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Ayden Troy signing in! any questions/suggestions?

Hi Ayden, I've been out of action for a couple of days....the longest I've ever been semi-away from the forum, and I'm still getting over the 'forum withdrawal screaming meanies' so bear with me if I sound a little weird...or is that wired...*what the heck kinda shrug*

Whoaaa! For so many reasons...as usual, fabulous questions from the Forumite's...and amazingly you gave equally fabulous answers.

Then there was Clay...he posted more than once in a single day, actually if I had the energy to go back and check, I think he posted more than once in a single hour... that's in a whisper, cause I don't want to scare him off, and I'd like to get to know him better.

:welcome: Ayden, hope to hear and see a lot more of you...
HAHAHAHA well I will give credit where credit is due, Thats not a bad backup plan. In fact, that may be the first Ive ever heard of a model with such audacity lol

Get a real job ... boy thats almost unheard of in this industry LMAO ... I only joke and Im jst bustin your balls. In reality though its only the first inning of this ball game perhaps its a bit early to call! This company and industry have a way of evolving ones tatse and promoting people to explore paths they normally would never consider. There is also the factor that you never know what life has in store for you. A few months down the road you may really need the money. But Ive always explained gay sex... probably just general sex even, as an aquired taste.. the more you do things the more you get comfortable with things, the more you get comfortable the more you like it. Almost like training your mind what to like or to like something new.

Although Ive always said that versatility is a required characteristic in a model that has the potential to go far and the willingness to get there. In your case, I would have to say I do see you more as a top and think thats where the primary direction of your career will take you. But always leave room for error ... and the unexpected. Clay is a cleverly convincing fella
Although Ive always said that versatility is a required characteristic in a model that has the potential to go far and the willingness to get there. In your case, I would have to say I do see you more as a top and think thats where the primary direction of your career will take you. But always leave room for error ... and the unexpected. Clay is a cleverly convincing fella

Jason, as always you speak with a wise head. Love you xx
Hey Ayden. Glad you started this thread. In only 4 days you got 13 pages. It shows how good you are. I watched the last 2 sceens you did in preparation for Saturday's episode. On another thread I mentioned how much i think you'll like getting into Blake. Hope he wasn't too tight for you. Just be yourself here and it will all come naturally. From what people wrote you see how much they like your preformances.
Is there anything you wouldn't do as a top?
You said you would never bottom. Someone told me a long time ago to be a good top you have to bottom to see what you enjoyed in doing it. Never say Never.
Look forward to seeing you on here more often.
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Hey Ayden,

I mentioned this to you before and I hope you'll consider it. Scorpio gave us instructions on how to post the albums to our profle pages if you decide you're willing to do it. :)

"Just like on F/B and other social networking sites, you can add albums on your profile to post other pictures of yourself. I hope you will consider doing that too. Because while your fans definitely enjoy nude photos of you, we also enjoy seeing pictures of our favorite models out and about in their daily lives in their Clark Kent identities. haha

If you do post album photos (And I hope you will!) :001_smile:, just be careful not to include ones that might give away familiar geographical sights that would let anyone know exactly where you lived and so on. Keep the backgrounds somewhat generic. As long as they include you! :) You should also not include pics of you with other people in them unless you're sure they'd be okay with having them shown here. Of course you're welcome to include favorite vacation pics of places you've visited and so on. haha

Here is how to add a photo album:
1. Click here
2. Type in a title/description, and click on "Save Changes".
3. Click on "Upload Pictures" (it's on the right).
4. You should then see a popup window.
5. Click on "Add Files" in the top right, and browse to the picture you want to upload.
6. Then click on "Upload" which is right below.
7. Finally click on "Done" (Bottom right)

Check your profile and the album should show there, on the left side.
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As the Forumites already know, I find smoking sexy on sexy people.

Since you've told us you're a smoker, I wish the Powers-That-Be here
might work in a scene of you enjoying a cigarette (for me and the
others who share this wee fetish).

I'll also observe that I am quite shocked at the number of contributors
here encouraging Ayden not to do this and that behaviour in order to
preserve a certain fantasy of theirs. The spirit of this site, it seems to
be is to take each model as far as possible--to their enjoyment at
newfound pleasures and to our erotic besotted-ness.

I do look forward to seeing you kiss deeply and to bottom sometime
in the future, Ayden. The money's decent and you just might
enjoy the exploration of your own erotic potential.

Hey Ayden, I went back to your 2 previous scenes and noticed that you have a very low toned voice. Is there a reason for this ?
For all of us Ayden fans, here's one of Ayden when he apparently first woke up in the morning. You might also recognize a few other favorites and familiar faces in there. For those smoking fetishists among us, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. LOL


  • A0b2NiJCUAESYbL.jpg
    54.5 KB · Views: 66
I have a question for you, Ayden.

In your scene with Carter, what did you think of his tongue piercing? Could you feel it? Did it add to the sensation?

There have been several models with them and I have never been able to ask questions before.

Also, that looked from the outside like a damn fine blowjob. Carter has a mouth that looks like it could suck a marble through a straw. Was it as good as it looked?

yes i could feel it and it defiantly added extra sensation. it was a pretty good cock sucking honestly lol
HAHAHAHA well I will give credit where credit is due, Thats not a bad backup plan. In fact, that may be the first Ive ever heard of a model with such audacity lol

Get a real job ... boy thats almost unheard of in this industry LMAO ... I only joke and Im jst bustin your balls. In reality though its only the first inning of this ball game perhaps its a bit early to call! This company and industry have a way of evolving ones tatse and promoting people to explore paths they normally would never consider. There is also the factor that you never know what life has in store for you. A few months down the road you may really need the money. But Ive always explained gay sex... probably just general sex even, as an aquired taste.. the more you do things the more you get comfortable with things, the more you get comfortable the more you like it. Almost like training your mind what to like or to like something new.

Although Ive always said that versatility is a required characteristic in a model that has the potential to go far and the willingness to get there. In your case, I would have to say I do see you more as a top and think thats where the primary direction of your career will take you. But always leave room for error ... and the unexpected. Clay is a cleverly convincing fella

good points.. but i don't think i can train myself to be gay lol
As the Forumites already know, I find smoking sexy on sexy people.

Since you've told us you're a smoker, I wish the Powers-That-Be here
might work in a scene of you enjoying a cigarette (for me and the
others who share this wee fetish).


i like this idea :)
For all of us Ayden fans, here's one of Ayden when he apparently first woke up in the morning. You might also recognize a few other favorites and familiar faces in there. For those smoking fetishists among us, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. LOL

where did you get this photo??

The bulge in your sleeping shorts is so revealing and sexually distracting for me that I'd be all flustered around you. LOL I wouldn't be able to have a focused and serious conversation with you until you either sat behind something or covered up more. :)

That is intended as a compliment. You're a hot guy Ayden. I know you're not used to hearing that from other dudes. But it's still true nonetheless. Both sides of the street find you handsome and sexy. xo