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Ayden Troy Fucks Ronan Kennedy


Well-known Member
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Palm Springs, CA
Ronan Kennedy and Conner

I liked this scene gave it and both guys a 5. It was fresh in its approach and light hearted with a lot of friendly banter that added to the sexual aspects of the video. The shower ending was most enjoyable. I personally would just as soon see a natural bush. But if the guys are going to trim teach them how do it so there is no razor rash or pimples.
Ronan Kennedy is just sexy. No other way to say it. And Conner was one of my favorites before and I am delighted to see him again. I hope he returns for more sessions. All and all a great session
I love Ronan Kennedy and was thrilled to see him again, with his handsome face, beautiful hair, lean tight taut body and beautiful juicy cock. I am in serious lust with that boy. Conner never has been one of my favorites, and I feel no differently after watching him in this scene with beautiful Ronan Kennedy tonight, but obviously taste is totally subjective and I am just stating my own personal preference. And Ronan Kennedy's cum shot was memorable. He is the "real deal" for me.

But I do have to say that this was one of the more "different" types of Broke Straight Boys scenes that I've ever watched. This was obviously a Damian Christopher production as opposed to a Johnny Robbins type of scene. It was an interesting departure from the classic intro to a scene, and Damian also used this style in another episode I watched with Vadim Black and Tyler.

In this scene, I could have done with less of the contrived banter between the boys at the beginning as these guys are not at their best adlibbing, so less banter and getting naked sooner would have been my preference. And in the post-fuck shower scene, I could not understand the conversation, particularly Ronan Kennedy's, so if anyone has a transcript of the convo, please post it. (just joking. lol). Overall I'm thrilled to see beautiful Ronan Kennedy back and I'm highly anticipating the next scene between Ronan Kennedy and equally beautiful in my eyes, AYDEN!!!
so glad to see Conner back as he was one of my favorites - I know he has bounced around between many studios but I think he shines best in Broke Straight Boys Boy what a volcano in his cum shots - must have stored it up for days. Liked the shower scene as somewhat different. Have not made up mind on Ronan Kennedy- nice body and performance but I need to see more.
I love Ronan Kennedy and was thrilled to see him again, with his handsome face, beautiful hair, lean tight taut body and beautiful juicy cock. I am in serious lust with that boy. Conner never has been one of my favorites, and I feel no differently after watching him in this scene with beautiful Ronan Kennedy tonight, but obviously taste is totally subjective and I am just stating my own personal preference. And Ronan Kennedy's cum shot was memorable. He is the "real deal" for me.

But I do have to say that this was one of the more "different" types of Broke Straight Boys scenes that I've ever watched. This was obviously a Damian Christopher production as opposed to a Johnny Robbins type of scene. It was an interesting departure from the classic intro to a scene, and Damian also used this style in another episode I watched with Vadim Black and Tyler.

In this scene, I could have done with less of the contrived banter between the boys at the beginning as these guys are not at their best adlibbing, so less banter and getting naked sooner would have been my preference. And in the post-fuck shower scene, I could not understand the conversation, particularly Ronan Kennedy's, so if anyone has a transcript of the convo, please post it. (just joking. lol). Overall I'm thrilled to see beautiful Ronan Kennedy back and I'm highly anticipating the next scene between Ronan Kennedy and equally beautiful in my eyes, AYDEN!!!

We are aligned on this one! Ronan Kennedy is terrific and happily he put on another excellent show, but, alas, Conner was unappealing. Liked the change in style too. And come on, Ayden!
Glad you posted mike. After the last couple reviews I was chicken.I love Ronan Kennedy..But I didn't love the scene.Your gonna hate me.
But ..I wish he would have done it with Damien or Vadim Black. Conner seems nice.But he just doesn't do it for me. With a cock like Ronans.
The camera should have been focused on that rather than Conners head and chest..
I didn't like the camera work at all.
Except when they were pointing to Ronans cock.lol Thought the shower scene was a waste of time. Did they kiss or even touch?
And the Trailer at the end seemed dumb tonight. Most of the boys they showed are gone. Maybe there all coming back?
A big surprise for us all. All in all the return of Ronan Kennedy. Warm us up for what he is going to do next. Looks relaxed so think it will be allot.Gave him a 5. And he has cute hair.
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My enthusiasm for the "RoR", did NOT disappoint! What else can I ask for? (at the risk of getting bashed) I would like to see his future scenemate rim and :angel:snowball Ronan Kennedy, and then Ronan Kennedy 'get revenge' by breeding him 'without forewarning', while in a passion fuck.
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I'm in an alliterative mood: Simply Sad Scene.
Far too much talking. Far too much chat about girls, dick size, it was like continuous. Not a big fan of Conner but nice to see Ronan Kennedy back.

Agreed. Weird scene. Something is OFF with the CAMERA WORK. It flickers and slightly blurs when something is moving quickly, like Conners dick when he was bouncing on Ronan Kennedy's monster. I don't know anything about film speed or whatever, but the effect isn't from the cameraman not being steady, but from what seems to be either slow or too fast film (I know this makes no sense, but I'm just guessing at why the video isn't crisp and and clear).

The scene was a mess of kinda fun banter, annoying banter, really bad, rote sex, and unintelligible dialogue. There was nothing hot about it.

Gave it a 2.
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gave it a 5 Had so much I liked especially a more mature guy. WOW Ronan Kennedy has a big dick but needs to appreciate it more and use it in different ways. Both had more cum then most. As for the interviews by a 3rd person is good for solos or brand new guys together but here it was good that there was none. More of these from time to time but let it be from their own doing.
I loved the scene, and easy 5! To see Conner back made me squeal; I love his body and that red hair.:001_wub: The banter between them was great; I think Conner's personality lent itself well to joking around. I also think it helped Ronan Kennedy, as he seemed more at ease. Ronan Kennedy's gorgeous cock did not disappoint either...it is a thing of beauty! My favorite thing was seeing Ronan Kennedy's eyes roll back as he was being blown and fucking...I just think that's so hot! Also the follow through with the shower was a very nice bonus; they guys seem so much more relaxed after they've cum (in this case, cum a lot)!:001_wub: Please, more scenes like this: fun banter, playful teasing and hot sex, followed by a shower...nummy!
Thank you guys, you are definitely added to my "spank bank" account!
I loved the scene, and easy 5! To see Conner back made me squeal; I love his body and that red hair.:001_wub: The banter between them was great; I think Conner's personality lent itself well to joking around. I also think it helped Ronan Kennedy, as he seemed more at ease. Ronan Kennedy's gorgeous cock did not disappoint either...it is a thing of beauty! My favorite thing was seeing Ronan Kennedy's eyes roll back as he was being blown and fucking...I just think that's so hot! Also the follow through with the shower was a very nice bonus; they guys seem so much more relaxed after they've cum (in this case, cum a lot)!:001_wub: Please, more scenes like this: fun banter, playful teasing and hot sex, followed by a shower...nummy!
Thank you guys, you are definitely added to my "spank bank" account!

Totally agree Beth! Boy, people have varying opinions. I thought the combination of Conner and Ronan Kennedy was great.
Agreed. Weird scene. Something is OFF with the CAMERA WORK. It flickers and slightly blurs when something is moving quickly, like Conners dick when he was bouncing on Ronan Kennedy's monster. I don't know anything about film speed or whatever, but the effect isn't from the cameraman not being steady, but from what seems to be either slow or too fast film (I know this makes no sense, but I'm just guessing at why the video isn't crisp and and clear).

The scene was a mess of kinda fun banter, annoying banter, really bad, rote sex, and unintelligible dialogue. There was nothing hot about it.

Gave it a 2.
I agree about this scene not being technically great, with less than stellar camerawork and audio. Perhaps Damian Christopher is still in the learning process of how to film porn. While there are aspects of Johnny Robins scenes that I am not thrilled with, I do admire his technical work, as he gets great shots of the action and the reaction on the model's faces while they're in the throes of passion. Again we do not know for sure if Damian is only temporarily "filling in" for Johnny, or if they will share the producer role, or if DC is going to be the new full time man creating the scenes, but for right now DC has a ways to go on getting down the nuances of shooting porn.

However I do disagree with Stripe describing this scene by saying "There was nothing hot about it". I found Ronan Kennedy VERY HOT!!! He is exactly what I enjoy seeing in a Broke Straight Boys, and I can't wait for his next scene with the equally HOT Ayden.
I agree about this scene not being technically great, with less than stellar camerawork and audio. Perhaps Damian Christopher is still in the learning process of how to film porn. While there are aspects of Johnny Robins scenes that I am not thrilled with, I do admire his technical work, as he gets great shots of the action and the reaction on the model's faces while they're in the throes of passion. Again we do not know for sure if Damian is only temporarily "filling in" for Johnny, or if they will share the producer role, or if DC is going to be the new full time man creating the scenes, but for right now DC has a ways to go on getting down the nuances of shooting porn.

However I do disagree with Stripe describing this scene by saying "There was nothing hot about it". I found Ronan Kennedy VERY HOT!!! He is exactly what I enjoy seeing in a Broke Straight Boys, and I can't wait for his next scene with the equally HOT Ayden.
Gee mike
Are you a little obsessed? Glad I am not like that.lol :smiley-love021:
I really enjoyed this scene. I enjoyed the little "set up" of two Broke Straight Boys models coming to do "work", that was fun for me as a departure from starting out in the studio with the question and answer interview, strip...etc. I can honestly say, I've never watched a porn video/scene,(here or elsewhere) even the ones I really enjoyed (like this one) where, my mind wasn't saying "I wish they would have done this, or did that." So, I don't even need to mention it. I look forward to more scenes with their own "unique" departure from the norm, as well as, Familiar models working with new or recently introduced models. Even if such scenes are spread out a bit, it still makes me anticipate things to come. Thanks guys @ BluMedia!!!!
I loved the scene, and easy 5! To see Conner back made me squeal; I love his body and that red hair.:001_wub: The banter between them was great; I think Conner's personality lent itself well to joking around. I also think it helped Ronan Kennedy, as he seemed more at ease. Ronan Kennedy's gorgeous cock did not disappoint either...it is a thing of beauty! My favorite thing was seeing Ronan Kennedy's eyes roll back as he was being blown and fucking...I just think that's so hot! Also the follow through with the shower was a very nice bonus; they guys seem so much more relaxed after they've cum (in this case, cum a lot)!:001_wub: Please, more scenes like this: fun banter, playful teasing and hot sex, followed by a shower...nummy!
Thank you guys, you are definitely added to my "spank bank" account!

I agree Beth. I thought it was a really good scene. The banter between them before the sex perhaps ran a bit long, but I think it also helped Ronan Kennedy to be more at ease since he's so new. I was very happy to see both Conner and Ronan Kennedy back again.

I gave it a 5. It was a little bit generous as there were some technical aspects that could have been better. I thought that many times the camera wasn't where I was hoping it would be. A case in point was when Ronan Kennedy was being topped doggy style. The head of his dick that was visible looked like he had a hardon. I would have liked to have gotten a good angle of his hardon while he was being fucked. I love seeing a new "straight guy" showing a hardon when he would probably not want us to notice it. lol Within a couple minutes of the fucking Ronan Kennedy had apparently lost most of his hardon. So the moment had passed anyway.

The shower scene afterwards was a nice touch. I found that I much enjoyed seeing Ronan Kennedy's hair looking like a poodle caught out in the rain. lol This is supposed to be reality porn and male eroticism. Seeing Ronan Kennedy's beautiful hair matted flat against his face in rather unkempt fashion is how he looks in private moments in the shower at home. So I felt rather privileged to see that. In and of itself it felt like he allowed me/us to glimpse him in yet another moment of private intimacy of that the rest of the world very rarely, if ever, gets to see. Thank you Ronan Kennedy! You're awesome man! xo

Some suggestions I'd offer though to make it more erotic would be at minimum if you're going to film two straight Broke Straight Boys models showering together as spectator sport, that they at least soap each other's backs. Yes. They really are trying get cleaned up from the video shoot rather than just pretending to shower. Of course that's expected that they will want to make sure that they really have cleaned up properly. But then, even though they've already cum and the true sex is over, they could also still stand behind or in front of the other and soap each other's chest, dicks, or butts. Maybe even gliding a soapy hand back and forth under each other's balls. The thought of Conner standing behind Ronan Kennedy in the shower and soaping his chest and soft or semi-hard dick with his bare hands from behind...with his own soft or semi-hard dick pressed against Ronan Kennedy's cheeks...with their faces nestled against each other's almost cheek to cheek...almost makes me shiver. haha Who could resist enjoying a little groping of each other's butts with soapy hands? Like they were kneading some of the finest dough? lol

Would that be interesting to watch? :anyone:

So all I'm saying is that even though we understand the real sex is over, there could still be a lot more done to make the shower scenes more sensual and erotic to watch. I hope the shower segments continue as an added bonus from time to time. Though I certainly don't expect or even want to see it done in every scene. It might get boring pretty quickly otherwise.
Rowan is back! Could hardly wait. Definitely the HOTTEST stud on Broke Straight Boys He's beautiful, great cock, comfortable, gets into the sex and has a sense of humor. What more could a man want?
Conner sure isn't a "boy' anymore. He did learn something about cock sucking from his tour of various porn sites and did take all of Rowan so props for that, but just doesn't cut it for me. He's having sex but not really in to it.
MORE ROWAN, less Conner.