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Another day .. Another Dime...

BSB Jason

BSB Model
BSB Model
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
So it’s been some time since I’ve last posted... as usual I apologize for my lack of attention. It’s been a busy few weeks since my birthday. I’ve been helping a friend fight for unemployment ... gotta support the 99% lol. But even more time consuming then that I’ve discovered my latest addiction... The Sims.

When the Sims initially debuted like 10 years ago... I bought it, I played it and I loved it. Later I briefly explored The Sims 2 but got preoccupied with life and became distant from the once cherished past time. For my birthday I spent a lot of time at Wal-Mart ... kinda just squandering money at first. I bought some things ... took em back ... bought some more things ... took em back... then I bought The Sims 3 and Civilization 5.

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so addicted to something. The first day I played for 42 hours straight. No sleeping... no eating. Just a Coca-Cola and my computer. It induces insomnia like smoking crack (or so I would imagine)

I’ve also been to quite a few doctor appointments lately as well. Nothing major wrong... but a few years ago I popped an epigastral hernia above my naval. Aside from the protruding intestine it’s otherwise symptomless. But finally I plan to get it fixed.

Next month I’m scheduled to have surgery to have it repaired. Surely it will break the bank... but i feel that it’s a necessary procedure and will have to be done eventually... so I might as well get it over with!

The sun is finally shining bright over Allegheny County! It’s been a perfect temperature all week. Averaging somewhere in the 70's. For those of you that aren’t aware... I HATE THE COLD!! But even though the temp is high the humidity is low and the breeze is cool. Producing the ideal environment. I’m so glad to see winter disappear! I think I’m going to start walking around. I also enjoy walking miles and miles exploring the unknown (Preferring to explore wooded areas)

My one room in my house had carpeting and with extensive partying in my younger years the white carpet was destroyed over time. So as a solution we ripped it up and just left a concrete floor. It worked for a while but soon got old. Yesterday I began laying new hard wood floors. It’s about halfway done and so far looks amazing. But there is still work to be done. One wall have tons of small gashes in it from where my drunk friends thought it would be a good ideal to throw my knife collection at the wall. The other three walls are all signed by various people ... some of which signed in neon green spray paint. I’m not sure what I was thinking back then ... but despite the fun there’s a mess to be resolved years later.

Perhaps this weekend I will do some minor patching and this week I will paint. The floor is a bit expensive so I’m doing it in sections. The room is about 12x12 maybe a bit bigger and I’d say about 1/3 of the floor is done. In April right before my surgery I think I will buy new couches. When my aunt died she left me this awesome 60's shag couch which half the time I sleep on... but the springs are starting to go and when you sit.. sometime you go all the way to the floor hahaha.

Ive also been doing quite a bit of parkour practice.. which is my favorite sport. Hmm all this activity and I may just get back into shape this spring haha it didnt help being immobilized this summer with a broken ankle.. maybe I can make up the lost time this year :)

So I’m rather busy lately as you can tell. Which I suppose is how I would prefer it! But I hope that you are all well and prosperous. I’d love to hear from you so don’t be afraid to say hi.. Let me know how your doing and whats keeping you busy these days ?Or tell me a funny story XD Ive usually got a ton and if you can't tell could talk for ever :)

So it’s been some time since I’ve last posted... as usual I apologize for my lack of attention. It’s been a busy few weeks since my birthday. I’ve been helping a friend fight for unemployment ... gotta support the 99% lol. But even more time consuming then that I’ve discovered my latest addiction... The Sims.

When the Sims initially debuted like 10 years ago... I bought it, I played it and I loved it. Later I briefly explored The Sims 2 but got preoccupied with life and became distant from the once cherished past time. For my birthday I spent a lot of time at Wal-Mart ... kinda just squandering money at first. I bought some things ... took em back ... bought some more things ... took em back... then I bought The Sims 3 and Civilization 5.

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so addicted to something. The first day I played for 42 hours straight. No sleeping... no eating. Just a Coca-Cola and my computer. It induces insomnia like smoking crack (or so I would imagine)

I’ve also been to quite a few doctor appointments lately as well. Nothing major wrong... but a few years ago I popped an epigastral hernia above my naval. Aside from the protruding intestine it’s otherwise symptomless. But finally I plan to get it fixed.

Next month I’m scheduled to have surgery to have it repaired. Surely it will break the bank... but i feel that it’s a necessary procedure and will have to be done eventually... so I might as well get it over with!

The sun is finally shining bright over Allegheny County! It’s been a perfect temperature all week. Averaging somewhere in the 70's. For those of you that aren’t aware... I HATE THE COLD!! But even though the temp is high the humidity is low and the breeze is cool. Producing the ideal environment. I’m so glad to see winter disappear! I think I’m going to start walking around. I also enjoy walking miles and miles exploring the unknown (Preferring to explore wooded areas)

My one room in my house had carpeting and with extensive partying in my younger years the white carpet was destroyed over time. So as a solution we ripped it up and just left a concrete floor. It worked for a while but soon got old. Yesterday I began laying new hard wood floors. It’s about halfway done and so far looks amazing. But there is still work to be done. One wall have tons of small gashes in it from where my drunk friends thought it would be a good ideal to throw my knife collection at the wall. The other three walls are all signed by various people ... some of which signed in neon green spray paint. I’m not sure what I was thinking back then ... but despite the fun there’s a mess to be resolved years later.

Perhaps this weekend I will do some minor patching and this week I will paint. The floor is a bit expensive so I’m doing it in sections. The room is about 12x12 maybe a bit bigger and I’d say about 1/3 of the floor is done. In April right before my surgery I think I will buy new couches. When my aunt died she left me this awesome 60's shag couch which half the time I sleep on... but the springs are starting to go and when you sit.. sometime you go all the way to the floor hahaha.

Ive also been doing quite a bit of parkour practice.. which is my favorite sport. Hmm all this activity and I may just get back into shape this spring haha it didnt help being immobilized this summer with a broken ankle.. maybe I can make up the lost time this year :)

So I’m rather busy lately as you can tell. Which I suppose is how I would prefer it! But I hope that you are all well and prosperous. I’d love to hear from you so don’t be afraid to say hi.. Let me know how your doing and whats keeping you busy these days ?Or tell me a funny story XD Ive usually got a ton and if you can't tell could talk for ever :)


Hey Jason,

I am so glad to hear from you and to see that you still are getting some work here on BSB2. You have been one of my favorite models since day one. When you disapppeared for awhile after BSB2 got started, I begged management to give you more scenes. I'm not the only one...you are really loved by almost everyone here (or at least the members that speak up). I have never heard a bad word about you. You have become a legend here and I hope you'll be here for a long, long time to come.

I, too, have been working on my home. My parents have both passed on and left me the old family home which I grew up in. As you are doing, the carpet has got to go. Only difference, there are beautiful hardwood floors under the carpet through out the house. All I have to do is sand, stain and varnish the existing floors. But I have eight large rooms to do. Wanna help?

Sorry...don't have a funny story for you. Maybe next time.

Thanks Jason for all of your effort to please your fans. Just giving us the chance to interact with you on this forum means a lot to most of us. I always look forward to your next scene. You're one of the best of the best, my friend.

Love ya, man.
A voice from the recent past...

Dear Jason,:angel:

Buckeye is right, you are loved by many and I am so excited to hear from you again. Just yesterday, I thought to myself, Wow, it has been quite a while since seeing your sweet face. You know you will always have a home among forumites who would love nothing more than seeing you once again.

I want to wish you well with your needed surgery. I hope your recovery will be next to instant!!!!! I don't mean to pry, but besides waiting for the surgery, what are you doing for your livelihood. :confused: Are you considering modeling for Broke Straight Boys in the future? Are you attending or planning on attending school in the future?

I will be looking for more of your postings, now that I know you are still on-line. GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU! YOU REALLY HAVE BEEN MISSED ON THE SET, TOO!

Love your beautiful smile,

Hey Jason!

I just wanted to make sure I greeted you before I went to bed and told you what a pleasure it is to hear from you again. You have been greatly missed. I look forward to catching up with you more tomorrow. :biggrin: :wink:
Hi Jason:
Nice to hear from you! It is nice that spring has arrived in our area. I live a little north of you near Buffalo NY.
I read what you said about the paint, just a word of advise, my summer job last yearwas painting, invest in KILZ paint, it will seal out the spray paint that will eventually bleed through normal paint. We did a really nice mansion last summer that been broken in to and the vandals had spray painted the walls, KILZ covered it up. If someone had smoked in the house it will stop regular paint from yellowing. It is worht the investment.
Good luck on your surgery, I am facing some also. Not looking forward to it.
Take care!
Hi Jason:
Nice to hear from you! It is nice that spring has arrived in our area. I live a little north of you near Buffalo NY.
I read what you said about the paint, just a word of advise, my summer job last yearwas painting, invest in KILZ paint, it will seal out the spray paint that will eventually bleed through normal paint. We did a really nice mansion last summer that been broken in to and the vandals had spray painted the walls, KILZ covered it up. If someone had smoked in the house it will stop regular paint from yellowing. It is worht the investment.
Good luck on your surgery, I am facing some also. Not looking forward to it.
Take care!

hey guys,
I hope that both of you will take care of yourselves. Surgeries are no fun, but look past the day of, and focus on the rest of your lives. I will being sending positive thoughts your way! Please take care and rest as much as possible.
So I’ve been noticing quite a bit of chatter regarding my potential absence, so I would like to address that first. First, you have an upcoming video with spencer to enjoy that’s coming soon. Also my hernia is neither a major medical condition or very noticeable, in fact I’ve had it for 2 years. It’s just something that prevents me from exercising my core and is contributing to me not being in the shape that I would prefer. All around it’s just a better course of action to have it corrected before it worsens. I’ve consulted with some of the best medical staff and surgeons in the city. The opinion is that with my youth, proper dieting, exercise, tanning and proper skin care … the scar will be very unnoticeable. The recovery period is about six weeks. I’ve spoken extensively with the production staff about the matter. It is being considered to do a shoot directly prior to the operation. That way ... the videos will release in such a time frame that you will never even notice that I’m gone.
It’s always great when friends and fans alike have positive things to say about someone. I greatly appreciate all the compliments that I receive on a daily basis. In the recent months, I’ve taken extra steps to improve both my work and relations with the viewers. I’ve perceived this opportunity more as a career and focused the appropriate attention. Granted this may not last as long as a typical career but if you’re not going to try your best... then why try at all? I’m grateful for the opportunities that the production crew has extended to me and hope that I can continue you please you in the ways that I have thus far.
I love to build things. I’ve had a few positions in the carpentry field and studied it in high school for two years. It doesn’t strike me as a burden... I enjoy doing the work! I’m always up for a new building challenge. I to inherited a family house that has a bit of work to be done. After posting, I looked around and decided to finish the floor. So now that’s done.. Moving on to the walls then accessories.
As for my current lively hood, I do plan to continue modeling for Broke Straight Boys as of current. There are some things possibly in the works but nothing set in stone yet. I previously started school a few years ago. I do take online courses and independent research to increase my knowledge and potential. Although I do not attend a class I am always looking for a new way to enhance my education. Either by hands-on experience or bookwork. I work as a bar manager most of the other time. I work for a fella that owns several establishments and I assist in the daily operation of all of them. Over the recent months the hours have been cut down unfortunately but I still manage. I also hope to go on the tour this year as well!

Nice to see you are still around. From your post, I take it your plans to move to Texas have changed, our loss.

As for the surgery, I am having that same surgery in July. Am not looking forward to it either. Good luck with yours!
Hey Jason, It is so good to see you back with us on the forum. It sounds like you are keeping more than busy. If you have not found out already, you'll soon learn that when you have property, the work never ends. But, it sounds like we share a love in dong work around the house and the satisfaction derived from it. Like the others, I wish you only the best. I too have a hernia but it is bothersome only from time to time and have been told to leave well enough alone..at least for now. I want to wish you only the best and that you have a speedy recovery. It's good to know that you'll continue your work for Broke Straight Boys and, I think I can say, many of us are looking forward to seeing you again. You do a great job here and you sound like a person who takes that ethic to every project. Best wishes in all that you do and I'll be watching for your up-coming scenes.
Hi Jason, It's good to hear from you again. I'm glad you are having the surgery while you are young as you will heal quickly and avoid what could be really rough times in the future. Obviously you are an intellegent indiviual who makes good decisions.

As you, I also enjoy working around the house. Back in 1992 I restored the victorian that I grew up in. (I bought it after mom passed). My dad help me a lot with the restoration. It's amazing how much you learn doing that work. I hope you have as much fun as I did. It is truly rewarding. Best wishes.
.....You know, Jason, I was thinking about pulling out the carpet in my house, and putting in wood floors. Since you have so much experience...........
Dearest Jason,

It is so nice to hear from you again! Rest assured that you have been in our thoughts and you've been missed. It sure sounds like you have stayed incredibly busy. I do hope the Sims addiction has cooled down enough to allow you to focus on the other productive things around the house. haha I also must say that I admire your work ethic in treating the modeling work seriously. Even though as you're aware of, the modeling thing is rarely something that will last beyond a few years. But while it lasts why not give it the attention and effort that makes it worthy of being seen? So I tip my hat to you for both being hardworking and industrious (in all aspects of your life) while also as a big fan and a viewer of your video work, being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. haha

I do hope that your hours pick up again. Hopefully with an improving economy, work of all sorts will become more plentiful.

You really haven't made clear if you have given up on Texas or if the repairs you are doing around the house are primarily going to be for your own use and enjoyment or if you are trying to fix it up in order to sell it. Although buying new furniture would seem to indicate a desire to stick around.

In any case I am happy that you are still coming up with the money and the desire to do some restorations. I admire that you are finding that with the maturity of age there comes a time to undo some of the more immature mistakes of the past. Dents, stains, graffiti, holes in the walls, etc. lol Not that those mistakes were so bad in the context of the age and time period of your life. Most of it was fairly age appropriate. lol We all have to go through some immature (and sometimes destructive) behavior. But then we come through the other side of it with wisdom and good sense. I think you've turned out very well Jason. That other period of your life was not so bad in the grand scheme of things. It gave us the wonderful young adult we have before us today. xo

Best of luck with the surgery. I agree with you and your doctors that now while you are still very young is the time to get things like this taken care of. The recovery period will go much better for you. Plus you can check it off the list and be able to put your energies and priorities on other things of your own choosing. And rest assured from me personally that as a big fan of yours I will not be turned off by some insignificant scar. Even if was a big scar...it wouldn't be able to detract one iota from all of your natural beauty. Both inside and out.

Big hugs!
.....You know, Jason, I was thinking about pulling out the carpet in my house, and putting in wood floors. Since you have so much experience...........

You've got that right, Jason has lots of experience, but I think he's better at "laying it down!" :wtf:
I can easily see how one could assume that my plans for Texas have been terminated. They have not. I have just taken some time to get my ducks in a row. Realizing so man things that need done I put a plan together that each aspect provides for the next. I am doing remodeling at my old family home and have thoughts of buying furniture. That doesnt indicate im sticking around... actually to the contrary!

The work on the house.. needs done regardless. I did it. Now im staying here. I enjoy living in a nice environment. What more reason do I need to fix it up. I choose to stay here temporarily as it drastically decreases my expenses so that I can make room for others without becoming overwhelmed. Completeing the renovation gives me alot to do .. keeping me active. The work is productive and I enjoy it !!

Furniture ... is still being decided on. However the fact is I need new furniture. sooner rather than later. I could wait until I move to buy it but couldnt wait longer then that. So I figure it I buy it now .. and other things over time.. I can reestablish my assets and be better prepared to move.

But Im also in the market for a new car. I havent owned one since 2008. Ive been looking for a used car and came acrossed one that was like $16K but super nice. Without anyreal expectation I had the sales person apply for credit which I was certain I wouldnt get. To my suprise I got it ! Later my friend said for that money I could get a new car. After some perusing .. I found a Hyundai Veloster. $18K stock $23k fully loaded. I really liked the car and as of current its way out of my price range.

The way I figure it... I stay here and have the surgery. Recover and focus the majority of time on rehabilitation and fitness. A little side work here.. a part time job there... save as much as possibile. I need new couches and bedroom furniture.. I can aquire those over time. I can also use this time to save for a car. But when fall begins I want to be far away for winter. That time frame could allow me to save half what i need for a good down payment and money for first month second month rent and security deposit. I will have already collected the furniture over time and I have a car. Before the option was always "Do I want a car" or "Do I want to move to Texas" This new plan, although adding a few short months to the time frame, allows for both the move and the car. The car also being an establishment of credit which will prove usefull in the long run !

So yes Texas is still the Plan ... Looking like Austin or San Antonio. But ive heard better things about Austin and thats the way Im leaning. My goal .. By Halloween. I want to spend Halloween night in my Apartment in (probably) Austin.
As always it is great to hear from you. You have been my favorite for a long time. I guess I am one of your more outspoken fans. Anytime someone suggests that a scene should be done with Billy Bob or Joe Shmoe.... I always pipe in and say hook him up with the best... Jason.
I went through a major surgery in 2008 and I still have problems from it... but it also saved my life... so I am very grateful for that. I wish you luck with yours and my prayers are with you.
I am always looking forward to your next scene. And I hope you stay intouch with us on here.
Your Fan, Erik
So yes Texas is still the Plan ... Looking like Austin or San Antonio. But ive heard better things about Austin and thats the way Im leaning. My goal .. By Halloween. I want to spend Halloween night in my Apartment in (probably) Austin.

OMG, Austin is absolutely insane on Halloween! At least 6th Street is. They rope 6th St off at two ends and people come out in their most outrageous costumes and parade in a loop style up down 6th St where it has been cordoned off. Of course their are bars all up and down that segment of 6th St. There are literally thousands of Halloweeners out there that night. It is great fun!

I have lived in both, and Austin is definitely the better choice for a single young man. SA is a better choice for a family. Austin provides far more entertainment for young singles than SA does. SA has a lot of entertainment activities for kids. The great thing is, one can live in Austin, and when one wants can travel the 50 miles down to SA.

Well, hope your plans stay on track! Good luck with all that, and with the surgery.
A question for the actor in the scene

I want to thank you Jason for your participation on the forum. Your posts seem to come from your heart, and you do not write "form letter" type responses to your fans. You have provided us with some inside looks at the business of shooting 'gay for pay' porn.

Your most recently released pairing with Spencer has earned you unanimous praise, myself included. You had a positive, upbeat personality throughout the scene, quipping with both Clay and your partner. However your scene partner received a largely negative response from many here.

I don't know how much you are allowed to share with us, but I would sure love to hear "from the horses mouth", what your experience was like during that most controversial scene. If you cannot comment, I still love your work and your attitude, both in your scenes and on the forum.
I want to thank you Jason for your participation on the forum. Your posts seem to come from your heart, and you do not write "form letter" type responses to your fans. You have provided us with some inside looks at the business of shooting 'gay for pay' porn.

Your most recently released pairing with Spencer has earned you unanimous praise, myself included. You had a positive, upbeat personality throughout the scene, quipping with both Clay and your partner. However your scene partner received a largely negative response from many here.

I don't know how much you are allowed to share with us, but I would sure love to hear "from the horses mouth", what your experience was like during that most controversial scene. If you cannot comment, I still love your work and your attitude, both in your scenes and on the forum.


In response to "from the hoarses mouth" I posted a comment on the "Spencer Needs to Go" thread (I think thats what it's called) that I feel might address your question. Im not sure if it does but if not please let me know and I will ellaborate further !

In response to "from the hoarses mouth" I posted a comment on the "Spencer Needs to Go" thread (I think thats what it's called) that I feel might address your question. Im not sure if it does but if not please let me know and I will ellaborate further !
You sure did address my question there, and I thanked you profusely for being here with us on the forum to give us a reality check as to the real deal in these scenes. You are a wonderful young man, and it is a pleasure to have you with us. :angel: