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Anybody else miss BRADLEY?

I'm not sufficiently adept at the technology to be able to
include his photo in a response message.

Maybe this will help, TG. :)

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/swfobject.js"></script><div id="mediaspace">This text will be replaced</div><script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/jwplayer/player.swf","mpl","640","504","9"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("wmode","opaque"); so.addVariable("file","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-attach-a-picture.mp4"); so.addVariable("image","http://members.Broke Straight Boys.com/howto/How-to-attach-a-picture.gif"); so.write("mediaspace");</script>
It's important to note that you must first download pictures to your computer before you will be able to transfer them on to the forum.
It's important to note that you must first download pictures to your computer before you will be able to transfer them on to the forum.

I don't download any pictures that I post. I just right click, then click on copy url. Then I go to the insert image icon, paste the url, and my picture appears.
Last edited:
I can't seem to do it Ms Kianna's way, nor do I have any
images copied to my computer.

Alas, alack.

I was much impressed by Scorpio's video, for which I thank you, Tampa24.

For purposes of this thread, I would refer people to the BOYS listing.
Bradley's there, alright.

Thanks to all of you for you contributions to this thread.

This Bradley? He did several scenes......

MS K, Thank you for doing what was beyond my abilities!

Yes, yes, that's the boy.

Anyone else think he's adorable and worth 'seeing more of'?


Thanks TG. You should know however, that I was being facetious. I always knew who Bradley was/is. I actually wanted to like him, i tried. For some reason, I just could not.
Damn, he's a new one for me. I don't ever remember seeing him before. He must have come through here while I was incarcerated. I'll check him out today.
Oh, JLipps; thanks for letting me know. I had taken you
quite seriously.

Buckeye, please do. I hope you'll see that, like Dan White*,
he has that boy-next-door quality that just begs to be
elaborated upon.... to invent a term.


*But handsomer, I think.
I certainly do miss Bradley. He is a cute guy and was very good in his scenes. Wish he was still with BSB2 however, it seems that he is gone like so many of the other cute guys. Seems to be the norm on this site. I quess I should say that perhaps this is normal on all sites.
I certainly do miss Bradley. He is a cute guy and was very good in his scenes. Wish he was still with BSB2 however, it seems that he is gone like so many of the other cute guys. Seems to be the norm on this site. I quess I should say that perhaps this is normal on all sites.
Exactly Jayshaw, this is the nature of the business. With rare exceptions, like our wonderful handsome and intelligent Jason, porn is something that a young guy may do for a short time, but it is probably best for them to move on with their lives, and get a "real" job with a future for themselves. And generally speaking the "shelf life" of a gay porn model is relatively short.

And as we have heard some really tragic stories as to what has happened to some of our former Broke Straight Boys's, I can only hope and pray that more of them will move on as our Logan did to lucrative careers, while fondly remembering their days as Broke Straight Boys
Buckeye, please do. I hope you'll see that, like Dan White*,
he has that boy-next-door quality that just begs to be
elaborated upon.... to invent a term.
Ok. TG, I went back and watched Bradley's four scenes. You are exactly right that he is a great looking young man with a nice personality at least equal to the new jocks coming on board now.

The only problem I saw with Bradley is the fact that he was unable to get his cock hard which is pretty important on a porn site. We didn't even get to see his cock until his third scene. And then his cum shot was like one drop, which Chad quickly rubbed into his leg where it landed. I was really feeling sorry for him. It had to have been a real deflating of his ego for a football jock not to be able to get an erection. I would have to believe that the environment of cameras, lights and people watching had to have probably been the problem. I also believe that most people could not perform under those same circumstances, myself included.

I think Bradley probably ended his own short career in the porn industry rather than embarrass himself any more than he already had. He did have a good cum shot in his last scene, but in that same scene, Broke Straight Boys wanted him to top and Bradley wasn't able to do it, and chose to bottom instead.

Like you, TG, I wish Bradley had become one of Broke Straight Boys's new exciting models, but he didn't. And, unfortunately, I don't expect that he will be back. Of course this is only my opinion. He may be in an update before the of this month. I quit trying to figure out Broke Straight Boys's way of scheduling releases. lol
Buckeye1, I must consider you a Broke Straight Boys brother to have gone
so far in examining my thesis. I truly appreciate the effort
you made.

Your analysis is probably spot-on, however painful for us
Bradley fans to hear. I'm confident if he could have gone
on he would have overcome his fears and passed many
more hurdles. As is said in the American Midwest, "Yeah,
and if grandma had wheels she'd be a bicycle".

I never care about the models topping; it's their bottoming
and intimacy skills that turn me on (as well as smoking),
as the whole little world of the Forum knows by now.
Shyness to me is like catnip, so his hesitation only made
him more delicious in my ravishing eyes.

If Broke Straight Boys has taught me anything, it's that one must live in the moment,
even when it comes to porn stars.

Bradley, wherever you are, a fond kiss--pardon my tongue down your
throat and my hands on your arse--and fare-thee-well!

"Yeah, and if grandma had wheels she'd be a bicycle".

I never care about the models topping; it's their bottoming
and intimacy skills that turn me on (as well as smoking),
as the whole little world of the Forum knows by now.
Shyness to me is like catnip, so his hesitation only made
him more delicious in my ravishing eyes.


Dear new Broke Straight Boys brother,

Having been born and reared in the American midwest, I must say that I have never heard of that saying of grandma and her wheels before.....very funny stuff. And I had to hear it first from a Brit. I just love you Brits and your great sense of humor.

We seem to have something, besides Bradley, in common. I also love shyness and hesitation in our new models. It makes them so much more realistic, human and yes, even loveable. Intimacy is also a huge turn-on for me, but only after the model has been here for several months. And to be honest, intimacy should be spontaneous and leaving the models wondering "what the hell just happened".

As far as bottoming goes, I enjoy watching a truly straight guy loosing his cherry ass. It's not that I want to take anything away from his straight manhood, but only to enhance his manhood in a way that he never thought was possible. My desire is that, if nothing else, he would take this knowledge of prostate stimulation with him in his future straight life, long after his porn days are behind him, and enjoy the hell out of it.

One recent example of this would have to be our beloved Blake. I actually had tears in my eyes watching his amazing reaction at getting his ass plowed for the first time. That scene for me will probably be the best one that I have ever witnessed, and his fear and hesitation beforehand made it even better.

Another also comes to mind.....Beth, here on the forum, and her husband, Steve. I have never met nor seen Steve, but he has become a hero to me. Any straight man who admits that prostate stimulation is hot and routinely includes it in his sex life, has my 5 star rating.

Thanks, TG for your response. Nice to be your new brother here.
As a post script to my above post and to anyone who loves shyness as a quality in our models:

Check out (again) Giovanni (10-31-07 and 11-17-07). This guy, in my opinion is as cute as a button. I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and smother him with kisses. Too bad that he only made two scenes.