Ive never listened before but didnt realize the increased risk of dry socket with wisdom teeth. After waking up in the office I dont remember anything between there and home and the only thing I remember from home before going straight to bed was trying to smoke a cigarette. It was quite the struggle ! Not only were my lips completely numb but swollen and packed with gauze too ... That mixed with the anesthesia that still hadnt worn off ... must have been a funny thing to watch. I soon gave up and went to bed.

But from one smoker to another we all know how nearly impossible it is to just stop smoking. Im remaining hopefull I dont get dry socket !
In the office asside from the doctor everyone else was female. They put me under in a typical dentist chair and I woke up in a wheel chair in another room. I can only laugh at the image I see of 4, 5 or 6 of these nurses struggling to move my limp body from one place to another. I must wonder if they dropped me at all ... just lost grasp and I hit the floor while they quickly scramble to correct the situation I can imagine it being similar to dropping food on the floor... 5 second rule! Pick Him up before anyone notices hahahaha

I have a hugely vivid imagination and the pictures I have in my mind right now are hilarious, and slightly naughty...I wonder what else those nurses did while you were blissfully out of it...hussies!?!?

Love your sense of humor Jason, and glad you're recovering...
Hi Jason.
So glad to hear from the fellow "burgherite" When I had my wisdom teeth out, I bled like a stuck pig. My dentist had the nerve to put my teeth in a plastic box , lay them on my chest with a note that said "You dam highschoolers still believe in the tooth fairy!" Maybe BSBs will be your tooth fairy and give you bonus for next scene.
Have used your joke about pittsburgh being God's Country so many times that some people say that the next time i use it,I will fall off my dinosaur. Even so, everyone in the burgh loves it and one of my friend's daughters, who is a lay minister in her church, used it as part of her sermon. Thanks so much for giving me such a great joke, Question
Do other cities just substitue names or are they jellous?
bugcatcher in the burgh:biggrin:

Mark... Clay ... ARE YOU LISTENING??? :p I believe the people have spoken hahahaha
Hi Jason.
So glad to hear from the fellow "burgherite" When I had my wisdom teeth out, I bled like a stuck pig. My dentist had the nerve to put my teeth in a plastic box , lay them on my chest with a note that said "You dam highschoolers still believe in the tooth fairy!" Maybe BSBs will be your tooth fairy and give you bonus for next scene.
Have used your joke about pittsburgh being God's Country so many times that some people say that the next time i use it,I will fall off my dinosaur. Even so, everyone in the burgh loves it and one of my friend's daughters, who is a lay minister in her church, used it as part of her sermon. Thanks so much for giving me such a great joke, Question
Do other cities just substitue names or are they jellous?
bugcatcher in the burgh:biggrin:

Ahhh yesss ... such a good joke. One of my favorites. Im glad that you found it both enjoyable and usable ! Im sure any city can try to alter it but fell that it will always be second best with any other city as Pittsburgh truly is gods country :p
At least the "Tooth Fairy" doesn't bite

Well its day 3 and overall Id say Im still miserable. The pain hasnt been nearly what I was expecting. Asside from the first day I really havent taken any of the pain pills and am building a surplus incase the later come to be needed. My appetitie has decreased my sleeping has increased and if it wernt for the pain id think I was on vacation. Im hoping by monday to be back to normal!

Although I cant say I now feel as if Ive lost any wisdom but I do feel like I made a dumb decision to have them removed. I suppose it has to be done eventually. I will say tho Ive become rather fond of anesthesia lol... They always give me the juice then I wake up wondering when we will begin.

In the office asside from the doctor everyone else was female. They put me under in a typical dentist chair and I woke up in a wheel chair in another room. I can only laugh at the image I see of 4, 5 or 6 of these nurses struggling to move my limp body from one place to another. I must wonder if they dropped me at all ... just lost grasp and I hit the floor while they quickly scramble to correct the situation I can imagine it being similar to dropping food on the floor... 5 second rule! Pick Him up before anyone notices hahahaha

Dear Jason,


What I am wondering about most is..."What were the nurses thinking that you had to be held up by your feet like a newborn to spank your perfect exposed butt to breathe a little life back into you after first having their way with you! Like the mere mortals that they are, these horny nurses simply couldn't contain themselves anylonger, while holding your feet up, to put their hand prints in your sweet butt and then earning them the excuse to check out your "merchandise" all at the same time! You probably unknowingly authorized such goings on when you signed away your rights with the ALL IMPORTANT "HIPPA Agreement" paperwork. I don't think these nurses were following the "expected protocol" (desperately hoping to blame any and all bruises that resulted on the floor) at least to the original intent of the law anyway. Tell me honestly Jason, there was no telltale evidence of lipstick imprinted on your butt or your junk OR was there? I bet no one there told you...Those "open-back gowns" are not characteristic of the "Normal Protocol". I think they are a dead giveaway to "people fiddling where they shouldn't be fiddling" AND are generally not required for "oral surgery" anyway, you dig???:001_rolleyes:

Whatever happened, I have not doubt that you made the entire nursing staff "VERY HAPPY" with their actions towards you. As if this is nothing new to you, do you by any chance remember waking up with a "boner that wouldn't quit" right after your surgery. The nurses probably have this situation already recorded on their IPhones and then YouTube. It is only a matter of time that your sweet ass, etc. will be going viral on the internet. I would demand your "Royalties due you" at a minimum!

Thinking about all of this "unrequested drama", my goal for you was, regardless of how bad your pain at the moment, for you to realize things could definitely be worse! Hopefully, this distracted you enough that you were able to forget, even briefly, about the lingering pain "keeping you company 24/7" from your oral surgery!

Rest up Sweet Prince and leave the dearly departed teeth under your pillow for the "Tooth Fairy", now that everybody is specializing these days!

Have a restful night's sleep tonight,

Jason, one word of advice, DON'T SMOKE! In spite of the doctor's warning, I smoked and got dry socket....OUCH!

Beth, I have to be honest here and admit that I had never heard the term "dry socket" before. I thought it had something to do with your pussy and was feeling sorry for your husband having to stop and lube up every 4 or 5 minutes. LOL I guess I'm never too old to learn something new.