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avatars :)

who has the sexiest avatar?

  • lovelumps (laura)

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • jwglass (joe)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • missdeidra (deidra)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • zyl84 (z)

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
sexy avatars are all over the forum. deidra, laura, joe and myself have inspired one another. so... who's avatar is hottest! PS, our avatars are not of us. they are of people very dear and special to one another. :)
You've just made this a very difficult decision... How to choose, how to choose... I'm worried about poor Joe in this poll;) Somehow I feel he's not going to get many votes...
I picked Joe's. Those be some HAWT TITTAY'S! ;)
i do have a hot pair now dont i!
of course z is winning, everyone wants in his pants.....or at least whoevers pants those are
I don't understand why my "special" armpit isn't getting more votes! I bet it would if there was a face attached to it! ;)

BTW Best thread ever that only we 4 are posting on. LOVE IT.
I don't understand why my "special" armpit isn't getting more votes! I bet it would if there was a face attached to it! ;)

BTW Best thread ever that only we 4 are posting on. LOVE IT.

the reason its the best thread ever is for reasons i cant say because i would be in trouble for saying something rude towards other members.....im sorry miss deidra
okay im coming clean, the guy in z's avatar is me!
remember parisnoyd's avatars?

parisnoyd had the all time hottest avatars ever, changed on a whim every 2 or 3 weeks. They were his serial heart-throbs of the moment from the pornsite Bel Ami This is the guy he called his "Toddy".


  • parisnoyd's 1Todd.jpg
    parisnoyd's 1Todd.jpg
    15.9 KB · Views: 101
  • parisnoyd's 2Todd.jpg
    parisnoyd's 2Todd.jpg
    17.9 KB · Views: 144
  • parisnoyd's 3Todd.jpg
    parisnoyd's 3Todd.jpg
    29.5 KB · Views: 99
haha, i'm winning as the hottest avatar BUT i'm in trouble for the avatar, lol. go go sexy abs!
You are winning... but I'm happy to see Joe has a couple of votes... And I'm in second place... :001_tt2:
one vote....but im not counting, I LOVE MY TITTIES!
Someones missing

Hey Z,

Why aren't Slimmie's sexy abs and chest in that poll? They have been on this forum, longer than any of these new body part avatars.:001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1:

It's because when it comes down to it, I'm a very vain person and I have a stake in two of the entries!

It's because when it comes down to it, I'm a very vain person and I have a stake in two of the entries!
I've been getting PMs duplicated, and people are posting to the threads twice. Is that because the site is so slow that you give up and try again only to find that while you were waiting for your message to upload it was sneakily uploading after all and you sent it again thinking it hadn't? What's up with that?