Jon, you are awesome guy. What do you expect I was a US Marine. I want it all or nothing. In my book a civil union or partnership is no win at all. It is an appeasement and a way to segregate people. Therefore not acceptable.
Please understand that I have a fair knowledge of theology. Before the Spanish inquisition Gays and Lesbians were openly married in churches of every denomination. People who have never studied theology in depth don't always understand the Bible passages that are used against us (I.e "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13) Two things that need to be noted here. First this is time when the size of tribes of Israel are dwindling. This was spoken to encourage everyone who can to help rebuild the tribes of Israel. Secondly, this was never spoken by God or Jesus. It was spoken by man in this context. Again, I say keep it simple. Marriage is not a sacred union between a man and a woman. Marriage is a sacred union between two people who love each other. Man wrote the definition and man edited it too. It does not matter what the heterosexual population wants to believe. They are not superior to Gays and Lesbians. ((please read "Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, by Jon Boswell.) it is a little dry but very informative.)
G.W. Hardin with Joseph Crane wrote a book in 1999 entitled "On the Wings of Heaven." Joe asked for G.W. Harden's help in writing this book because G.W. Harden was a New York Time best selling Author. Joe is a heterosexual man who is visited by an Angel named Michael. He is instructed to write a book titled, "Blessings Gifts, and Deeds" Joe is also asked to begin teaching God's truth and to gather the "Sevens." (I was gathered in 2004) Each of the "Sevens" represent one of the seven Chakra's, Churches, or Personalities of man. Michael tells Joe: "Starting another church will serve no useful purpose, and will only confuse people more than they already are. So, over the next two years, you will be told of God's will for his children, and in this time you will choose three women and four men to take this message out into the world. They will know you and you know them. Out of the seven, three will be what you call Gay." Joe objected to this and told the Angel that churches and people would laugh at him because being gay is supposed to be a sin. He joked saying that would be like telling them to sell off all of their ornate objects and and feed the hungry and to open their doors to house the homeless. The Angel then said, "I knew you were the right man for the job." "God does not care what they think, so why should you. Let them forbid what they will, let them be selective with whomever is let into their houses. God is not limited in his love and will not deny the kingdom to anyone."
At a later point in the book Joe broached the subject again with the Angel Michael. The Angel told him, "As long as human kind has walked the Earth, there have been people who are gay-perfect whole and complete just the way they are. You see the more religions get accepted, the more self-righteous it becomes in this good verses-evil. When outside forces begin to let up, pressure begins building from within for conformity, beginning with the smallest number of members who act differently or think differently from the majority. The religions actions become no better than those of earlier persecutors. However, their persecution is now done in the name of God or Jesus or the Bible."
"Sex is a gift from God for you to give to the one that you love as your gift of affection. There is nothing bad or wrong about what gender you give this gift to. It is up to you. However, it is the choice of the receiver to accept it or not."
Anyway, Jon I totally understand your view point. However, I choose not to give away my power of the freedom to choose and be equal to my heterosexual brothers and sisters. As I said, they can make the law. It is just writing on a piece of paper. It holds no power over me regardless of what it reads. I will be married to another man legally under the doctrine of my church and God's laws. What ever right they choose to give me beyond that politically so be it. I will still tell people openly that I am marrying same sex couples and and state that I am married whenever that happens. It is their law let them defend it. Even if it means jail time... I would love to be martyr for this issue any day. I love ya Jon.