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Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I'm not sure if this post belongs in the "General Chat Forum" (not membership site related) or in "Membership Site Chat, Comments & Suggestions". I'll take a shot here in General Chat, as this is where we are discussing ourselves.

When Stimpy returned to the forum, he posted and I agreed that it get's confusing for some of us, (perhaps the over 60 year olds :wink:) to distinguish one forumite from another when they have the exact same avatar, like the "Team Rob". Stowe1 just posted on the "Reciprocity " thread that I started this morning. When I read his post, I thought that he had already commented, but that was cum2me01, who uses the same Rob avatar.

I don't mean to seem like a "grumpy old man" :wink:, but I just wanted to mention that it confuses me. You guys and ladies can use whatever avatar's you choose, or none, but I just wanted to repeat what Stimpy had said a while back, that I would get to know you folks better if I had a clear visual recognition of who you are, or even just a screen name without a pic, that I would associate with your posts. Thanks for listening to my "beef". :blush:
for the reason you mentioned, i chose an avatar that was unique to me.
when i see your avatar i know straight way, rather right away, that it is you.
for the reason you mentioned, i chose an avatar that was unique to me.
when i see your avatar i know straight way, rather right away, that it is you.

Same here Another1 (or as Colin calls you, "Mr 1" lol), and both you and Mike have wonderful avatars. I love Mike's, it's so him. And Another1, I love yours too because your dog is so cute! I imagine Another1 that your dog is a very important part of your life, which just rounds you out even more and makes you such a neat guy (I remember that previously you were mourning the loss of your beloved spider, Cleo).

Ms. K helped me pick out my original avatar (Schroeder at the piano), but since I'm going back to my roots so to speak, and trying to get back to the guy I once was in various ways, I temporarily chose my current one which is a cropped pic of me when I was 20.

Once I feel like I'm where I want to be, I'll probably go back to Schroeder again. I wanted to show my support for Mick who I really like a lot, but didn't want to keep that one up too long since I love many things about many of the Broke Straight Boys models.

Well the last thing we want to do is have it confusing when making posts on the forums. We would like to take a vote on either to keep or remove the avatars.

Please vote here: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3648

Remember, this is based on popular votes, what is decided by the majority is how we will proceed. Be sure you are confident in your answer because there is no redacting your vote.
gee, if i vote to stop using avatars, no more doggy.
if people like having the same avatar, no power to them.
democracy is sometimes like two wolves and a sheep voting on what the have for dinner.
gee, if i vote to stop using avatars, no more doggy.
if people like having the same avatar, no power to them.
democracy is sometimes like two wolves and a sheep voting on what the have for dinner.

The vote is not to stop using avatars, it is to stop using the "Team _____" avatars.:biggrin:
Sorry guys, but I have a very different outlook on this subject of avatars. Avatars are a special individual touch of the member using it. It could be his/her picture, his/her favorite sports team, his/her pets, his/her favorite porn model, etc. As long as it is not of an image of something illegal, such as kiddy porn, the individual should be able to use what they want to identify with. In my opinion this would be a form of censorship, and that's not a good thing to get started. Where would it end?
Sorry guys, but I have a very different outlook on this subject of avatars. Avatars are a special individual touch of the member using it. It could be his/her picture, his/her favorite sports team, his/her pets, his/her favorite porn model, etc. As long as it is not of an image of something illegal, such as kiddy porn, the individual should be able to use what they want to identify with. In my opinion this would be a form of censorship, and that's not a good thing to get started. Where would it end?

I agree with Buckeye1. I chose Team Rob because he completely enthralled me with his cdudes scenes even before he started posting on the forum and doing the tour and the bts's. I might want to change to another avatar but since I'm a luddite when it comes to anything more than the most ordinary of computer functions, I wouldn't know how to get a new one. I might like to use the one I have on Facebook which is the gay pride flag but I wouldn't know how to do it. If anyone could assist me in how to do such a thing, then at least I would have the option. Thanks.
I live on a street where all of the houses look exactly the same, except they are all painted a different color which made it easy for people to identify who lived in which house. I decided that I liked the color that my neighbor's house is painted, so I paint mine exactly like his which confused a few of the people on the street. Should I be forced to paint my house again with a different color so people don't have to look at my house number to identify mine from my neighbors?
When I posted about "my confusion" by the use of the Team Avatars, I never was asking for a "ban" of them. I was merely stating how my brain has trouble differentiating between one poster's unique personality and another's when they have identical avatar's. Yes, the person's screen name is right there prominently too, but my eye and brain seem to focus on the smiling face of Rob, Bobby, Cole or yes even Jimmy. :cool:

I think it's wonderful to support your favorite model, as I do my favorite team with mine. It is just that when many folks have the identical identifying logo, I tend to confuse one with another.

But I was NEVER requesting a banning of them. It was only a request to my fellow forumites, to choose a unique image for themselves, to avoid confusion and to help us identify you and your unique personality and not to think that you are another poster with an identical avatar.

I too am a big advocate of free choice. It was merely a suggestion, but the decision should be with each poster, and not a forum "law".
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When I posted about "my confusion" by the use of the Team Avatars, I never was asking for a "ban" of them. I was merely stating how my brain has trouble differentiating between one poster's unique personality and another's when they have identical avatar's. Yes, the person's screen name is right there prominently too, but my eye and brain seem to focus on the smiling face of Rob, Bobby, Cole or yes even Jimmy. :cool:

I think it's wonderful to support your favorite model, as I do my favorite team with mine. It is just that when many folks have the identical identifying logo, I tend to confuse one with another.

But I was NEVER requesting a banning of them. It was only a request to my fellow forumites, to choose a unique image for themselves, to avoid confusion and to help us identify you and your unique personality and not to think that you are another poster with an identical avatar.

I too am a big advocate of free choice. It was merely a suggestion, but the decision should be with each poster, and not a forum "law".

Mike, Stimpy, I know your hearts and I know your are wonderful people. I would not have even gotten involved with this had it not gone to the "election" stage. But I cannot just stand by now and allow this election to go forward without at least giving an opposing view to the issue. It's what my forefathers fought and sometimes died for and it must be in my blood too. No hard feelings, I hope. None here.

And I agree, it should not be a forum law. That is why I am suggesting that this "election" be halted immediately. I think we are wise enough to solve our problems without making a lot of laws. I do commend management for their trying to give us what they think we want. I just don't think that we want to start rolling this ball.
in this world my unique personality appears as dog to display that i wish to be seen as loyal and persistent. with a keen nose and strong teeth and sharp eyes, just steps away from being wild. i also like smell your butt, mount your ass and stick my tongue down your throat. hey, i am a dog.
others may choose a favorite model and have a common avatar. a joint avatar. who am i to judge?
just because i like a unique avatar does mean i could oppose generic avatars.
in fact, i would think that more teams should be created, not less.
for those who wonder how to change too a unique avatar, the process is simple.
i did it and that is proof that it is easy to do. there others who know how to do it, like Mikeyank or Chuck.
i am going to wait until the last moment to vote. if it is a landslide one way or the other, then my vote would be unnecessary. if it come down to one vote to go one way or the other, then you will find me licking my ass, because i can.
the real world side of me wonders, does pale yellow shirt go with a dark blue suit?
sometimes elections seek to resolve issues that would otherwise evolve away.
how i love enlighten democracies.
God, I love this forum. And I love ALL you guys and gals too because you ARE this forum.

I went avatar shopping today. I like this one much better. It's the first letter of my last name. Or it's the first letter of "sex". Or it's the first letter of "Stimpy". Etc., etc. etc.
Now that I have had a good night's sleep and I got rid of my migraine, I can think much better this morning.

I retract my statement for calling off the election. We should have the election. That's what we do in this country. And my forefathers fought for that right too. Besides, it doesn't pertain to me personally, because the avatars in question don't bother me and I don't use them anymore. I've got my own brand spankin' new avatar, and I like it best.

Love y'all
God, I love this forum. And I love ALL you guys and gals too because you ARE this forum.

I went avatar shopping today. I like this one much better. It's the first letter of my last name. Or it's the first letter of "sex". Or it's the first letter of "Stimpy". Etc., etc. etc.
You are a wonderful addition to this forum Buckeye1.
I absolutely LOVE having you here with us. :001_tt2:
Its your thang! Dooo what you want to dooo!

Now that I have had a good night's sleep and I got rid of my migraine, I can think much better this morning.

I retract my statement for calling off the election. We should have the election. That's what we do in this country. And my forefathers fought for that right too. Besides, it doesn't pertain to me personally, because the avatars in question don't bother me and I don't use them anymore. I've got my own brand spankin' new avatar, and I like it best.

Love y'all

Dear Robb with the "new avatar",

My avatar has changed over the time from when I first joined. As I first began masturbating by thumbing through and catalogs that were handy looking for sexy pictures, I featured a black&white page straight from the men's underwear section from Sears as a fitting choice for my first avatar. It has seen a few revisions until I finally found the ultimate one for me, featuring (Porn) Shane featured in many episodes on Broke Straight Boys-1. I don't wish to suggest that members should get only one attempt at finding the perfect avatar for them. It is like buying new shoes, try as many on as you need until you find the one that really fits. And, I agree with Mikeyank's position that I don't want those with the confusing team avatars forced to abandon them or abandon their expression of support for their favorite model.

I just found the resulting confusion of members based on their sharing the same team avatars as hopelessly confusing to me, with my natural tendency to be visually stimulated by photos first before taking note of the member's name next to it. It makes it difficult to establish a members unique identity when you have shared photos used as the avatar. But, like Mikeyank and Robb, it is up to each individual's choice. I think it is asking alot for Broke Straight Boys to be providing generic avatars as each new model arrives on site. Dear Colin is the point in case in this example. And, naturally there will be many more to be added as time goes on. And, long after they have left Broke Straight Boys, others may have no particular reference for them and the team they represent.

Since that sexy Rob Ryder chooses to work for College Dudes, unless you subscribe to College Dudes, you wouldn't have any idea about his legacy on the College Dudes site anyway. My own avatar with Shane featured on it has only a limited shelf-life too, due to him no longer working for Broke Straight Boys

What I am saying is..."Its your thang! Dooo what you want to dooo!!" I certainly don't picture myself as "THE AVATAR POLICE"!


in this world my unique personality appears as dog to display that i wish to be seen as loyal and persistent. with a keen nose and strong teeth and sharp eyes, just steps away from being wild. i also like smell your butt, mount your ass and stick my tongue down your throat. hey, i am a dog.
others may choose a favorite model and have a common avatar. a joint avatar. who am i to judge?
just because i like a unique avatar does mean i could oppose generic avatars.
in fact, i would think that more teams should be created, not less.
for those who wonder how to change too a unique avatar, the process is simple.
i did it and that is proof that it is easy to do. there others who know how to do it, like Mikeyank or Chuck.
i am going to wait until the last moment to vote. if it is a landslide one way or the other, then my vote would be unnecessary. if it come down to one vote to go one way or the other, then you will find me licking my ass, because i can.
the real world side of me wonders, does pale yellow shirt go with a dark blue suit?
sometimes elections seek to resolve issues that would otherwise evolve away.
how i love enlighten democracies.

Another1, as much as I love looking at images of Colin, I really miss your adorable doggy avatar!!!!!!